Edge of Reality - Michael Grosso

14 ott 2022 · 1 h 22 min. 3 sec.
Edge of Reality - Michael Grosso

Is there an actual, verifiable, scientific relationship between the idea of consciousness and reported contact experiences that many people claim to have with non-human intelligences? On this week’s “Edge of...

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Is there an actual, verifiable, scientific relationship between the idea of consciousness and reported contact experiences that many people claim to have with non-human intelligences? On this week’s “Edge of Reality Radio,” I’ll be joined by philosophical scholar Michael Grosso, author of many books on mythology and psychical research. He’ll discuss his own powerful UFO experience and offer reasons why the public may or may not be ready to learn the truth about UFOs. We’ll also look at out-of-body experiences, channeling and the question of whether there have been, throughout history, cases where humans have reportedly levitated. Much to discuss!
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