
Bakery Bungle Sparks New Friendship!

21 gen 2024 · 16 min. 22 sec.
Bakery Bungle Sparks New Friendship!

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min.


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Bakery Bungle Sparks New Friendship! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra Ivan se probudio s mirisom...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Bakery Bungle Sparks New Friendship!
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra Ivan se probudio s mirisom svježeg kruha u nosu.
En: One sunny morning, Ivan woke up to the smell of fresh bread in his nose.

Hr: Odlučio je da je savršen dan za posjet lokalnoj pekari.
En: He decided it was the perfect day to visit the local bakery.

Hr: Stigavši tamo, naišao je na red ljudi koji su isto tako željeli uživati u pekarskim delicijama.
En: Arriving there, he encountered a line of people who also wanted to enjoy the bakery's treats.

Hr: Ivan nije bio sam.
En: Ivan was not alone.

Hr: U pekari je bila i Antonia, djevojka s crvenom maramom, koja je svakog dana dolazila po svoj omiljeni kruh s maslinama.
En: In the bakery, there was Antonia, a girl with a red scarf, who came every day for her favorite olive bread.

Hr: Stajala je iza Ivana i tiho mrmljala svoj narudžbu kako ne bi zaboravila što treba kupiti.
En: She stood behind Ivan, quietly murmuring her order so as not to forget what to buy.

Hr: A tu je bio i Marko, brižan pekar poznat po svojim zlatnim rukama koji su izrađivali najmekše pecivo u gradu.
En: And there was Marko, a caring baker known for his golden hands that produced the softest pastries in the city.

Hr: Marko je s ljubavlju posluživao svakog kupca, uvijek s osmijehom na licu.
En: Marko lovingly served each customer, always with a smile on his face.

Hr: Ivan je uzbuđeno čekao svoj red, razmišljajući samo o tome kako će ugristi topao kruh kad se vrati doma.
En: Excitedly, Ivan waited his turn, thinking only about sinking his teeth into the warm bread when he returned home.

Hr: Konačno, došao je na red.
En: Finally, his turn came.

Hr: Pozdravio je Marka i bez razmišljanja rekao što želi.
En: He greeted Marko and without hesitation stated his order.

Hr: "Dobar dan, Marko!
En: "Good day, Marko!

Hr: Dajte mi molim vas tri pogače i kiflice s čokoladom.
En: Please give me three buns and chocolate croissants."

Hr: "Marko je spretno spakirao Ivanovu narudžbu u smeđu papirnatu vrećicu i s osmijehom je pružio.
En: Marko skillfully packed Ivan's order into a brown paper bag and handed it over with a smile.

Hr: Ivan je platio i još se jednom zahvalio, a onda zadihan od sreće istrčao iz pekare.
En: Ivan paid and thanked him once again, then hurriedly ran out of the bakery, filled with joy.

Hr: Antonia je bila sljedeća.
En: Antonia was next.

Hr: Nježnim glasom zamolila je za svoju uobičajenu narudžbu i Marko je spremio njezinu vrećicu s kruhom s maslinama i nekoliko slatkih peciva.
En: With a gentle voice, she asked for her usual order, and Marko prepared her bag with olive bread and a few sweet pastries.

Hr: Kada je Antonia došla kući, otvorila je vrećicu i sa zaprepaštenjem ustanovila da to nije njezina narudžba.
En: When Antonia arrived home, she opened the bag and was astonished to find that it wasn't her order.

Hr: U vrećici su bili Ivanovi kruh i kiflice s čokoladom.
En: In the bag were Ivan's bread and chocolate croissants.

Hr: Ubrzo je shvatila što se dogodilo.
En: She soon realized what had happened.

Hr: Ivan je kod kuće, sretan, zagrize u kiflicu s čokoladom, ali ubrzo primijeti da nešto nije u redu.
En: Back at home, Ivan, happy, took a bite of the chocolate croissant but soon noticed something was wrong.

Hr: Kruh s maslinama!
En: Olive bread!

Hr: To nije naručio.
En: That wasn't what he ordered.

Hr: Zbunjen, pogleda u vrećicu i shvati da je došlo do zamjene.
En: Confused, he looked into the bag and realized that there had been a mix-up.

Hr: Bez oklijevanja, Ivan se vratio u pekaru.
En: Without hesitation, Ivan returned to the bakery.

Hr: Tamo je zatekao Antoniu s njegovom vrećicom u ruci.
En: There, he found Antonia holding his bag.

Hr: "Oprosti, čini se da smo zamijenili vrećice", rekao je Ivan smiješeći se.
En: "Sorry, it seems we've exchanged bags," Ivan said with a smile.

Hr: "Da, i ja sam to sad shvatila", uzvratila je Antonia s olakšanjem.
En: "Yes, I just realized that," Antonia replied, relieved.

Hr: Razmijenili su vrećice i oboje se nasmiješili.
En: They exchanged bags and both smiled.

Hr: Ivan je bio zadovoljan jer je dobio svoju narudžbu, a Antonia jer je mogla uživati u svom omiljenom kruhu.
En: Ivan was pleased to have received his order, and Antonia was happy to enjoy her favorite bread.

Hr: Marko je promatrao scenu iz pekare i zadovoljno klimnuo glavom znajući da su njegovi kruhovi povezali dvoje ljudi.
En: Marko observed the scene from the bakery and nodded contentedly, knowing that his bread had brought two people together.

Hr: Od tog dana, Ivan i Antonia postali su prijatelji, odlučivši da će svaku subotu zajedno ići po kruh kako se takva greška više ne bi ponovila.
En: From that day on, Ivan and Antonia became friends, deciding to go for bread together every Saturday to prevent such a mistake from happening again.

Hr: Sva trojica su se smijala toj maloj avanturi koja ih je sve zbližila.
En: All three laughed at the little adventure that had brought them closer together.

Hr: Kruh nije bio samo hrana, nego i razlog novog prijateljstva.
En: The bread was not just food, but also the reason for a new friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: jutro
  • smell: miris
  • bread: kruh
  • nose: nos
  • local: lokalno
  • bakery: pekara
  • encounter: naići
  • line: red
  • people: ljudi
  • treats: delicije
  • alone: sam
  • scarf: marama
  • order: narudžba
  • quietly: tiho
  • murmuring: mrmljanje
  • forget: zaboraviti
  • buy: kupiti
  • caring: brižan
  • baker: pekar
  • known: poznat
  • produced: proizveden
  • softest: najmekši
  • pastries: peciva
  • excitedly: uzbuđeno
  • sink: ugristi
  • teeth: zubi
  • warm: topao
  • finally: konačno
  • handed: pružio
  • bag: vrećica
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