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What's Your Excuse?

    A comedy podcast all about excuses and why we use them, why other people have used them, and what these excuses have gotten people out of. Megan and Caitlin meet...

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    A comedy podcast all about excuses and why we use them, why other people have used them, and what these excuses have gotten people out of. Megan and Caitlin meet in the studio with roommates, her cat, and sometimes a guest, to talk about the crazy, creative, and usually really dumb excuses people use to get out of things. They also frequently discuss the ongoing adventures of their lives and what excuses they have used in their every day to get out of going to parties, leaving dinners early, and running a mile in gym class. (... well that one is old.) This isn't an attempt to get people to stop using their excuses and be accountable, this is praise for the originality some people have when they come up with them.
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