
Durian Dilemma: A Whiff of Market Mischief

25 apr 2024 · 15 min.
Durian Dilemma: A Whiff of Market Mischief

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 10 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Durian Dilemma: A Whiff of Market Mischief Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Lv: Viens auksts rītausmas mirdzums iezīmēja Elzas...

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Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Durian Dilemma: A Whiff of Market Mischief
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Lv: Viens auksts rītausmas mirdzums iezīmēja Elzas un Andra piedzīvojuma sākumu –
En: The cold glow of dawn marked the beginning of Elza and Andris's adventure.

Lv: abiem bija radusies nevaldāma vēlme apmeklēt slaveno Rīgas Centrāltirgu.
En: Both had an irresistible desire to visit the famous Riga Central Market.

Lv: Pilsētas sirdī tiekuši, tie ar brīnumu un sajūsmu pētīja košo un dzīvīgo tirgu, kur šķita, ka atrodas visa pasaule.
En: In the heart of the city, they explored the vibrant and lively market with wonder and excitement, feeling like they had found the whole world there.

Lv: Elza bija kā zieds pēc lietus – acis viņai spīdēja, kad viņa apskatīja tirgus raibo preču klāstu.
En: Elza was like a flower after the rain - her eyes sparkled as she looked at the colorful array of goods in the market.

Lv: Bet viņai un Andrim, kuri bija no mazas vietas ārpus galvaspilsētas, šī bija pirmā reize, kad apmeklēja tik daudzveidīgu vietu.
En: But for both her and Andris, who were from a small town outside the capital, this was their first time visiting such a diverse place.

Lv: Pie viena no eksotisko augļu stendiem, kur pārdevējs, tērpies spilgtos apģērbos, runāja kā strauja upe, uz brīdi apstājās Elza un aizrāvās.
En: At one of the exotic fruit stalls, where the seller, dressed in bright clothes, spoke rapidly like a fast river, Elza paused and was captivated for a moment.

Lv: Viņas uzmanību piesaistīja neparasti izskatošs auglis.
En: Her attention was drawn to an unusual-looking fruit.

Lv: Tas bija durians – raibs, liels, ar asiem ādas izciļņiem.
En: It was a durian - rough, large, with sharp spikes on the skin.

Lv: Tomēr Elza, kura nekad nebija redzējusi duriani, izbrīnā pamāja galvu.
En: However, Elza, who had never seen a durian before, shook her head in disbelief.

Lv: "Vai tiešām tirgū var nopirkt tik stipri smakojošas kurpes?" žēlojās viņa, nepārprotami acīm norādot uz duriani.
En: "Can you really buy such strongly-smelling shoes in the market?" she complained, clearly pointing to the durian.

Lv: Andris, kurš ciemojās no Anglijas un zināja, ka durians nav kurpe, bet gan auglis, gribēja izskaidrot pārpratumu.
En: Andris, visiting from England and knowing that durian is not a shoe but a fruit, wanted to explain the misunderstanding.

Lv: Taču viņa latviešu valoda bija vāja, un anglisko akcentu neviens tur nevarēja izprast.
En: However, his Latvian was weak, and no one there could understand his English accent.

Lv: "Ai, excuse me," sacīja Andris, centīgi mēģinot sarunāties ar pārdevēju.
En: "Excuse me," Andris said, trying hard to communicate with the seller.

Lv: "This not shoe, is... uh, fruit. Smell strong, but eat... good."
En: "This not shoe, is... uh, fruit. Smell strong, but eat... good."

Lv: Pārdevējs, kurš bija pieradis pie dažādām valodām un izloksnēm, pirmajā brīdī noklausījās vien neizpratnē, taču pakāpeniski viņa sejā parādījās sapratne.
En: The seller, accustomed to different languages and accents, initially listened with confusion, but gradually a look of understanding appeared on his face.

Lv: "Aaa, durians!" viņš atsaucās ar smaidu.
En: "Ahh, durians!" he responded with a smile.

Lv: "Yes, yes, smell like... hmm, not shoe, but cheese! Very tasty!"
En: "Yes, yes, smell like... hmm, not shoe, but cheese! Very tasty!"

Lv: Elza, redzot Andra mokošos mēģinājumus un pārdevēja jautro reakciju, saprata pārpratumu un nespēja atturēt smieklu sprādzienu.
En: Seeing Andris's struggling attempts and the seller's cheerful reaction, Elza understood the misunderstanding and couldn't help bursting into laughter.

Lv: Andris, atvieglots, ka nav aizvainojis tirgotāju ar savu neveiklo izteiksmi, arī parādīja savu skaisto smaidu.
En: Andris, relieved that he hadn't offended the seller with his awkward expression, also showed his beautiful smile.

Lv: Abi nobaudīja brīdi ar jaunatklāto durianu, un pārdevējs, redzot viņu interesi un labo gribu, piedāvāja viņiem degustēt šo eksotisko augli tiesi tur, tirgū.
En: Both of them savored the moment with the newly discovered durian, and the seller, seeing their interest and goodwill, offered them a taste of this exotic fruit right there in the market.

Lv: Elza un Andris piekrita.
En: Elza and Andris agreed.

Lv: Garšas pieredze bija kā nekas iepriekš – vienlaikus rūgts un salds, stipri smaržīgs, taču galu galā – pārsteidzoši patīkams.
En: The taste experience was like nothing they had experienced before - simultaneously sour and sweet, strongly fragrant, but ultimately - surprisingly pleasant.

Lv: Tas bija izglītojošs un neaizmirstams piedzīvojums abiem, pierādot, ka dažkārt kļūdas un nesaprašanās var nest ne tikai neērtības, bet arī labus atklājumus un jaunas draudzības.
En: It was an educational and unforgettable experience for both, proving that sometimes mistakes and misunderstandings can bring not only awkwardness but also good discoveries and new friendships.

Lv: Ar smagām, bet priecīgām sirdīm Elza un Andris pameta Rīgas Centrāltirgu, un ceļā mājup abi smējās par Elzas 'kurpju' aizdomām un Andra 'angļu valodas' macībām.
En: With heavy but happy hearts, Elza and Andris left Riga Central Market, laughing on their way home about Elza's 'shoe' thoughts and Andris's 'English language' lessons.

Vocabulary Words:
  • glow: mirdzums
  • irresistible: nevaldāma
  • vibrant: raibs
  • captivated: aizrāvies
  • spikes: izciļņi
  • disbelief: izbrīna
  • awkward: neērts
  • misunderstanding: nesaprašana
  • fragrant: smaržīgs
  • educational: izglītojošs
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