Discovering Dubrovnik: Ana's Journey Through Time

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Discovering Dubrovnik: Ana's Journey Through Time
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Discovering Dubrovnik: Ana's Journey Through Time Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Suncem okupan dan osvanuo je u Dubrovniku....
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Suncem okupan dan osvanuo je u Dubrovniku.
En: A sun-drenched day dawned in Dubrovnik.
Hr: Ana je stajala pred vratima Staroga grada.
En: Ana stood before the gates of the Old Town.
Hr: Zidovi su bili visoki i stari, puni povijesti i priča.
En: The walls were tall and ancient, full of history and stories.
Hr: Ana je bila uzbuđena.
En: Ana was excited.
Hr: Nikad prije nije bila u ovom dijelu grada.
En: She had never been to this part of the city before.
Hr: Ušetala je kroz vrata i odmah osjetila magiju.
En: She walked through the gates and immediately felt the magic.
Hr: Kamenite ulice bile su uske, a kuće su bile izrađene od starog kamena.
En: The cobblestone streets were narrow, and the houses were made of old stone.
Hr: Ljudi su prolazili, užurbano ili polako, svaki sa svojom pričom.
En: People passed by, hurriedly or leisurely, each with their own story.
Hr: Ana je prva krenula prema Stradunu, glavnoj ulici Staroga grada.
En: Ana first headed towards Stradun, the main street of the Old Town.
Hr: Ovdje je osjećala povijest pod svojim stopama.
En: Here, she felt the history beneath her feet.
Hr: Pogledi su joj lepršali od izloga do izloga, od restorana do restorana.
En: Her gaze flitted from shop window to shop window, from restaurant to restaurant.
Hr: Mirisi svježe pečenih kolača i morskih plodova privlačili su je kafićima i konobama.
En: The smells of freshly baked pastries and seafood drew her to the cafés and taverns.
Hr: Stala je pred Orlandovim stupom.
En: She stopped in front of the Orlando Column.
Hr: Star je i ponosan, čuva priče starih Dubrovčana.
En: It was old and proud, guarding the stories of old Dubrovnik.
Hr: Polako je krenula dalje i ugledala veliku crkvu Svetog Vlaha.
En: She walked on slowly and saw the great Church of St. Blaise.
Hr: Njeni stupovi su blistali pod sunčevim zrakama.
En: Its pillars gleamed under the sun's rays.
Hr: Ana se kratko pomolila i nastavila dalje.
En: Ana said a brief prayer and continued on.
Hr: Došla je do starog trga gdje su djeca trčala i smijala se.
En: She reached the old square where children were running and laughing.
Hr: Bilo je to pravo srce Dubrovnika.
En: It was the real heart of Dubrovnik.
Hr: Maleni restorani nudili su specijalitete.
En: Small restaurants offered specialties.
Hr: Kupila je sladoled i sjela na klupu.
En: She bought ice cream and sat on a bench.
Hr: Uživala je u trenutku.
En: She enjoyed the moment.
Hr: Dok je tako sjedila, čula je glasove.
En: As she sat there, she heard voices.
Hr: Skupina turista gledala je staru maketu grada.
En: A group of tourists was looking at an old model of the city.
Hr: Vodič im je pričao o prošlosti.
En: A guide was telling them about the past.
Hr: Ana je slušala i saznala mnogo toga novog.
En: Ana listened and learned many new things.
Hr: Osjetila je kako povijest oživljava pred njom.
En: She felt history come alive before her.
Hr: Sunce je počelo zalaziti, a Ana je krenula prema svojim vratima.
En: The sun began to set, and Ana headed towards her gate.
Hr: Pogledala je još jednom prema zidovima.
En: She looked once more at the walls.
Hr: Osjećala je da je provela poseban dan.
En: She felt she had spent a special day.
Hr: Kamen, more i povijest učinili su svoje.
En: The stone, the sea, and the history had done their work.
Hr: Ana se osjećala povezana s ovim gradom.
En: Ana felt connected to this city.
Hr: Dok je šetala prema izlazu, osjetila je mir i zadovoljstvo.
En: As she walked towards the exit, she felt peace and satisfaction.
Hr: Znala je da će se ponovno vratiti.
En: She knew she would return.
Hr: Dubrovnik je mjesto koje ostaje u srcu.
En: Dubrovnik is a place that stays in the heart.
Hr: Ana je izašla iz Staroga grada i s osmijehom nastavila svojim putem.
En: Ana exited the Old Town and continued on her way with a smile.
Vocabulary Words:
- drenched: okupan
- dawned: osvanuo
- gates: vrata
- ancient: stari
- history: povijest
- stories: priče
- narrow: uske
- cobblestone: kamenite
- head towards: krenula prema
- main street: glavna ulica
- smells: mirisi
- pastries: kolača
- taverns: konobama
- column: stupom
- proud: ponosan
- pillars: stupovi
- gleamed: blistali
- brief prayer: kratko pomolila
- square: trga
- ice cream: sladoled
- tourists: turista
- model: maketu
- guide: vodič
- past: prošlosti
- learned: saznala
- set: zalaziti
- connected: povezana
- peace: mir
- satisfaction: zadovoljstvo
- exited: izašla
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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