19 DIC 2024 · In this episode of Unpause Your Life with Dr. Cali Estes, we’re joined by Dave Mowry, a man who’s lived with bipolar disorder and severe anxiety his entire life. But when Dave discovered stand-up comedy, it became his lifeline. What started as a personal passion turned into a powerful tool for healing, allowing him to melt away the heaviness of his struggles.
Through his unique blend of humor, openness, and honesty, Dave has become a beacon of hope for others on their journey of mental health recovery. His ability to share his story with laughter breaks down barriers, fosters empathy, and shatters stigma surrounding mental illness.
Dave’s experience offers a rare glimpse into life with bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, helping both those affected by mental illness and those who aren’t understand the challenges that come with it. His best-selling book OMG That's Me! has sold over 17,000 copies and continues to inspire and educate.
Tune in to hear his inspiring journey and learn how comedy can become a tool for mental health recovery.
Visit http://www.unpauseyourlife.com/ for more.
#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #RecoveryJourney #ComedyForHealing #StandUpComedy #MentalHealthAwareness #ShatteringStigma #EmpathyAndUnderstanding #DrCaliEstes #UnpauseYourLife #MentalHealthRecovery #BipolarAwareness #Depression #PanicAttacks #HealingThroughLaughter #MentalHealthMatters #BookRelease #OMGThatsMe #Inspiration #BreakTheStigma