
Armored Escapades: Maja's Castle Adventure

6 apr 2024 · 15 min. 37 sec.
Armored Escapades: Maja's Castle Adventure

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 46 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Armored Escapades: Maja's Castle Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč, na sončen pomladni dan, se je Maja...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Armored Escapades: Maja's Castle Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč, na sončen pomladni dan, se je Maja odpravila na izlet v čudovito Predjamo.
En: Once upon a time, on a sunny spring day, Maja set off on a trip to the beautiful Predjama.

Sl: Predjamski grad, skrit v skalni steni, je bil kot iz pravljice.
En: Predjama Castle, hidden in a rocky cliff, was like something out of a fairy tale.

Sl: Maja, ki je vedno sanjarila o pustolovščinah, je bila navdušena, da končno obišče ta skrivnostni kraj.
En: Maja, who had always dreamed of adventures, was excited to finally visit this mysterious place.

Sl: Medtem ko je Maja občudovala mogočno zgradbo in njene skrivnostne hodnike, se je spominjala zgodb, ki jih je kot majhna deklica poslušala o tej trdnjavi.
En: As Maja admired the mighty structure and its mysterious passages, she remembered the stories she had heard as a little girl about this fortress.

Sl: V svojem zanosu se je Maja začela pogovarjati z likom iz zgodbe, kot da je prav tam z njo.
En: In her excitement, Maja began to talk to a character from the story as if they were right there with her.

Sl: "Kako lep dan," je rekla in se obrnila k strani, kjer je stala visoka, oklepna obleka.
En: "What a beautiful day," she said, turning to where a tall, armored figure stood.

Sl: V svoji domišljiji si je predstavljala, da je to njen prijatelj iz Ljubljane, s katerim bi lahko delila svoje občudovanje.
En: In her imagination, she pictured this figure as her friend from Ljubljana, with whom she could share her admiration.

Sl: "Se ti ne zdi grad čudovit?"
En: "Don't you think the castle is wonderful?"

Sl: Ljudje okoli nje so se ustavili in jo začudeno gledali.
En: People around her stopped and looked at her in amazement.

Sl: Nekateri so se tiho smejali, drugi pa so bili preprosto presenečeni.
En: Some chuckled quietly, while others were simply surprised.

Sl: Maja, še naprej zatopljena v pogovor, ni opazila njihovih pogledov.
En: Maja, still absorbed in the conversation, didn't notice their stares.

Sl: "Res je veličasten, kajne?" je nadaljevala, medtem ko je z roko nežno tapkala po oklepu, kot da bi lahko prijatelju iz Ljubljane tako prenesla svoje navdušenje.
En: "It truly is magnificent, isn't it?" she continued, gently tapping the armor with her hand, as if she could convey her excitement to her friend from Ljubljana in that way.

Sl: Kar naenkrat je zaslišala glasen smeh.
En: Suddenly, she heard loud laughter.

Sl: Ozrla se je okoli in takrat je dojela, da se ni pogovarjala s prijateljem, temveč z oklepnim kipom.
En: She looked around and realized that she wasn't talking to her friend, but to the armored statue.

Sl: Obraz ji je preplavil val sramu, ko je videla, da jo obkroža skupina radovednih turistov.
En: A wave of embarrassment swept over her face as she saw herself surrounded by a group of curious tourists.

Sl: "Torej, ti si pravi pustolovec, kajne?" se je oglasil vodič v skupini, njeni licimerji pa so postali še bolj rdeči.
En: "So, you're a real adventurer, aren't you?" the guide in the group remarked, and her cheeks grew even redder.

Sl: Toda ko je vodič videl, kako je Maja osramočena, je dodal: "Ne skrbi, legendam grad jih je veliko in kateri izmed nas se ni nikoli izgubil v fantaziji?"
En: But when the guide saw how embarrassed Maja was, he added, "Don't worry, the castle is full of legends, and who among us has never gotten lost in fantasy?"

Sl: Maji so se ob teh besedah sprostile napetosti in se je nasmehnila,
En: At the guide's words, Maja felt the tension ease, and she smiled.

Sl: "Ja, res je. Enostavno me je odneslo."
En: "Yes, indeed. I just got carried away."

Sl: Vodič je prijazno povabil Majo, naj se skupini pridruži in tako nadaljujejo z ogledom, polni smeha in nove radovednosti.
En: The guide kindly invited Maja to join the group and continue the tour, full of laughter and new curiosity.

Sl: Maja je sprejela vabilo in preostanek dneva preživela v učenju o resničnih zgodbah, ki so se zgodile znotraj grajskih zidov.
En: Maja accepted the invitation and spent the rest of the day learning about the real stories that had happened within the castle walls.

Sl: Na koncu dneva se je Maja s smehom spominjala svojega nenavadnega pogovora z oklepom in sklenila, da bodo tudi tovrstne napake postale del njenih pustolovščin.
En: At the end of the day, Maja fondly remembered her unusual conversation with the armor and decided that such mistakes would also become part of her adventures.

Sl: Tako je dni v Predjamskem gradu dodal še eno zgodbo k že obstoječim legendam.
En: And so, within Predjama Castle, she added another story to the existing legends.

Sl: Maja se je od tam odpravila polna novih zgodb, ki jih bo lahko povedala prijateljem doma v Ljubljani, in z občutkom, da so celo nepričakovan trenutki sramu lahko začetek nove avanture.
En: Maja left there full of new stories to tell her friends back home in Ljubljana, with the feeling that even unexpected moments of embarrassment could be the start of a new adventure.

Vocabulary Words:
  • trip: izlet
  • beautiful: čudovito
  • fairy tale: pravljice
  • mighty: mogočno
  • passages: hodnike
  • armor: oklep
  • surprised: presenečeni
  • embarrassment: sram
  • curious: radovedni
  • adventurer: pustolovec
  • fantasy: fantaziji
  • invitation: vabilo
  • legends: legende
  • conversation: pogovor
  • structure: zgradbo
  • admired: občudovala
  • remarked: oglasil
  • tension: napetosti
  • mistakes: napake
  • existing: obstoječim
  • decided: sklenila
  • added: dodal
  • unexpected: nepričakovan
  • moments: trenutki
  • stories: zgodb
  • castle walls: grajskih zidov
  • laughter: smeh
  • embarrassed: osramočen
  • excitement: navdušenje
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