Triple M Podcast, where we talk about metal, movies, and more.

Episodi & Post
10 OTT 2020 · Oh damn! This is a good one. This is our Bandcamp Friday special extravaganza. We talk about Sumac may you be held, Borracho - riffography, Sunken-livsled, Laser Dracul - Hagridden, Hellripper - The Affair of the Poisons, Echoes - Wills Disolve, Cloudkicer - Solitude, Kathodos - Serpent Column, Inferi - of Sunless realms
Proscription - Conduit.
We also talk about Mulan, for some reason, and cover Devil All the Time. We get murky as we talk about Prisoners, Bringing Out the Dead, Bad Boys 3, and Sucker Punch, We then go further out there with Spiderman, Idris Elba, Zack Snyder, Crag Ferguson, and Hannibal.
We finish up the show with a warm remembrance of Eddie Van Halen who past away recently, and talk about Two Minutes to Late Night who covered Hot for Teacher, with Gina Gleeson.
Stay safe out there, and stay METAL \m/
29 SET 2020 · Another podcast for your earholes. This one we talk about All Them Witches, Lascaille's Shroud, Toxic Reign, Untamed Land, and Haunt.
Movies, we talk about them too! Come for the music, stay for the movies and the bs.
6 SET 2020 · Two weeks in a row? Has it been two weeks in a row? Who even knows these days. What is time anyway?
On this episode, we go over our Bandcamp Friday picks and a few others. Aarsland,
Neptunian Maximalism, Kortirion, PIG DESTROYER, Ulver, Stygian, Power Trip, Zeal and Ardor, Hellripper, Volcanova, Mutoid Man.
On the movie side of things, we discuss the career of Chadwick Boseman. We also talk about Cobra Kai, Hannibal, and a few other odds and ends.
25 AGO 2020 · Deep into this plague. We talk about Jambinai, Havukruunu, Mesarthrim, Rebel Wizard, Green Lung, Bonehawk, Eternal Storm, and Midnight Danger.
We talk about Seven Samurai, Batman, The Tax Collector, Disney and Nickelodeon, on the movie side of things.
3 AGO 2020 · This is a good one! We're all over the place, we talk about the human anatomy, shapes, music, serial killers and more!
On the music side we cover, Boris - No, Bogwife - halls of rebirth, Dark Forrest - Oak Ash and Thorn, 10 Foot Wizard - get out of your mind, Dance with the Dead, Skyforrest - a new dawn, Surya - Apocalypse A.D., Shezmu - A Travers Les Lambeaux, Nishaiar - Awaxhun, Pig Destroyer - The Octagonal Stairway, Low Cunning - Tales of the Shitty Wizard, Neptunian Maximalism - Eons.
On the movie side we talk about Little Women, The Old Guard, Doctor Sleep, Zodiac, Se7en, 8 1/2. We also talk about the show Hannibal, as well as Silence of the Lambs, and Red Dragon.
This is a good one, where we are proper buzzed.
1 LUG 2020 · Season 2, session 10. Where did 9 go? Who knows?!
This episode is a shorter one, we had some technical trouble shooting at the start which led to some issues at the end. But whatever, there are no rules!
This go round we talk about; the Spirit Adrift / Khemmis split, NEW BELL WITCH / Aerial Ruin, Mare Cognitum, Sunn O))), Arstidir lifsinse, Heilung, and Panopticon.
17 GIU 2020 · Hey all, hope everyone is doing well. This one is kind of longer one. We talk about Unreqvited, Gråt Strigoi, Khemmis, Sickle and Dust, Wolftooth, Sunn O))), Run the Jewels, Haunt, Monolord, Acid Mammoth, Ellorsith.
We also ramble on about a few movies, like we do. Hope everyone is doing well, stay metal.
17 MAG 2020 · Heyo everyone in lockdown, have we got an episode for you. We talk about Summoning, Smoulder, Warbringer, Divine Chaos, the Howling Void, Afsky, Arstidir Lifsins, and Haunt.
We also ramble on as we always do about Idris Elba, as well as Christopher Nolan, Denis Vellenueva. The movies Extraction, Arrival, and Possession.
So pop this on and sit back while you're locked down at home and can't be going out and about. Take care of yourself, wash your hands, and stay metal.
27 APR 2020 · Miss us? Due to some technical difficulties we had a little delay, but we are here with some more music recommendations for your earholes while on lock down and practicing social distancing. We talk about Medium Build, Igorrr, Dopelord, Quixotic, Carnosus, Ulcerate, Wardaemonic, Ketzer, Temple of Void, Those Poor Bastards, Forlesen,Temple of the Fuzz Witch, Pastoral, Earthdiver, and, Auroch,
We discuss the movie 1917, James Bond, and we really just off on some tangents about movies.
1 APR 2020 · Are you practicing social distancing, and need something to pass the time? Well, we are back with a stack of music reccomendations! We talk about; Unreqvited + Asnojokei, Molchat Doma, A Diadem of Dead Stars, Eneferns, Awenden, Rotting Kingdom, Nightfell, Helleborus, Delia Poparad, Dopelord, Carnosus, and Igorrr.
We also talk about the film Color out of Space, starring Nicolas Cage.
Stay safe everyone, wash your hands, and stay metal!
Triple M Podcast, where we talk about metal, movies, and more.
Autore | Triple M Podcast |
Organizzazione | Triple M Podcast |
Categorie | Musica |
Sito | - |
triplempodcast@yahoo.com |
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