
Anže's Journey: Balancing Friendships and Studies at New School

13 ago 2024 · 17 min. 4 sec.
Anže's Journey: Balancing Friendships and Studies at New School

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 11 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Anže's Journey: Balancing Friendships and Studies at New School Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V mirni soseski s...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Anže's Journey: Balancing Friendships and Studies at New School
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V mirni soseski s čistimi in urejenimi vrtovi so se poletje vselile nove družine.
En: In a quiet neighborhood with clean and tidy gardens, new families moved in during the summer.

Sl: Ena od njih je bila družina Anžeta.
En: One of them was Anže's family.

Sl: Anže je bil tih in priden učenec, ki se je pripravljal na svoj prvi dan na novi srednji šoli.
En: Anže was a quiet and diligent student, preparing for his first day at a new high school.

Sl: Bil je živčen.
En: He was nervous.

Sl: Želel je narediti dober vtis in najti svoje mesto med novimi sošolci.
En: He wanted to make a good impression and find his place among his new classmates.

Sl: "Mama," je rekel med zajtrkom, "kaj če ne bom našel nobenih prijateljev?
En: "Mom," he said during breakfast, "what if I don't make any friends?"

Sl: ""Ne skrbi, Anže," mu je rekla mama.
En: "Don't worry, Anže," his mom replied.

Sl: "Bodi ti sam.
En: "Just be yourself.

Sl: Vse bo v redu.
En: Everything will be fine."

Sl: "Šola je bila moderna, s širokimi hodniki in velikimi okni.
En: The school was modern, with wide hallways and large windows.

Sl: Na oglasnih deskah so bile barvite objave o različnih klubih in dogodkih.
En: The bulletin boards were filled with colorful announcements about various clubs and events.

Sl: Anže je počakal pred vhodom, ko je k njemu pristopil fant z velikim nasmehom.
En: Anže was waiting by the entrance when a boy with a big smile approached him.

Sl: "Živjo!
En: "Hi!

Sl: Jaz sem Matej.
En: I'm Matej.

Sl: Mislim, da sva soseda," je rekel Matej.
En: I think we are neighbors," said Matej.

Sl: "Živjo," je Anže sramežljivo odzdravil.
En: "Hi," Anže greeted shyly.

Sl: "Greva skupaj noter?
En: "Shall we go inside together?"

Sl: " je predlagal Matej.
En: Matej suggested.

Sl: Skupaj sta vstopila v šolo in Matej je Anžetu pokazal, kje je njegova omarica.
En: Together, they walked into the school, and Matej showed Anže where his locker was.

Sl: Matej je poznal vse.
En: Matej seemed to know everyone.

Sl: Ves čas se je ustavljal in pozdravljal sošolce.
En: He kept stopping to greet classmates.

Sl: Anže je opazil, da je Matej večkrat preverjal rokovnike.
En: Anže noticed that Matej frequently checked his planners.

Sl: "Kaj je narobe?
En: "What's wrong?"

Sl: " je vprašal Anže.
En: Anže asked.

Sl: "Težave imam s šolo," je priznal Matej.
En: "I'm having trouble with school," Matej admitted.

Sl: "Težko sledim snovi.
En: "It's hard to keep up with the material.

Sl: Bi mi lahko pomagal?
En: Could you help me?"

Sl: "Anže je bil v zadregi.
En: Anže felt embarrassed.

Sl: Želel je pomagati, a se je bal, da bo to vplivalo na njegove ocene.
En: He wanted to help but was afraid it would affect his own grades.

Sl: Dnevi so minevali in Anže se je trudil, da bi uravnotežil svoje študije in pomoč Mateju.
En: Days passed, and Anže struggled to balance his studies and helping Matej.

Sl: Matej je bil vedno prijateljski in hvaležen za vsako pomoč.
En: Matej was always friendly and grateful for any help.

Sl: Nekega dne je Anže prejel povabilo v študijsko skupino od nekaj sošolcev.
En: One day, Anže received an invitation to join a study group from a few classmates.

Sl: Bil je vznemirjen, vendar je vedel, da Matej potrebuje njegovo pomoč za pomemben projekt.
En: He was excited but knew that Matej needed his help for an important project.

Sl: "Anže, res te potrebujem," je rekel Matej.
En: "Anže, I really need you," Matej said.

Sl: Anže je globoko vdihnil.
En: Anže took a deep breath.

Sl: "Prav, ti bom pomagal.
En: "Alright, I'll help you."

Sl: "Skupaj sta delala pozno v noč.
En: They worked late into the night.

Sl: Matej se je trudil razumeti snov, Anže pa mu je potrpežljivo razlagal.
En: Matej tried to understand the material, and Anže patiently explained it to him.

Sl: Naslednji dan je Matej oddal svoj projekt in oba sta dobila dobre ocene.
En: The next day, Matej submitted his project, and both received good grades.

Sl: "Ti si pravi prijatelj, Anže," je rekel Matej in ga objel.
En: "You're a true friend, Anže," Matej said, hugging him.

Sl: Ko so sošolci videli, kako je Anže pomagal Mateju, so ga začeli bolj ceniti.
En: When the classmates saw how Anže helped Matej, they began to appreciate him more.

Sl: Povabili so ga v študijsko skupino in vedno več časa so preživljali skupaj.
En: They invited him to the study group, and they spent more and more time together.

Sl: Anže je spoznal, da je mogoče uskladiti šolo in prijateljstvo.
En: Anže realized that it was possible to balance school and friendship.

Sl: Pomagati drugemu mu je prineslo veliko zadovoljstvo in naredilo ga močnejšega kot osebo.
En: Helping a friend brought him immense satisfaction and made him stronger as a person.

Sl: "Veš, Mama," je rekel nekega večera, "ni bilo tako težko najti prijatelje.
En: "You know, Mom," he said one evening, "it wasn't that hard to make friends."

Sl: "Z nasmehom ga je mama objela.
En: With a smile, his mom hugged him.

Sl: Anže je našel svoje mesto v novi šoli in spoznal, da pomoč prijatelju lahko prinese veliko sreče.
En: Anže had found his place at the new school and realized that helping a friend could bring a lot of happiness.

Sl: Konec.
En: The end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • neighborhood: soseski
  • gardens: vrtovi
  • diligent: priden
  • nervous: živčen
  • impression: vtis
  • entrance: vhod
  • suggested: predlagal
  • frequently: večkrat
  • embarrassed: v zadregi
  • struggled: trudil
  • invitation: povabilo
  • balance: uravnotežil
  • important: pomemben
  • project: projekt
  • patiently: potrpežljivo
  • explained: razlagal
  • submitted: oddal
  • appreciate: ceniti
  • satisfaction: zadovoljstvo
  • realized: spoznal
  • quiet: tih
  • tidy: urejeni
  • prepared: pripravljal
  • excited: vznemirjen
  • hallways: hodniki
  • windows: okni
  • bulletin: oglasni
  • announcements: objave
  • various: različnih
  • material: snov
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