Dragon Bridge Dilemma: A Photo Gone Awry

21 feb 2024 · 16 min. 50 sec.
Dragon Bridge Dilemma: A Photo Gone Awry

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 53 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dragon Bridge Dilemma: A Photo Gone Awry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/dragon-bridge-dilemma-a-photo-gone-awry/ Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so trije prijatelji...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dragon Bridge Dilemma: A Photo Gone Awry
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so trije prijatelji – Ana, Luka in Maja – se odločili, da preživijo dan v lepem mestu Ljubljana.
En: One sunny afternoon, three friends – Ana, Luka, and Maja – decided to spend the day in the beautiful city of Ljubljana.

Sl: Sprehajali so se po ozkih ulicah, polnih živahnih barv in prijetnih vonjav iz majhnih kavarn.
En: They strolled through narrow streets filled with vibrant colors and pleasant scents from small cafes.

Sl: Ko so prišli do znanega Zmajskega mosta, so bili navdušeni nad pogledom na štiri veličastne zmaje, ki so kraljevali na vsakem koncu mosta.
En: When they reached the famous Dragon Bridge, they were thrilled by the sight of four magnificent dragons adorning each end of the bridge.

Sl: Ana, vedno pripravljena za dobro fotografijo, je vzela svoj telefon in povabila Luko in Majo, da se ji pridružita za selfie.
En: Always ready for a good photo, Ana took out her phone and invited Luka and Maja to join her for a selfie.

Sl: Stali so pred eno izmed bronastih zmajskih skulptur, Ana pa je iztegnila roko, da bi ujela popolni kot za njihovo skupinsko fotografijo.
En: They stood in front of one of the bronze dragon sculptures, and Ana reached out to capture the perfect angle for their group photo.

Sl: Toda nenadoma, prav ko je kliknila na gumb za slikanje, je njen telefon drsel iz njenih rok.
En: But suddenly, just as she clicked the capture button, her phone slipped from her hands.

Sl: Ana je izdala kratek krik, ko je opazovala, kako njen dragoceni telefon leti skozi zrak in pristane s pljuskom v blesteči zeleni vodi reke Ljubljanice.
En: Ana let out a short cry as she watched her precious phone fly through the air and land with a splash in the gleaming green waters of the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: "Ne, moj telefon!
En: "No, my phone!"

Sl: " je zavpila Ana in strmela v reko.
En: cried Ana, staring at the river in dismay.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta se takoj odzvala.
En: Luka and Maja immediately sprang into action.

Sl: Maja, ki je bila znana po svoji razsodnosti, je hitro rekla: "Morda ga lahko dobimo nazaj.
En: Maja, known for her resourcefulness, quickly said, "Perhaps we can retrieve it.

Sl: Poglejmo, če je v vodi blizu roba!
En: Let's see if it's in the water near the edge!"

Sl: "Stali so na obrežju in napenjali oči, da bi v mraku vode opazili kateri namig o Aninem telefonu.
En: They stood on the riverbank, straining their eyes to catch any glimpse of Ana's phone in the murky waters.

Sl: Vendar ni bilo ničesar.
En: But there was nothing to be seen.

Sl: Telefon je bil izgubljen in s tem vsi Anini spomini in fotografije.
En: The phone was lost, along with all of Ana's memories and photos.

Sl: Ana je bila obupana in žalostna zaradi izgube svojih dragocenih spominov.
En: Ana felt distraught and saddened by the loss of her precious memories.

Sl: Luka, pa vedno poln optimizma, je predlagal, da preverijo na bližnji turistični kioski in vprašajo za pomoč.
En: Luka, ever optimistic, suggested checking with a nearby tourist kiosk for assistance.

Sl: Skupaj so se odpravili tja.
En: Together, they made their way there.

Sl: Na kiosku so spoznali prijazno uslužbenko, ki jim je povedala za potapljača, ki pogosto pride iskat izgubljene predmete iz reke.
En: At the kiosk, they met a friendly attendant who told them about a diver who often retrieves lost items from the river.

Sl: "Obrniti se morate na potapljaški klub," je rekla in jim dala vizitko.
En: "You should contact the diving club," she said, and handed them a business card.

Sl: Ana, Luka in Maja so se zahvalili in odhiteli do kluba, kjer so srečali potapljača.
En: Thanking her, Ana, Luka, and Maja hurried to the club, where they met the diver.

Sl: Po kratkem pogovoru je bil potapljač pripravljen pomagati in skočil v reko.
En: After a brief conversation, the diver was ready to help and plunged into the river.

Sl: Srca polna upanja, so prijatelji opazovali potapljača, kako je izginil pod gladino.
En: With hopeful hearts, the friends watched as the diver disappeared beneath the surface.

Sl: Minilo je nekaj vznemirljivih minut, nato pa se je pokazal – z Aninim telefonom v roki!
En: Several suspenseful minutes passed, and then he resurfaced – with Ana's phone in hand!

Sl: Ana je bila presrečna, ko je držala svoj mokri, a rešeni telefon.
En: Ana was overjoyed as she held her wet but rescued phone.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta ji pomagala izbrisati vodo in po priporočilu potapljača so ga dali v vrečko z rižem, da bi pospešili sušenje.
En: Luka and Maja helped her dry it, and following the diver's advice, they placed it in a bag of rice to expedite the drying process.

Sl: Dan se je končal s tremi hvaležnimi prijatelji, ki so se smejali in pripovedovali o svoji dogodivščini.
En: The day ended with three grateful friends laughing and recounting their adventure.

Sl: Ana je sklenila, da bo odslej vedno bolj pazila na svoj telefon, hkrati pa je bila hvaležna za pustolovščino, ki je še bolj utrdila njihovo prijateljstvo.
En: Ana resolved to be more mindful of her phone from now on, while also being thankful for the adventure that further strengthened their friendship.

Sl: In kar je najpomembneje, zdaj ima nov spomin na Zmajski most - spomin, ki ga za razliko od selfija, vode Ljubljanice zagotovo ne bodo odnesle.
En: And most importantly, she now has a new memory of the Dragon Bridge – a memory that, unlike the selfie, will certainly not be washed away by the waters of the Ljubljanica.

Vocabulary Words:
  • resourcefulness: Razsodnost
  • sprang: Skok
  • retrieves: Pridobi
  • dismay: Ogorčenje
  • strolled: Sprehajali
  • plunged: Potopil
  • meticulously: Skrbno
  • glimpse: Uvid
  • exuberant: Preveč
  • distraught: Zaskrbljen
  • resurfaced: ponovno Pojavila
  • adventure: Avantura
  • memories: Spomini
  • vibrant: Živahno
  • overjoyed: Vesela
  • optimistic: Optimističen
  • retrieved: Pridobil
  • expedite: Pospešiti
  • grim: Mrzel
  • jubilant: Vesel
  • plaintive: Jokajoč
  • drying: Sušenje
  • selfie: Selfi
  • resolve: Določiti
  • attendant: Uslužbenka
  • precious: Dragocen
  • attentive: Pozoren
  • gleaming: Sijoč
  • noticeable: Opazen
  • devastated: Uničen
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