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Welcome to the Godly Healing Podcast by N. Niami

  • Faith & Fear Create Your Life

    25 OTT 2023 · In today's episode, we are going to discuss the difference between faith and fear and why it's important to train your mind to choose faith over fear in any situation you are presented with. They both carry spiritual powers, and have the ability to shape the world around you. Enjoy x
    10 min. 35 sec.
  • Setting Boundaries

    11 OTT 2023 · In today's episode, we discuss the importance of setting boundaries and why you need to set boundarie. I also discuss how you can identify what your boundaries are if this is the first time you're having to set boundaries. Boundaries are there to protect you and your peace and to also teach people how to treat you. Enjoy x
    12 min. 36 sec.
  • Take the Pressure off Yourself - It Is Finished

    27 SET 2023 · In today's epsisode, we will discuss taking the pressure of ourselves because it is already done and finised by what the Lord Jesus Christ has done on the cross for us. Take the pressure in trying to get things right or be perfect, you're not saved by your own works but saved by Grace through Faith. Enjoy x
    10 min. 34 sec.
  • Reasons Why Relationships Don't Last

    23 AGO 2023 · In today's episode, I discuss with you some of the reasons why relationships don't work and don't last these days and it's not what you think. It's not about blaming the other person but more about looking within ourselves and find out if we are self-sebotaging and sebotaging the relationships we have in our lives. Let talk about what these reasons are and why we are this way. Enjoy x
    13 min. 17 sec.
  • Reconciling with Your Inner Child

    9 AGO 2023 · In today's episode, we discuss your inner child and the importance of reconciling with our inner child. Every one you meet, every single person without exception has an inner child. Some have done the work and have loving accepted and healed their inner child others haven't. But in order for anything to change in your life, in order for you to change you need to become one with that little girl or little boy that you have burried deep within yourself because your parents, society and the world made you believe that he or she is unworthy of love. This is your chance to reconcile with your inner child and take him/her into your loving arms. Enjoy x
    12 min. 38 sec.
  • The Obstacles to Faith

    26 LUG 2023 · In today's episode, we will discuss the obstacles to faith. The things that are stopping us from having unwavering faith. Our walk with God is a walk of faith and Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith so faith is very vital in a believers' life for not only attaining God's blessings for our lives but also to be able to live in the last days and withstand the test of time. Let's discuss the obstacles to faith and take a look and see which obstacles are standing in your faith walk. Enjoy x
    14 min. 30 sec.
  • How Do We Start Loving Ourselves

    12 LUG 2023 · In today's episode, we discuss how do we start loving ourselves and this is a continuous episode to the one where I shared with you how to let go of someone you love. My response was by loving yourself more and in today's episode I will talk to you about how do you start loving yourself. Enjoy x
    12 min. 12 sec.
  • How to Let Go of Someone You Love

    28 GIU 2023 · In today's episode, we will discuss how you can let go of someone you love. I used to ask this question all the time, how am I able to live without this person and how can I let them go while still loving them. It's hard I get it but in this episode I'll give you the only answer the only way out of this diliema. I've tried everything believe me and this is the only way you learn how to let go and choose yourself. Enjoy x
    13 min. 33 sec.
  • What My Toxic Relationship Has Taught Me

    14 GIU 2023 · In today's episode, I share with you the lessons and revelations I have received and learned from leaving my most toxic relationship. These lessons came rushing in as soon as I decided to end it and walk away, I soon as I decided that this was it. I was tired of living life the way I had lived it and I knew something needed to change, I needed to change and I did. And it all began the day I ended that relationship. Enjoy x
    19 min. 16 sec.
  • The Importance of Healing

    31 MAG 2023 · In today's episode, we dicuss the importance of HEALING and how your wounds and trauma could be holding you back. In order to experience something different you need to be someone different and you can only become a brand new creation (in Christ) by dying to your old self first. This requires a transformation of mind, healing of your wounds and aligning your mind, soul and spirit with God. Enjoy x
    16 min. 25 sec.

Welcome to the Godly Healing Podcast. I am your host, N. Niami and I am so excited to have you here with me. As we embark on this journey of...

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Welcome to the Godly Healing Podcast. I am your host, N. Niami and I am so excited to have you here with me.

As we embark on this journey of healing, we will begin to transcend our limiting beliefs by shifting our paradigm, uprooting our false beliefs, and replacing them with the truth. It's time to face all our fears and be set free from them because God has not given us a spirit of fear. Therefore we must overcome our fear with crazy-like faith in a faithful God and attain the life and the blessings God has for you and me!

So come on along with me, hand in hand with Jesus, and receive the full authority, power, freedom, joy, and peace we have in Him.

This is where we heal God's way!
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