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We're ALL Nerds

The Hypothetical Nerd

    What people like and do will never be the same from person to person, but one thing's for certain, everyone has something they nerd out about. Trust me on this...

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    What people like and do will never be the same from person to person, but one thing's for certain, everyone has something they nerd out about. Trust me on this one. I have yet to meet someone that doesn’t have a favorite fictional world they have invested extra time into watching, reading, playing, or whatever infinite mediums are out there. Thus they are a nerd. In this interview based series I'm going to talk to people with varying jobs and hobbies and see what fantasy worlds have enticed them enough to be deemed their favorite and what worlds they would personally want to live in just so I can show to you that no matter who you are, We're all Nerds.
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    Autore The Hypothetical Nerd
    Organizzazione The Hypothetical Nerd
    Categorie Tempo libero
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