
Ancient Baths & Unexpected Escapades: Tomaž & Anja's Summer

22 lug 2024 · 14 min. 15 sec.
Ancient Baths & Unexpected Escapades: Tomaž & Anja's Summer

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 22 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Ancient Baths & Unexpected Escapades: Tomaž & Anja's Summer Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Tomaž in Anja sta...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Ancient Baths & Unexpected Escapades: Tomaž & Anja's Summer
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Tomaž in Anja sta hodila po starih ulicah mesta.
En: Tomaž and Anja were walking through the old streets of the city.

Sl: Bila je vroča poletna sobota.
En: It was a hot summer Saturday.

Sl: Njuna pot jih je vodila do starodavne rimske kopeli.
En: Their path led them to an ancient Roman bath.

Sl: Tomaž je bil navdušen.
En: Tomaž was excited.

Sl: Rad je raziskoval zgodovinsko dediščino.
En: He loved exploring historical heritage.

Sl: Anja je videla njegov nasmeh in vedela, da ga bo težko zadržati.
En: Anja saw his smile and knew it would be hard to hold him back.

Sl: »Pojdiva noter,« je rekel Tomaž.
En: “Let’s go in,” said Tomaž.

Sl: Anja je pogledala okoli.
En: Anja looked around.

Sl: »Tomaž, bodi previden. Tukaj je varnostnik.«
En: “Tomaž, be careful. There’s a security guard here.”

Sl: Tomaž ni poslušal.
En: Tomaž didn’t listen.

Sl: Hodil je naprej.
En: He kept walking.

Sl: Stare kamnite stene so bili visoke.
En: The old stone walls were tall.

Sl: Zrak je bil vlažen od mineralne vode.
En: The air was damp from the mineral water.

Sl: Svetloba je vstopala skozi razpoke v stenah.
En: Light entered through the cracks in the walls.

Sl: »Poglej tole!« je vzkliknil Tomaž.
En: “Look at this!” Tomaž exclaimed.

Sl: Pred njim so bile dve veliki rimljanski stebri.
En: In front of him were two large Roman columns.

Sl: Želel jih je bolje videti.
En: He wanted to see them better.

Sl: Gledal je tako navdušeno, da ni opazil, kako se je zaplezal mednjih.
En: He was so fascinated that he didn’t notice how he got stuck between them.

Sl: »Anja, ne morem se premakniti! Pomagaj mi!«
En: “Anja, I can’t move! Help me!”

Sl: Anja je zavzdihnila.
En: Anja sighed.

Sl: »Kako si uspel to, Tomaž? Zdaj pa res potrebujemo načrt.«
En: “How did you manage that, Tomaž? Now we really need a plan.”

Sl: Vedela je, da pokličeta pomoč, bo pritegnilo pozornost varnostnika.
En: She knew that calling for help would attract the guard’s attention.

Sl: Morala je najti drugačno rešitev.
En: She had to find another solution.

Sl: Hodila je okoli stebrov.
En: She walked around the columns.

Sl: Poiskala je starodavno orodje.
En: She searched for ancient tools.

Sl: Našla je nekaj lesenih vzvodov.
En: She found some wooden levers.

Sl: »Tomaž, poskusi se ne premikati. Jaz bom uporabila te vzvode.«
En: “Tomaž, try not to move. I’ll use these levers.”

Sl: Anja je skrbno nastavila vzvode pod stebre.
En: Anja carefully positioned the levers under the columns.

Sl: Počasi jih je potiskala, dokler se ni Tomaž sprostil.
En: Slowly, she pushed them until Tomaž was freed.

Sl: »Tako, že si zunaj,« je rekla z nasmehom.
En: “There, you’re out,” she said with a smile.

Sl: Obadva sta hitro zapustila kopel tik preden je prišel varnostnik.
En: Both quickly left the bath just before the guard arrived.

Sl: »Anja, hvala,« je dejal Tomaž.
En: “Anja, thank you,” said Tomaž.

Sl: »Zdaj vem, da moram biti bolj pozoren.«
En: “Now I know I need to be more careful.”

Sl: »In jaz,« je rekla Anja, »vem, da lahko rešim težave.«
En: “And I,” said Anja, “know I can solve problems.”

Sl: Ko sta zapuščala starodavno kopel, ju je zopet obsijalo sonce.
En: As they left the ancient bath, the sun shone on them again.

Sl: Okoli njiju je bil vonj po starih časih in mineralni vodi.
En: Around them was the scent of ancient times and mineral water.

Sl: Obadva sta se smejala.
En: They both laughed.

Sl: Bil je začetek novega dne, polnega pustolovščin.
En: It was the beginning of a new day full of adventures.

Vocabulary Words:
  • walking: hodila
  • path: pot
  • ancient: starodavne
  • heritage: dediščino
  • security guard: varnostnik
  • walls: stene
  • damp: vlažen
  • cracks: razpoke
  • move: premakniti
  • sigh: zavzdihnila
  • lever: vzvod
  • tools: orodje
  • careful: previden
  • positioned: nastavila
  • fascinated: navdušeno
  • solution: rešitev
  • freed: sprostil
  • exploring: raziskoval
  • manage: uspel
  • attract: pritegnilo
  • sun: sonce
  • scent: vonj
  • adventures: pustolovščin
  • noticed: opazil
  • historical: zgodovinsko
  • lever: vzvod
  • solution: rešitev
  • whispered: šepetati
  • quietly: tiho
  • ancient: starodavne
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