
Caught in the Storm: A Tale of Adventure and Caution

3 set 2024 · 14 min. 53 sec.
Caught in the Storm: A Tale of Adventure and Caution

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 19 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Caught in the Storm: A Tale of Adventure and Caution Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: Skyene hadde allerede...

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Caught in the Storm: A Tale of Adventure and Caution
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Story Transcript:

Nb: Skyene hadde allerede begynt å forandre himmelen.
En: The clouds had already begun changing the sky.

Nb: Preikestolen, den majestetiske klippen over Lysefjorden, stod i skarp kontrast til de mørke, truende skyene.
En: The Pulpit Rock, the majestic cliff over the Lysefjord, stood in stark contrast to the dark, threatening clouds.

Nb: Sivert og Katrine begynte sin tur tidlig på morgenen.
En: Sivert and Katrine started their hike early in the morning.

Nb: De ønsket å nyte høstens skjønnhet, men været hadde en annen plan.
En: They wanted to enjoy the beauty of autumn, but the weather had other plans.

Nb: Sivert gikk foran.
En: Sivert walked ahead.

Nb: Han var alltid på jakt etter et nytt eventyr, en ny utfordring.
En: He was always on the lookout for a new adventure, a new challenge.

Nb: "Kom igjen, Katrine!
En: "Come on, Katrine!

Nb: Vi må rekke toppen før stormen kommer," ropte han over skulderen.
En: We need to reach the top before the storm hits," he called over his shoulder.

Nb: Katrine var skeptisk.
En: Katrine was skeptical.

Nb: "Været ser dårlig ut, Sivert.
En: "The weather looks bad, Sivert.

Nb: Kanskje vi burde snu," svarte hun.
En: Maybe we should turn back," she replied.

Nb: Hun hadde alltid vært den forsiktige, den som så etter sikkerhet mer enn spenning.
En: She was always the cautious one, valuing safety over excitement.

Nb: De fortsatte å gå.
En: They continued walking.

Nb: Vinden begynte å tilta, og sivet på bakken svaiet voldsomt.
En: The wind began to pick up, and the grass on the ground swayed violently.

Nb: "Bare litt til," sa Sivert optimistisk.
En: "Just a little further," said Sivert optimistically.

Nb: Katrine nølte men fulgte etter.
En: Katrine hesitated but followed.

Nb: Hun ønsket ikke å la Sivert gå alene, men hennes indre stemmer varslet om fare.
En: She didn't want to let Sivert go alone, but her inner voice warned of danger.

Nb: Som de nærmet seg toppen, hørte de braket fra torden i det fjerne.
En: As they approached the top, they heard the rumble of thunder in the distance.

Nb: Sivert stoppet opp et øyeblikk.
En: Sivert paused for a moment.

Nb: "Skal vi snu?"
En: "Should we turn back?"

Nb: spurte han nå litt usikker.
En: he asked now a bit unsure.

Nb: Men stormen hadde allerede nådd dem.
En: But the storm had already caught up with them.

Nb: Regnet pisket ansiktene deres, og vinden blåste dem nesten av stien.
En: The rain lashed at their faces, and the wind nearly blew them off the path.

Nb: Det var for sent å vende om.
En: It was too late to turn back.

Nb: "Katrine, der borte!"
En: "Katrine, over there!"

Nb: ropte Sivert, med en finger pekende mot en liten hule i fjellveggen.
En: Sivert shouted, pointing towards a small cave in the rock face.

Nb: De løp mot det eneste tilfluktsstedet som var i sikte.
En: They ran toward the only shelter in sight.

Nb: Inne i hulen hev de etter pusten.
En: Inside the cave, they gasped for breath.

Nb: Huleinngangen ga dem ly fra værgudens vrede.
En: The cave entrance shielded them from the wrath of the weather gods.

Nb: Der, i den kalde, våte hulen, satt de sammen.
En: There, in the cold, wet cave, they sat together.

Nb: "Jeg skulle ha hørt på deg," sa Sivert tillitsfullt.
En: "I should have listened to you," Sivert admitted.

Nb: Katrine nølte, men smilte svakt.
En: Katrine hesitated but smiled faintly.

Nb: "Kanskje, men vi klarte det sammen," svarte hun.
En: "Maybe, but we made it together," she replied.

Nb: De visste nå at hverken eventyrlyst eller forsiktighet alene ville hjelpe dem overvinne slik en utfordring.
En: They now knew that neither adventurousness nor caution alone would help them overcome such a challenge.

Nb: De måtte kombinere begge.
En: They had to combine both.

Nb: Etter flere timer, da stormen endelig roet seg, krøp de ut av hulen.
En: After several hours, when the storm finally subsided, they crawled out of the cave.

Nb: Skyene begynte å skjære av solstråler igjen.
En: The clouds began to let through rays of sunshine again.

Nb: "Vi klarte det," sa Katrine med et lettelsens sukk.
En: "We made it," Katrine said with a sigh of relief.

Nb: Sivert nikket, takknemlig for at de var trygge og for den lærdommen naturen hadde gitt dem.
En: Sivert nodded, grateful that they were safe and for the lesson nature had taught them.

Nb: Sammen gikk de ned fra fjellklippen, klar for flere eventyr, men alltid med hverandres styrker i tankene.
En: Together, they descended from the cliff, ready for more adventures but always keeping each other’s strengths in mind.

Vocabulary Words:
  • majestic: majestetiske
  • cliff: klippen
  • threatening: truende
  • safety: sikkerhet
  • cautious: forsiktige
  • adventure: eventyr
  • skeptical: skeptisk
  • challenging: utfordring
  • optimistically: optimistisk
  • violently: voldsomt
  • hesitated: nølte
  • rumble: braket
  • thunder: torden
  • paused: stoppet
  • unsure: usikker
  • lashed: pisket
  • shelter: tilfluktssted
  • shielded: ga ly
  • wrath: vrede
  • admitted: tillitsfullt
  • combine: kombinere
  • crawled: krøp
  • subsided: roet
  • descended: gikk ned
  • relief: lettelsens
  • challenge: utfordring
  • adventurousness: eventyrlyst
  • swayed: svaiet
  • excursion: tur
  • summit: toppen
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