075 A Horse's Life - 18th Century Colonial Style

8 feb 2023 · 25 min. 30 sec.
075 A Horse's Life - 18th Century Colonial Style

Horses - it's an issue we've basically used the whole country and most of history to run away from. Find out how the American horse problem started - and far...

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Horses - it's an issue we've basically used the whole country and most of history to run away from. Find out how the American horse problem started - and far we have not come in 300 years.

Also - does your town have a Race St? FInd out why today!

I'm not going to solve the American Horse problem, but I hope you can be more thoughtful about it - and maybe then you can solve it?

Music Credit: Fingerlympics by Doctor Turtle
Show Notes: https://thehistoryofamericanfood.blogspot.com/
Email: TheHistoryofAmericanFood@gmail.com
Twitter: @THoAFood
Instagram: @THoAFood
Post: @THoAFood
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Autore Greta Hardin
Organizzazione Greta Hardin
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