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Winnie The Pooh Bible Lessons

  • The Sacrifice of Winnie the Pooh's Honey

    8 DIC 2023 · The Sacrifice of Winnie the Pooh's Honey Once upon a time in the Hundred Acre Wood, there lived a lovable bear named Winnie the Pooh. Winnie's days were filled with adventures, laughter, and, of course, honey. He cherished his honey pots and would often spend his time indulging in the sweet golden nectar. One day, while Winnie was enjoying a quiet afternoon by the river, a gentle voice echoed through the trees. It was the voice of the wise Owl, who had a special message for Winnie. Owl shared a story from the Bible, parallel to the story of Abraham being told to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God. "Winnie," Owl said, "just as Abraham was tested and asked to sacrifice his son Isaac in obedience to God, you are being called to share your honey with those in need in the Hundred Acre Wood." " There is a famine approaching and we all need to share what we have and you sharing your honey which you hold dear will be a example for others to share too and in that way we all by the grace of God can make it through this famine " Winnie's eyes widened, and his heart felt heavy at the thought of parting with his beloved honey. But he trusted Owl's wisdom and knew that there must be a greater purpose behind this request . So, with a heavy heart, Winnie made a solemn promise to share his honey with the forest creatures. Word of Winnie's decision spread quickly throughout the Hundred Acre Wood. The animals were amazed by his selflessness and gathered around him, eager to partake in the sweetness of his honey. Rabbit, Tigger, Piglet, and even Eeyore, who was known for his gloomy disposition, eagerly lined up for their share. As Winnie began to share his honey, he realized something extraordinary was happening. The more he gave away, the more his honey pots seemed to replenish themselves. It was as if the honey had a magical quality, multiplying with each act of kindness. In the midst of sharing his honey, Winnie felt a deep sense of joy and fulfillment. He realized that by letting go of his own desires and embracing the needs of others, he was experiencing a love and abundance far greater than any honey pot could offer. Throughout his journey of sharing, Winnie found solace in a Bible verse that resonated deeply with his experience. It was Proverbs 11:24, which says, "One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty." Winnie understood the truth behind these words as he witnessed the blessings that flowed from his act of obedience. As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Winnie continued to share his honey with the forest creatures. And in return, he received the immeasurable love and gratitude of his friends. This example led Rabbit to share his carrots which he also hold dear with the others in forest, and led the other forest creatures share what they had in so doing the famine passed and days of abundance came without a creature going throu hunger in all Hundred Acre Woods. In this beautiful parallel to the story of Abraham, Winnie the Pooh discovered the power of selflessness and the boundless blessings that come from sharing. His honey pots were a symbol of his attachment to material possessions of this world, and by letting go, he found a deeper connection with God those around him. And so, in the Hundred Acre Wood, the tale of Winnie the Pooh's obedience and generosity would be passed down from generation to generation, reminding all who heard it of the beauty that lies in selflessly sharing with others. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
    Ascoltato 4 min. 1 sec.
  • Winnie Stands up for his Faith

    19 AGO 2023 · Once upon a time, in the Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh and his friends lived harmoniously, going on adventures and enjoying each other's company. Pooh, a lovable bear with a heart of gold, had always been known for his simplicity and love for honey. However, something unexpected was about to happen that would test Pooh's faith in a way he had never imagined. One sunny day, a group of forest creatures arrived in the Hundred Acre Wood, led by a mischievous rabbit named Rascal. Rascal was a smooth talker and had convinced the animals that they should worship a golden honey pot, which he claimed possessed magical powers. The animals, influenced by Rascal's persuasive ways, eagerly embraced this new belief and built a large bonfire to worship the golden honey pot. Pooh and his friends were confused and concerned. They knew in their hearts that their true source of guidance and love came from their dear friend Christopher Robin and the Maker of the Wood. Pooh gathered his friends, including Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and Rabbit, and they discussed how to handle the situation. Remembering the story of the three Hebrews in the Bible, who stood firm in their faith in God despite immense pressure, Pooh decided to take a stand for his faith in Jesus. He knew that he had to show his friends the true light and love that came from following the Maker of the Wood. With determination in his heart, Pooh approached the growing crowd surrounding the golden honey pot. The animals were chanting and dancing around the bonfire, their eyes fixated on the shimmering gold. Pooh stepped forward and raised his paw, calling for their attention. "Friends," Pooh began, his voice steady and gentle, "I have always cherished our friendship and the joy we find in the Hundred Acre Wood. But I have come to realize that the true source of our happiness does not lie in a golden honey pot or any material possession. It lies in the love and guidance we receive from our dear friend Christopher Robin but most importantly Jesus Christ the Maker of the Wood." The animals fell silent, their gazes shifting from the golden honey pot to Pooh. Rascal, feeling threatened by Pooh's words, sneered, "What do you know, Pooh? The golden honey pot has brought us power and fortune. It's the key to our happiness." Pooh smiled warmly and replied, "Rascal, my friend, true happiness doesn't come from things that can fade or be taken away. It comes from a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ the Maker of the Wood. He loves us , died for us and raised from the dead so we can be forgiven and provides for us in ways we cannot even fathom. I choose to put my faith in Jesus Christ, for He is the true source of joy and peace." The animals pondered Pooh's words, and slowly, some of them began to step away from the bonfire. They realized that their friendship and the simple joys they had shared in the Hundred Acre Wood were far more valuable than any golden honey pot. Moved by Pooh's courage and conviction, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and Rabbit joined him at the forefront, declaring their faith in the Maker of the Wood. Together, they prayed for their friends who were still captivated by the allure of the golden honey pot, hoping that they too would see the truth. Days turned into weeks, and gradually, more animals left the worship of the golden honey pot and returned to their beloved friendships in the Hundred Acre Wood. Pooh and his friends continued to live out their faith, sharing the love and grace they had received from the Maker of the Wood with those around them. Over time, the forest creatures began to notice a change in the demeanor of Pooh and his friends. They saw the peace that radiated from their hearts and the joy that filled their interactions. They saw selflessness and kindness in their actions, and it sparked curiosity within them. One by one, the animals approached Pooh and his friends, seeking to understand the source of their transformation. Pooh, always gentle and welcoming, shared stories of the Maker of the Wood and the love that had captured his heart. He spoke of the sacrificial love of Jesus, who gave His life so that they could experience true freedom from sin and joy in the things above. The animals listened intently, their hearts open to the truth. They realized that the golden honey pot had been a mere illusion, a distraction from the genuine and everlasting love that was available to them. They longed to know more about the Maker of the Wood, the one who could provide true purpose and meaning in their lives. Together, Pooh and his friends led the animals in prayer, inviting them to accept Jesus into their hearts and experience the transforming power of His love. The Hundred Acre Wood was filled with the joyful sounds of newfound faith and friendship. As the days passed, the animals continued to grow in their faith, supporting and encouraging one another. They discovered that true strength came from unity and that their shared belief in the Maker of the Wood had forged an unbreakable bond. Together, they faced challenges, celebrated victories, and embraced the abundance of life that came from living in alignment with God's will. In time, the story of Winnie the Pooh and his unwavering faith in Jesus spread throughout the forest. More creatures from distant lands came to visit, eager to experience the love and grace that had transformed the Hundred Acre Wood. Pooh and his friends welcomed them with open arms, sharing the story of their faith and the joy that comes from knowing the Maker of the Wood. And so, in the heart of the Hundred Acre Wood, faith in Jesus blossomed, bringing light, hope, and love to all who dwelled there. Pooh and his friends continued their adventures, but now they did so with a newfound purpose—to share the good news of Jesus and His love with everyone they encountered. And as the story of Winnie the Pooh and his faith in Jesus echoed through the Hundred Acre Wood, it reminded all who heard it of the power of faith, the strength of friendship, and the boundless love of the Maker of the Wood.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 57 sec.
  • Christopher tells Pooh about Jesus

    19 AGO 2023 · Once upon a time in the Hundred Acre Wood, Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh were sitting beneath a large oak tree, enjoying the warmth of a beautiful sunny day. The birds were singing, and the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Christopher Robin, with a thoughtful expression on his face, turned to his dear friend Pooh and said, "Pooh, have you ever wondered why we are here? What our purpose is in this world?" Pooh, with his paw dipped in a jar of honey, looked up at Christopher Robin and replied, "Oh, you mean why we spend our days searching for honey and having adventures?" Christopher Robin smiled warmly at Pooh and nodded. "Yes, those are wonderful parts of our lives, but I believe there's something even more extraordinary we should think about." Curiosity sparked in Pooh's eyes, and he set the honey jar aside. "Tell me more, Christopher Robin. What is it that you're thinking about?" Taking a deep breath, Christopher Robin began to share his faith in Jesus, the Son of God, who is also God , him coming to earth as a human and His sacrifice on the cross for their sins. He spoke about how Jesus came to the world to teach people about love, forgiveness, and the importance of a relationship with God. Christopher Robin explained that Jesus willingly gave His life on the cross, taking the punishment for all the wrong things people had done so that they could have a chance to be forgiven and have eternal life in heaven. As Christopher Robin spoke, Pooh listened intently, his eyes widening with each word. He was captivated by the love and sacrifice Jesus had shown for them and everyone else. "Christopher Robin," Pooh interrupted gently, "Does this mean that Jesus loves us, even if we make mistakes or do things that are not right?" Christopher Robin smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes, Pooh. Jesus loves us , no matter what. He wants us to understand His love, accept Him into our hearts, and strive to follow His teachings." Pooh pondered for a moment, and then a soft smile appeared on his face. "Oh, Christopher Robin, I think I understand. Jesus' love is like the honey in this jar. It's sweet, and it never runs out. Just like how we can always count on honey being there for us, we can always count on Jesus' love." Christopher Robin's eyes filled with joy as he embraced Pooh. "Exactly, my dear friend! Jesus' love is always there for us, guiding us, comforting us, and forgiving us. It's a love that will never fade away." From that day forward, Christopher Robin and Pooh continued their adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood, but with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the love of Jesus. They shared His teachings with their friends, spreading hope and joy throughout the wood, and cherishing the eternal love that had been revealed to them. And in the heart of the Hundred Acre Wood, the love and sacrifice of Jesus became a timeless tale, reminding everyone that no matter how small or simple they might feel, they were loved beyond measure, just as they were, by a Savior who gave everything for them.
    Ascoltato 3 min. 8 sec.
  • Winnie the little Jonah

    19 AGO 2023 · Once upon a time, in the peaceful Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh, a lovable bear with a rumbly tummy, found himself in a peculiar situation. He had been chosen by a higher power to deliver an important message to his friends about Jesus, just as Jonah had been chosen to deliver a message to the people of Nineveh. But instead of embracing his purpose, Pooh decided to run away. One sunny morning, Pooh woke up with a heavy heart. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving the comfort of his cozy home and telling his friends about something as big as Jesus. So, he packed a small bag of honey pots and set off on a journey to escape his destiny. As Pooh wandered deeper into the woods, he encountered his wise friend, Owl, perched on a tree branch. Pooh confided in Owl about his reluctance to fulfill his purpose. Owl, being knowledgeable and understanding, reminded Pooh of the story of Jonah, who had tried to escape from his divine mission too. "Pooh, my dear friend," Owl said, fluttering his wings, "Just like Jonah, you can't outrun the plans that God has for you. It's important to embrace your purpose, even if it feels scary or uncomfortable." Pooh listened intently, his eyes filled with curiosity. He realized that Owl was right. Instead of running away, he needed to trust in the divine guidance and share the message he had been entrusted with. With newfound courage, Pooh made his way back to the Hundred Acre Wood, determined to fulfill his mission. Along the way, he encountered his friends Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit, and Eeyore, who were surprised to see him return. Curiosity piqued, Tigger bounced excitedly and asked, "Pooh, where did you go? And why did you leave so suddenly?" Pooh took a deep breath and explained, "My dear friends, I have a message to share with all of you about Jesus. It's a message of love, kindness, and hope. I tried to run away from it, just like Jonah did, but I realized that I must embrace my purpose and share this message with you." The friends gathered around Pooh, their expressions a mix of surprise and anticipation. They knew that Pooh was a dear friend, and if he had something important to share, it must be something extraordinary. Pooh began to tell them about Jesus, his teachings, and the love he had for each and every one of them. He spoke of forgiveness, compassion, the joy that comes from knowing that they were loved by Jesus , that he died on the cross and rose again so they could receive that forgiveness comes from the cross. As Pooh shared his message, his friends listened intently, their hearts opening up to the wisdom and love that resonated from his words. They realized that Pooh had discovered something truly special. In that moment, the Hundred Acre Wood was filled with a newfound sense of unity and understanding. Pooh's friends embraced the message of Jesus with open hearts, and they began to embody the principles of love and kindness in their daily lives. Pooh had learned a valuable lesson on his journey, just like Jonah did. He discovered that running away from his purpose only brought him discomfort and unease. When he embraced his mission and shared the message of Jesus, he found joy, fulfillment, and a deeper connection with his friends. From that day forward, Pooh and his friends lived their lives in the Hundred Acre Wood with a renewed sense of purpose and a deepened bond. They supported one another, spreading kindness and love wherever they went. Pooh became a beacon of light, reminding his friends of the teachings of Jesus and encouraging them to live by those principles. Tigger bounded around, sharing laughter and joy, Piglet offered comfort and reassurance, Rabbit showed acts of generosity, and Eeyore even found a glimmer of hope in his heart. Together, they formed a tight-knit community, each contributing their unique gifts to make the Hundred Acre Wood a place of love, compassion, and understanding. They were no longer just friends; they were a family, united by the message that Pooh had shared. Word of the Hundred Acre Wood's transformation began to spread beyond their cozy sanctuary, reaching neighboring lands and even far-off places. People were drawn to the warmth and love radiating from the Wood, and they too found solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose. Pooh's journey, much like Jonah's, had a ripple effect that extended far beyond what he could have ever imagined. The message of Jesus, carried by Pooh and embraced by his friends, touched the lives of countless others, bringing hope to those who had lost their way and reminding them of the power of love. And so, the Hundred Acre Wood became a beacon of light in a world that often seemed dark and uncertain. The lessons of the Book of Jonah merged with the timeless wisdom of Winnie the Pooh, creating a beautiful tapestry of faith, friendship, and the transformative power of embracing one's purpose. As the seasons changed and years passed, Pooh and his friends continued to live out their purpose, never forgetting the message they had shared. Their legacy lived on, reminding future generations of the power of love, compassion, and the importance of embracing one's divine calling. And as for Pooh, he no longer had a rumbly tummy caused by the lack of honey, for he had discovered a deeper nourishment within his soul—a love that could never be depleted.
    Ascoltato 5 min. 23 sec.
  • Pooh's Faith

    18 AGO 2023 · Once upon a time in the Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh and his loyal friend Piglet were enjoying a peaceful afternoon. The sun shone brightly through the trees, casting a warm glow on their furry bodies as they sat on a grassy hillside. They were engrossed in a conversation about faith and the challenges it sometimes faced. Pooh turned to Piglet with a thoughtful look on his face and asked, "Piglet, have you ever wondered why it can be so difficult to keep our faith in Jesus during hard times?" Piglet, his small frame huddled close to Pooh, nodded his head and replied, "Yes, Pooh. Sometimes it feels like the world is full of worries and uncertainties, and it's hard to stay strong in our beliefs." Pooh sighed and said, "You're right, Piglet. Life can be tough, and it's easy to lose faith when things don't go our way. But I think that's when we need to remember the lessons Jesus taught us." Curious, Piglet asked, "What lessons, Pooh?" With a gentle smile, Pooh began to share a story. "Once, there was a man named Job who faced unimaginable hardships. He lost his possessions, his health, and even his loved ones. But through it all, he never lost his faith in God." Piglet listened intently as Pooh continued, "Job's friends tried to convince him that he must have done something wrong to deserve such suffering. But Job remained steadfast, knowing that God had a plan for him, even in the midst of his pain." Piglet's eyes widened with understanding. "So, even when things are difficult, we should not lose faith in Jesus because He has a plan for us?" Pooh nodded. "Exactly, Piglet. Just like Job, we must hold onto our faith, even when the path seems uncertain. Jesus promised to be with us always, and that includes the hard times." Piglet sighed, his heart a little lighter. "That's comforting to know, Pooh. But how do we keep our faith strong when everything around us feels overwhelming?" Pooh pondered for a moment before replying, "Well, Piglet, I believe it begins with prayer. We can talk to Jesus and ask for strength and guidance. He will always be there to listen and help us through our struggles." Piglet nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope. "And what else, Pooh?" Pooh smiled and said, "We can also lean on our friends and community, just as Job's friends were there for him. When we share our burdens with others, they can offer support, encouragement, and remind us of God's love." Piglet's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Like you, Pooh. You're always there for me, and your friendship gives me strength." Pooh blushed slightly and replied, "And you, Piglet, have a heart full of compassion and kindness. Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way." As they sat together, basking in the warmth of their friendship, Piglet felt a renewed sense of faith and hope. He realized that no matter how tough life became, he could find solace and strength by keeping his faith in Jesus. From that day forward, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet faced many trials and tribulations, but their faith in Jesus remained unwavering. They encountered storms that threatened to topple their spirits, but they clung to the promises of Jesus like an anchor. One day, as Pooh and Piglet were strolling through the Hundred Acre Wood, they stumbled upon Eeyore, who was sitting under a gloomy raincloud. His usual melancholic demeanor seemed even more pronounced, and his droopy ears sagged with a heavy burden. Concerned, Pooh approached Eeyore and asked, "Eeyore, what seems to be troubling you today?" Eeyore sighed deeply and replied, "Oh, Pooh, it's just one of those days where everything feels hopeless. Nothing seems to go right, and it's hard to find any joy in life." Pooh glanced at Piglet, who nodded in understanding. Together, they knew that Eeyore needed a reminder of the power of faith in Jesus, even in the darkest of times. Pooh gently placed a paw on Eeyore's shoulder and said, "Eeyore, we understand how you feel. Life can be tough, and sometimes it feels like the rain will never stop pouring. But we have found solace and strength in our faith in Jesus." Eeyore looked up at them, his eyes filled with curiosity. "But how do you keep your faith strong when everything feels so gloomy?" Piglet stepped forward and shared, "We remember the story of Noah and the Ark. When the world was flooded, Noah trusted in God's plan. He built an ark and gathered animals, even though others doubted him. And in the end, God kept His promise and brought them to safety." Pooh added, "Just like Noah, we must trust that Jesus has a plan for us. Even when life seems overwhelming, He is with us, providing shelter and guiding us through the storms." Eeyore's expression softened, and a glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes. "So, you're saying that even when everything seems hopeless, there is always a reason to have faith?" Pooh smiled warmly and replied, "Yes, Eeyore. Faith isn't about denying our struggles; it's about finding strength and hope in the midst of them. Jesus promised to be our refuge and our rock, and when we hold onto that promise, our faith can weather any storm." Deep in thought, Eeyore mused, "Perhaps I've been too focused on the rain clouds that I forgot to look for the rainbow." Piglet nodded, his voice filled with encouragement. "Yes, Eeyore. The storms in life may be fierce, but they will pass. And when they do, we can find beauty, growth, and new beginnings, just like the rainbow after the rain." Eeyore let out a small smile, his burden lightened by the wisdom and faith of his friends. Together, they walked through the Hundred Acre Wood, sharing stories of faith, hope, and the unwavering love of Jesus. From that day forward, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, and Eeyore faced many challenges, but their faith remained steadfast. They leaned on one another, always reminding each other of the lessons they had learned and the promises they held dear. And in the Hundred Acre Wood, their friendship and unwavering faith in Jesus became a beacon of light, inspiring others in the community. Their unwavering belief in Jesus and their support for one another touched the hearts of their fellow animal friends. Tigger, known for his boundless energy, found comfort in their faith during his moments of restlessness. Rabbit, often caught up in his worries, discovered a newfound peace in trusting God's plan. Even Owl, the wise old bird, found solace in the simplicity of their faith, realizing that sometimes the greatest wisdom lies in childlike trust. As the days turned into months and the months into years, the lessons of faith, hope, and love continued to resonate throughout the Hundred Acre Wood. The animals faced trials and tribulations, but their faith in Jesus and their unity as a community carried them through. Word of their unwavering faith spread beyond the borders of the wood, reaching neighboring forests and distant lands. People from far and wide traveled to the Hundred Acre Wood, seeking the wisdom, joy, and hope that radiated from Pooh, Piglet, and their friends. Their simple yet profound message touched hearts and transformed lives. People began to realize that in the face of adversity, keeping the faith in Jesus was not just a religious practice but a way of finding strength, peace, and purpose in life. The Hundred Acre Wood became a place of pilgrimage, not for its enchanting scenery alone but for the spiritual nourishment it offered. Families, individuals, and even those lost in despair found solace and renewal as they witnessed the unwavering faith of Pooh, Piglet, and their friends. And so, the story of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, and their faith in Jesus became a timeless tale of hope, resilience, and the profound impact one's faith can have on others. Their journey taught generations to come that even in the hardest of times, keeping the faith in Jesus can illuminate the darkest paths, mend broken hearts, and bring forth a joy that surpasses all understanding. And in the heart of the Hundred Acre Wood, the light of their faith continued to shine, guiding lost souls back to the embrace of God's unwavering love.
    Ascoltato 8 min. 38 sec.
  • The Gossiping of Winnie the Pooh

    31 OTT 2022 · Winnie the Pooh learns it is not good to gossip if you don't have all the information to know if it is true
    Ascoltato 2 min. 55 sec.
  • Winnie the Pooh Unforgiving Heart

    31 OTT 2022 · Winnie the Pooh learns a Valuable lesson on forgiveness
    Ascoltato 4 min. 3 sec.
Winnie the Pooh learns valuable lessons from the Bible. Episodes once a month

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