Backpack Swap: A Ljubljana Market Mix-Up
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Backpack Swap: A Ljubljana Market Mix-Up
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Backpack Swap: A Ljubljana Market Mix-Up Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega dopoldneva je Ana hitela skozi...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Nekega sončnega dopoldneva je Ana hitela skozi živahen ljubljanski tržni prostor.
En: One sunny morning, Ana hurried through the bustling Ljubljana market square.
Sl: Z roko je zagrnila čez čelo, da bi si naredila senco.
En: She shielded her eyes with her hand to create some shade.
Sl: V njenem nahrbtniku so bili pomembni dokumenti za današnji sestanek.
En: Her backpack contained important documents for today's meeting.
Sl: Luka, navdušen fotograf, je medtem iskal popoln motiv med stojnicami.
En: Meanwhile, Luka, an enthusiastic photographer, was searching for the perfect subject amidst the market stalls.
Sl: Njegov nahrbtnik je bil poln foto opreme in eksotičnih začimb, ki jih je rad dodajal svojim kulinaričnim eksperimentom.
En: His backpack was filled with photography equipment and exotic spices, which he enjoyed adding to his culinary experiments.
Sl: Maja, stara prijateljica Ane in Luke, stoji ob Trojnem mostu.
En: Maja, a longtime friend of Ana and Luka, stood near the Triple Bridge.
Sl: Opazuje ljudi in pisane stojnice ter uživa v vonju sveže pečenega kruha.
En: She watched the people and colorful stalls while relishing the scent of freshly baked bread.
Sl: Ana in Luka sta se nenamerno zaletela drug v drugega.
En: Ana and Luka accidentally collided with each other.
Sl: "Oprosti!
En: "Sorry!"
Sl: " sta vzkliknila sočasno.
En: they exclaimed simultaneously.
Sl: Nahrbtnika sta padla na tla, njuna vsebina se je skoraj zlila skupaj.
En: Their backpacks fell to the ground, and their contents nearly merged.
Sl: V naglici sta zgrabila vsak svojega, ne da bi preverila vsebino, in odhitela vsak v svojo smer.
En: Hastily, they each grabbed their own backpack without checking the contents and hurried in their respective directions.
Sl: Ana je prisopihala na sestanek, odprla nahrbtnik in namesto dokumentov našla Lukove foto leče in začimbe.
En: Ana arrived at the meeting, panting.
Sl: Luka je, medtem ko je poskušal narediti fotografijo, naletel na Ane papirje.
En: She opened her backpack and found Luka's camera lenses and spices instead of her documents.
Sl: "Kako bom razložila tole na sestanku?
En: Meanwhile, while trying to take a photo, Luka discovered Ana's papers.
Sl: " je vzkliknila Ana.
En: "How am I going to explain this at the meeting?"
Sl: Luka je obupano premetaval stvari v nahrbtniku: "Moja oprema!
En: exclaimed Ana.
Sl: "V branju svojih skrbi sta se oba obrnila k Maji, ki je vedno imela rešitev.
En: Luka despairingly rummaged through the backpack, muttering, "My equipment!"
Sl: Po hitro opravljenem telefonskem klicu je Maja predlagala, naj se dobijo na Trojnem mostu – tam, kjer se v Ljubljani združijo poti.
En: In their distress, both turned to Maja, who always had a solution.
Sl: Ana, še vedno živčna, je prva prispela, sledil ji je Luka sredi trgatve fotografij potic in potičnic.
En: After a quick phone call, Maja suggested meeting at the Triple Bridge – where paths converge in Ljubljana.
Sl: Maja je prispela zadnja, s smehom v očeh, ko je videla svoja prijatelja s stresenimi obraznimi izrazi.
En: Nervous still, Ana arrived first, followed by Luka amidst his disarray of photographs and photography gear.
Sl: "So to tvoje začimbe, Luka?
En: Maja arrived last, with laughter in her eyes as she saw her friends' stressed expressions.
Sl: " je vprašala Ana, ko je Luka predal njen nahrbtnik nazaj.
En: "Are these your spices, Luka?"
Sl: Luka je prikimal in izročil Ani njeno lastnino.
En: Ana asked as Luka returned her backpack.
Sl: Ko so nahrbtniki našli svoje prave lastnike, so se prijatelji skupaj smejali mešanici, ki je nastala.
En: Luka nodded and handed over Ana's belongings.
Sl: Družba je potem praznovala s kosilom na odprtem tržnem prostoru, uživala v slovenskih jedeh in delila zgodbe.
En: Once the backpacks found their rightful owners, the friends laughed together at the mix-up.
Sl: Ana je svoj sestanek prestavila, Luka pa je svojo kamero uporabljal za ujetje nasmehov na obrazih svojih prijateljev.
En: The group then celebrated with lunch at the open market square, enjoying Slovenian dishes and sharing stories.
Sl: Konec zgodbe je bil sladek kot slovenska potica, ki so jo delili na toplem soncu ob vznožju prelepega Trojnega mostu.
En: Ana rescheduled her meeting, and Luka used his camera to capture the smiles on his friends' faces.
Sl: Na vrvežu ljubljanskega trga je vzniknilo novo prijateljstvo;
En: The end of the story was as sweet as a Slovenian potica, which they shared in the warm sun at the foot of the beautiful Triple Bridge.
Sl: med smehom, jedjo in trajnimi spomini.
En: In the hustle and bustle of the Ljubljana market, a new friendship emerged, amidst laughter, food, and lasting memories.
Vocabulary Words:
- morning: jutro
- bustling: živahen
- shielded: zagrnila
- shade: senca
- documents: dokumenti
- enthusiastic: navdušen
- subject: motiv
- stalls: stojnice
- exotic: eksotičen
- relishing: uživa
- relishing: uživa
- scent: vonj
- collided: zaletela
- exclaimed: vzkliknila
- merged: se je zlila
- hastily: v naglici
- respective: lastni
- panting: prisopihala
- rummaged: premetaval
- distress: stiske
- solution: rešitev
- converge: združijo
- vibrant: živčna
- laughter: smeh
- shared: delili
- potica: potica
- emerged: vzniknilo
- lasting: trajnimi
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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