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TouchMD University

The Axis

    Watch and learn from TouchMD power users how they TouchMD to its fullest potential in their daily practice workflow, from patient education to consistently high quality patient photogrpahy, to successful...

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    Watch and learn from TouchMD power users how they TouchMD to its fullest potential in their daily practice workflow, from patient education to consistently high quality patient photogrpahy, to successful point-of-care marketing and more.

    Hosted by TouchMD’s Vice President of Client Services Tina Brown and President of Sales and Marketing Tyler Terry, you’ll see and learn directly from power users of TouchMD how they use the visual consultation, marketing and imaging software to exceed patient expectations at every touchpoint.

    With 30+ available integrations (and counting), TouchMD integrates seamlessly with the most popular practice management, EMR, and lead management platforms in aesthetics, plastic surgery, medical spa, ophthalmology, women’s health, and dentistry.

    Schedule your free 15-minute demo of TouchMD

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    Learn more TouchMD at
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