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Weekend With Ms. SDE

  • Is MAMAA the new FAANG

    18 SET 2022 · Considering that Facebook changed their name to Meta, FAANG is not a proper acronym to describe the top technology companies. Mad Money's Jim Cramer coined the term FAANG in 2013. FAANG included Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google. New acronym, MAMAA, stands for Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon and Apple.
    10 min. 21 sec.
  • Trailer - "Weekends With Ms. SDE"

    11 SET 2022 · Trailer and Summary
    50 sec.

Everyone wants to know what MAMAA is up to, how the world’s governments are dealing with cyber security threats, is TikTok here forever, etc. Spend a few minutes every weekend...

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Everyone wants to know what MAMAA is up to, how the world’s governments are dealing with cyber security threats, is TikTok here forever, etc. Spend a few minutes every weekend with your host, Ms.SDE, to recap the most important technological developments. Keep up with current events and get your week summary in 15 minutes!

My Blog for notes and references:
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