Coin Toss to Friendship: A Slovenian Encounter
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Coin Toss to Friendship: A Slovenian Encounter
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Coin Toss to Friendship: A Slovenian Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V mestnem vrvežu Ljubljane, kjer se...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V mestnem vrvežu Ljubljane, kjer se ulice prepletajo in ljudje hitijo po svojih opravkih, je trg Prešernov trg zasijal v praznični luči.
En: In the bustle of Ljubljana, where the streets intertwine and people rush about their business, Prešeren Square shone in festive lights.
Sl: Festival je v mesto prinesel glasbo, ples in barve.
En: The festival brought music, dance, and colors to the city.
Sl: Ljudje so se smejali in uživali v predstavah, ki so bile na vsakem koraku.
En: People laughed and enjoyed the performances that were everywhere.
Sl: Med množico, ki se je potikala po tlakovanih poteh, je Ana iskala prostor, da bi si ogledala ulični nastop.
En: Among the crowd roaming the cobblestone paths, Ana was looking for a spot to watch a street performance.
Sl: V daljavi je zagledala osebo, ki je stala sama na robu trga.
En: In the distance, she spotted a person standing alone at the edge of the square.
Sl: Oblačila je imela pisana in na glavi klobuk, v roke pa je držala kitaro.
En: They were dressed in colorful clothes and wore a hat, holding a guitar.
Sl: Bil je Matej, njegov obraz pa ni bil viden, saj je bil obrnjen stran od Ane.
En: It was Matej, but his face was not visible as he was turned away from Ana.
Sl: Ana je mislila, da je Matej ulični umetnik, del festivala.
En: Ana thought Matej was a street artist, part of the festival.
Sl: Pristopila je, nasmehnila in vzela nekaj kovancev iz torbice, da bi jih vrgla v klobuk, ki je ležal na tleh pred Matejem.
En: She approached, smiled, and took a few coins from her purse to throw into Matej's hat lying on the ground in front of him.
Sl: Ko se je približala, je opazila, da Matej ni igral na kitaro.
En: As she got closer, Ana noticed that Matej wasn't playing the guitar.
Sl: S kitaro se je zgolj pripravljal, da bo odšel domov, po končani uri poučevanja.
En: He was just getting ready to go home after finishing his teaching for the day.
Sl: Medtem ko je Ana stegnila roko, da bi vrgla kovance v klobuk, je Matej obrnil glavo in jo zmedeno pogledal.
En: As Ana reached out to throw the coins into the hat, Matej turned his head and looked at her in surprise.
Sl: "Zakaj mi daješ denar?
En: "Why are you giving me money?"
Sl: " je vprašal v presenečenju.
En: he asked.
Sl: Ana je obraz zagorel od zadrege, ko je ugotovila, da je pomotoma vzela Mateja za nastopajočega.
En: Ana's face flushed with embarrassment when she realized she had mistaken Matej for a performer.
Sl: "Oprosti, mislila sem, da igraš za ljudi," je hitro rekla Ana, ko so ji kovanci nerodno zdrsnili iz roke in padli na tla.
En: "Sorry, I thought you were playing for the people," Ana quickly said as the coins awkwardly slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.
Sl: Matej se je nasmehnil in ji pomagal pobrati kovance.
En: Matej smiled and helped her pick up the coins.
Sl: "To se ni še nikoli zgodilo," je smeje rekel.
En: "This has never happened before," he chuckled.
Sl: Iz zadrege je Ana predlagala, da gresta na kavo in predlagala najbližji kavarni, kjer bi lahko oba uživala v vzdušju festivala, a brez neprijetnih nesporazumov.
En: To ease the embarrassment, Ana suggested they go for coffee at the nearest café, where they could both enjoy the festival atmosphere without any more awkward misunderstandings.
Sl: Matej je povabilo sprejel in med potjo do kavarne sta se zasmejala neštetokrat, delila zgodbe in se spoprijateljila.
En: Matej accepted the invitation, and as they walked to the café, they laughed countless times, shared stories, and became friends.
Sl: Čeprav je dan začel z malo zadrege, je prinesel novo prijateljstvo.
En: Although the day started with a bit of embarrassment, it brought a new friendship.
Sl: In vsakič, ko sta šla mimo Prešernovega trga, je Ana v šali vrgla kovanec v Matejev klobuk, ki ga sploh ni imel, oba pa sta se smejala, saj sta se spominjala prvega srečanja, ki je bilo tako neobičajno, a hkrati začetek nečesa lepega.
En: And every time they passed by Prešeren Square, Ana jokingly threw a coin into Matej's non-existent hat, and they both laughed, remembering their first meeting, which was so unusual yet the beginning of something beautiful.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustle: vrvež
- intertwine: prepletajo
- festive: praznični
- cobblestone: tlakovani
- spot: prostor
- visible: viden
- approached: pristopila
- awkwardly: nerodno
- embarrassment: zadrega
- invitation: povabilo
- countless: neštetokrat
- misunderstandings: nesporazumov
- friendship: prijateljstvo
- jokingly: v šali
- unusual: neobičajno
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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