Coffee Stains & Laughter: A Tale of Friendship
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Coffee Stains & Laughter: A Tale of Friendship
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Coffee Stains & Laughter: A Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Bio jednom jedan veseli kafić...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Bio jednom jedan veseli kafić u samom srcu grada, okružen bučnim ulicama i smijehom prolaznika.
En: Once upon a time, there was a cheerful café in the heart of the city, surrounded by bustling streets and the laughter of passersby.
Hr: U tom kafiću redovito se okupljao veseli svijet, a između pečenih mirisa kave i toplih razgovora, našli su se Marko i Ana.
En: In that café, a cheerful crowd would regularly gather, and amidst the roasted smell of coffee and warm conversations, Marko and Ana found themselves.
Hr: Marko je bio poznat po svojoj nespretnosti, ali i vedrom duhu koji bi razveselio svakoga tko bi ga sreo.
En: Marko was known for his clumsiness but also for his cheerful spirit that would brighten up anyone he met.
Hr: Ana, s druge strane, bila je tiha i smirena, uvijek obučena besprijekorno, s bijelom košuljom koju je čuvala kao najveće blago.
En: Ana, on the other hand, was quiet and calm, always impeccably dressed, wearing a white shirt that she treasured as her most precious possession.
Hr: To jutro, Ana je sjedila za svojim omiljenim stolom, zamišljeno gledajući kroz prozor, dok je Marko žurio na sastanak.
En: That morning, Ana sat at her favorite table, gazing thoughtfully out the window, while Marko hurried to a meeting.
Hr: Nije primijetio da je konobar upravo prolivenom kavom zamrljao pod.
En: He didn't notice the waiter had just spilled coffee on the floor.
Hr: Marko je prišao stolu uz Anu, a onda se odjednom spotaknuo.
En: Marko approached Ana's table, and suddenly stumbled.
Hr: Kava iz njegove šalice poletjela je kroz zrak, direktno na Aninu bijelu košulju.
En: The coffee from his cup flew through the air, landing directly on Ana's white shirt.
Hr: U prvom trenutku, tišina je pala nad cijeli kafić.
En: At first, silence fell over the entire café.
Hr: Svi su zastali i gledali u Anu, čekajući njenu reakciju.
En: Everyone stopped and looked at Ana, waiting for her reaction.
Hr: Ana je prvo široko otvorila oči, zapanjena šarama tamne kave koje su sada krasile njenu košulju.
En: Ana first widened her eyes, amazed at the dark coffee stains now decorating her shirt.
Hr: Zatim je, neočekivano, iz nje prasnula iskrena smijeh.
En: Then, unexpectedly, she burst into genuine laughter.
Hr: Vidjevši to, Marko se zarumenio od srama, ali nije mogao suzdržati svoj smijeh.
En: Seeing this, Marko blushed with embarrassment but couldn't contain his own laughter.
Hr: "Sve je u redu, Marko," rekla je Ana kroz smijeh.
En: "It's okay, Marko," Ana said through laughter.
Hr: "Ovo će biti jedna od onih priča koje ćemo pamtiti.
En: "This will be one of those stories we'll remember."
Hr: "I tako, umjesto bijesa i svađe, kafić se brzo ispunio veseljem i toplinom.
En: And so, instead of anger and argument, the café quickly filled with joy and warmth.
Hr: Konobar je donio čistu krpu, a Marko je pomogao Ani da očisti nered.
En: The waiter brought a clean cloth, and Marko helped Ana clean up the mess.
Hr: Ana je na kraju stavila kecelju preko svoje mrljave košulje i s Markom naručila novu rundu kave.
En: In the end, Ana put on an apron over her stained shirt and ordered a new round of coffee with Marko.
Hr: Ovaj put, bila je oprezna da i sama ne postane nespretna.
En: This time, she was careful not to be clumsy herself.
Hr: Iako je bijela košulja bila uništena, Ana i Marko pronašli su zajednički jezik u tom neugodnom trenutku.
En: Although the white shirt had been ruined, Ana and Marko found a common bond in that awkward moment.
Hr: Prijateljstvo rođeno iz nespretnosti i humora raslo je svakim danom koji je slijedio.
En: Friendship born out of clumsiness and humor grew with each passing day.
Hr: Kava više nije bila samo napitak, već simbol njihove veze i priče koju će jednoga dana prepričavati s osmijehom na licu.
En: Coffee was no longer just a drink but a symbol of their connection and a story they would one day recount with a smile on their faces.
Vocabulary Words:
- café: kafić
- bustling: bučan
- passersby: prolaznici
- cheerful: veseli
- gather: okupljati
- roasted: pečen
- spirit: duh
- brighten up: razveseliti
- impeccably: besprijekorno
- treasured: čuvan
- possession: posjed
- gazing: zamišljen
- hurried: žurio
- noticed: primijetio
- waiter: konobar
- spilled: proliven
- approached: prišao
- stumbled: spotaknuo se
- burst into: prasnuti u
- laughter: smijeh
- reaction: reakcija
- widened: široko otvoriti
- amazed: zapanjen
- decorating: krasiti
- silence: tišina
- entire: cijeli
- joy: veselje
- cloth: krpa
- accident: nesreća
- connection: veza
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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