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Wacky Weight Loss - Inflammation

    Longterm weight loss solutions seem to escape the average person who desires to loose weight loss. Said another way, most people who attempt to loose weight gain it all back...

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    Longterm weight loss solutions seem to escape the average person who desires to loose weight loss. Said another way, most people who attempt to loose weight gain it all back within 12-14 months plus 5-10% more weight. The reason for this has to do with not addressing the underlying inflammatory component that drives fat accumulation. Inflammatory mediators "cross-talk" with fat cells in the body causing them to accumulate more fat. So what's the solution to the inflammatory contribution to longterm weight loss? The answer is to identify what processes are driving the inflammatory processes and fix them. Join Dr. Michael Wald, The BloodDetective, as he explores what you need to know to end inflammation based upon his more than 30-years helping people loose weight for the longterm.

    Dr. Wald holds the following credentials and contact information: 914-552-1442 | | | DC - Dietitian -Masters in Nutrition - MD diploma (unlicensed as a medical practitioner)-Sports Nutritionist - Board Certified Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is located in Chappaqua, NY in Westchester County. He has published several books including, The Anti-Aging Encyclopedia of Anti-Aging Tests and Frankenfoods - GMO Dangers.
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