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You Can Be Unstoppable

  • Ep 91 What is the problem?

    27 APR 2023 · WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? We all have something that we want to change or doesn't work. Perhaps is your body, your relationship or your finances. Maybe life seems like an uphill battle. When people come to me they think they know what the problem is. However, from experience, I can tell that issue you think you have is rarely the problem. And as I listen to your expressions, your words and emotions you express the picture starts to emerge because our thoughts and words indicate the depths of our soul's inner, subconscious identity. However, most of us live hectic lives where we refuse to slow down. Where we refuse to look within. We are unaware of what is happening, even though your words and thoughts express it exactly. So take this opportunity to slow down, reconnect with yourself and expand your awareness as this is where all starts to unravel. _________ LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 21 min. 22 sec.
  • Ep 90 How to feel better in five minutes?

    13 APR 2023 · Our minds are not designed to live in the modern world. We are overwhelmed, tired and exhausted. And we make this OK.😯 We are addicted to struggle. Why? ❌Because our attention is pulled in so many different directions. ❌We live in such a fast pace world where nothing stays still. ❌Our minds are overloaded. ❌We are in the habit of doing things the hard way. ❌We are paralysed by FOMO. It is critical that we honour the most powerful yet fragile organ- the brain. 💡It is vital to slow down. 💡It is imperative to become a master of your thoughts. You can't hear yourself. You can't be fully present if you are in a constant go, go, go mode. Worse yet, you demand top performance from your brain. ✔️Do you want to regain some of your freedom to do your hobbies or spend time with the family? ✔️Do you want to be at least 10% more productive while doing less? ✔️Do you want to be present and at peace? Then tune in to this episode to learn my five minutes hack to take care of your brain. -------- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 14 min. 25 sec.
  • Ep 89 How to train your mind for success with Mary Lou Rodriguez

    6 APR 2023 · What if I told you that you are more powerful than you give yourself credit for? So many of us feel frustrated or disappointed with our lives as they are not where we want them to be. What is the problem? Most of us are NOT paying any attention to our self-talk. If you did, you would notice: - How much negativity there is. - How much self-judgment and self-criticism do you engage in daily? - How do you keep reaffirming yourself to what is not possible for you? I hear you ask, so what? Or perhaps how so? WORDS create reality. And yes, I know you heard that gazillions times before (or maybe you haven't), but what have you done with this knowledge? Are you actively and consciously working on yourself? Or have you shelved this knowledge like many other things you read? When your inner dialogue includes phrases such as: - You can't handle that - That is too much - How will you cope with the kids and growing business - Look at you. You look tired and unattractive. - That FB live didn't go to plan. I talked too fast. On the surface, this may seem insignificant, BUT when you engage in this type of self-talk or worse, you undermine your self-worth and trust in yourself and in your abilities. Chip, chip, chip ... even a drop of water can make a dent in the rock. Add to this a dash of uncomfortable emotions that we numb out with alcohol, Netflix shopping or various habits, even your thought habits. And you get yourself someone who consciously tries to create a certain outcome but quietly continues to self-sabotage all the efforts to maintain the status quo, a reality that is so familiar to them. What is the answer? AWARENESS And hypnosis can help you shine a light on all the shadows that have been pulling the strings all along. Then use IMAGINATION to create your new reality. Tune in to today's episode, 'How to train your mind for Success with Mary Lou Rodriguez'. ---- Where do you find Mary Lou? 5 Day Activate Your Success Mindset: Website: IG: marylouhypnotizesyou ------- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 58 min. 33 sec.
  • Ep 88 How to create an unstoppable life with ease?

    30 MAR 2023 · Have you ever wondered why you struggle to create that unstoppable & extraordinary life that you dream about? I know I have in the past. I had kept encountering the same problems over and over, feeling increasingly more & more frustrated. No matter what I did, very little happened, or I reverted to my old self soon enough. So what is the one thing that gets in our way? Consider this. The one thing that is standing in our way is ... our beautiful mind. Our beliefs, stories, thoughts, and habits, which are all part of the subconscious programming, are standing in our way. We are standing in our way. Yes, I said it. Tune in to episode 88, but before I leave you, I want to give you something that I find helpful in shifting beliefs. When you bump against beliefs that don't serve you, ask yourself those three questions. - How do I know this is true? - What evidence do I have that this is true? - Who would I be without this belief? Boom. A very powerful way to make your unconscious conscious. p.s. Let me know how did you get on with it. ---- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 20 min. 33 sec.
  • Ep 87 How being selfish to be selfless can assist you in creating your authentic life with Dr Paulette Evans?

    23 MAR 2023 · How being selfish to be selfless can assist you in creating your authentic life? I love challenging social norms and having guests that live authentically to their visions regardless of what others may or may not say. That is why my recent guest, Dr Paulette Evans, was such a joy to interview. I would like you to consider that you can easily LET GO of fear of judgment or any story, belief or habit that doesn't serve you any more. It is your CHOICE TO DO IT. Just because it served you when you were four or fifteen, it doesn't mean it will continue to do so. And MINDSET is something that I highly encourage you to regularly check against your goals and values. And update it as and when required. I hear you asking when that is exactly. It is really quite simple. As you grow and evolve. We can't change from the same place and expect different results. That is insanity. Tune in to hear how being selfish to be selfless can assist you in living your authentic life where YOU are the creator of your reality. You can find Dr Evans here: --------------- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 32 min. 38 sec.
  • Ep 86 How to embody the next level of success with Penny Chiasson?

    16 MAR 2023 · How to embody the next level of success with Penny Chiasson? Everyone will define success differently. However, most of us need help getting over the success ceiling. Why? Because as much as affirmation and strategies are important, nothing will shift till we align our subconscious identity with our desires. You may be wondering why is that important. Your habits, the way you see yourself and your beliefs may be getting in your way. Hypnosis is something that both Penny and I are passionate about. There are numerous benefits to working with a hypnotist. And although there are many misconceptions about hypnosis, in essence, it helps you to learn to manage your thinking & focus your attention on your desires. As you become more aware and present, at the same time, shifting your beliefs and stories that might be getting in your way. Success is just around the corner. Curious? Tune in to find out more. -------------- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. CONNECT WITH ME 💡 Subscribe to our channel. IG LINKEDiN FACEBOOK 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 41 min. 58 sec.
  • Ep 85 How stories can help you to become a leader in your life?

    9 MAR 2023 · Are you aware of how stories can help you to become a leader in your life? Yesterday was International Women's Day. I can't find a better time to bring you this episode. There is enormous power in empowering women at all levels to become leaders in their own right. Something beautiful happens when women come together. As women, we still face many challenges. What if I told you we all could be leaders of our own lives? And I would argue that we should. Ladies, we are POWERFUL. Liz Blomfield and I discussed many topics: ➡️The importance of stories in empowering women ➡️The ripple effect of supporting women ➡️The power of attention ➡️Thought patterns and fear of judgment Plus, she gave her top tips on how to become UNSTOPPABLE. Tune in to find out more. --------- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. OTHER RESOURCES: My Instagram Account My LinkedIn Account 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 41 min. 19 sec.
  • Ep 84 The best four ways to smash self-sabotage.

    2 MAR 2023 · You are right before that promotion or signing a new client, and somehow you missed a very important deadline or forgot to do something. Perhaps you made a mistake, and the whole thing collapsed. Sounds familiar? Our mind has many ingenious ways of sabotaging us. Sometimes it is very obvious. Sometimes is so subtle that we can't even see it. We are conditioned to believe that we can't have it too easy. We believe that we need to struggle. Often we don't even realise we have many limiting beliefs that run the show from the shadows of the subconscious mind. When the subconscious beliefs are at odds with the conscious wishes and desires, that is where the sabotage happens. And the subconscious always wins unless we do the work. Tune in to find out four ways to tackle self-sabotaging patterns. ---- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. OTHER RESOURCES: My Instagram Account My LinkedIn Account 💡 To book a consultation 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 15 min. 3 sec.
  • Ep 83 Do you need to be resilient to be successful?

    23 FEB 2023 · Do you need to be resilient to be successful? Great question. I have often asked myself if I am resilient. And I have to say yes, but not always in a healthy way. So, do you need to be resilient to be successful? Personally, my interpretation is YES. We need a healthy dose of resilience. Why? Because business & life, in general, is filled with challenging situations that we can't control. It takes courage, confidence and self-esteem to show up in the world and make our desires a reality. The more resilient we are, the more we can stabilise our emotional responses. Resilience also means ... Adaptability. Capacity to stay flexible in thinking, feeling and behaving. Improving your self-awareness. And that is not always easy if we don't have a supportive network, haven't dealt with limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, low self-esteem or habits that hold us back. However, the main takeaway I want you to take from this episode is that resilience is about remaining FLEXIBLE & ADAPTABLE. I want to leave you with one of my favourite hacks. Practice REFRAMING to build resilience. Whaaaat? Consider that everything is about interpretations. It is about how we choose to look at any problem or situation. Work on choosing better and healthier perspectives. Tune in to find out more. ------ LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. OTHER RESOURCES: My Instagram Account My LinkedIn Account 💡 To book a consultation 💎 Check out my new store where you can find FREE meditations, programmes and so much more. 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 12 min. 31 sec.

    17 FEB 2023 · ARE YOU STUCK IN A TIME WARP? What I mean by that is there is no better place to live a happy and joyful life than NOW, yet we get stuck in the past or the future. We worry. We overthink. We get stuck in shame & guilt. We get so preoccupied with what was or what may or may not be that we forget to live. Yes, we forget to enjoy our lives. Those ways of being can become so HABITUAL that we forget how to live any other way. AND YES, A WAY OF THINKING CAN BECOME A HABIT. We are creatures of habit. As a recovered overthinker, I fully understand. However, with all my heart, I promise the best life happens NOW. Please STOP wasting your creative energy on living in the past or the future. Use that vital force to create extraordinary life & biz from the NOW. And if you want to hear more about the TIME WARP & hypnosis, tune in to today's episode. p.s. If you want to experience the power of working with your subconscious mind, gain clarity, and become more focused and confident to create what you desire, get in touch. ----- LIKE THE EPISODE? Please leave a review. OTHER RESOURCES: My Instagram Account My LinkedIn Account 💡 To book a consultation 💎 Check out my new store where you can find FREE meditations, programmes and so much more. 💎 FREE Confidence Hypnotic Meditation 💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
    Ascoltato 19 min. 34 sec.

YOU CAN BE UNSTOPPABLE is a podcast for high achieving, anxious, self-doubting overthinkers, who desire to create a successful life, business or career, without sacrificing their health or love life....

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YOU CAN BE UNSTOPPABLE is a podcast for high achieving, anxious, self-doubting overthinkers, who desire to create a successful life, business or career, without sacrificing their health or love life.

I will share with you how to tap into the power of the subconscious mind & how to use its power. How to connect with yourself while fostering a healthy relationship with your body and mind.

Learn to manage your emotions, and become more resilient and present in all of your relationships.

I am a passionate activist for SELF-LOVE & SELF-ESTEEM as keys to your success, and abundance, to have a happy and healthy life on your terms.

This podcast is for you if you want to:
✔️Energise your life, business or professional career by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind
✔️Connect with your inner self while fostering a healthy relationship with your body and mind
✔️Build emotional resilience by learning how to manage your emotions
✔️Become present in all of your relationships
✔️Learn to love yourself and value your worth
✔️Stop overworking and overcommitting
✔️Create joyful & happy life according to your own set of norms and values.
✔️You are ready to unleash your unstoppable confidence

💎 Find out more at

💎Book consultation by emailing
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💎 Get your FREE gift (Hypnotic Meditation)

💡 Life is too short to live in chains of social norms and expectations!
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