Congratulations Victor from Edgewood on Winning $6,300 in the SPIRIT 105.3 Secret Sound

2 ott 2023 · 2 min. 20 sec.
Congratulations Victor from Edgewood on Winning $6,300 in the SPIRIT 105.3 Secret Sound

Congratulations Victor on winning the Secret Sound with the winning guess: "a recliner." This was such a fun call and he has the best laugh! Victor shares that he's going...

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Congratulations Victor on winning the Secret Sound with the winning guess: "a recliner." This was such a fun call and he has the best laugh! Victor shares that he's going to use the money to pay some bills and to give to the homeless shelter. We are so happy for you!

Click PLAY to listen to the call.

*The Secret Sound will return on Tuesday, October 10th, with $525 already in the United Faith Mortgage piggy bank!
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Autore Purposely
Organizzazione CRISTA Media
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