Copertina del podcast

The World Food System

  • EP 07 An alternative food system? Agroecology PT 3: Examples of agroecology

    5 SET 2020 · Agroecology in action demonstrates its capacity to feed people, cool the climate, and produce a living wage.
    13 min. 40 sec.
  • EP 07 An alternative food system? Agroecology PT 2: What is agroecology?

    5 SET 2020 · The principals of agroecology are reviewed and the ways in which it meets the challenges that need to be met by contemporary agriculture are established.
    12 min. 1 sec.
  • EP 07 An alternative food system? Agroecology PT 1: Why not organic?

    5 SET 2020 · The multiple crises of the corporate food regime suggest that an alternative food system needs to be developed. However, the rapid growth of transnational organic suggests that organic agricultural systems are not necessarily the basis by which an alternative food system might be envisaged. As a food production system, a rural development programme and a political movement agroecology has the potential to feed the world, cool the planet, and generate a living wage for all. An agro-food complex constructed upon the basis of organic agriculture need not be sustainable.
    11 min. 6 sec.
  • EP 06 Crisis and the demand for food PT 4: COVID-19 and the corporate food regime

    5 SET 2020 · The mechanisms by which industrial agriculture increases the likelihood of zoonotic diseases are reviewed.
    8 min. 53 sec.
  • EP 06 Crisis and the demand for food PT 3: Crisis in the supply of food

    5 SET 2020 · The ways in which emerging constraints upon the production of food might impact upon food prices is reviewed, before evaluating the relative merits of both demand- and supply-side explanations of rising food prices.
    12 min. 34 sec.
  • EP 06 Crisis and the demand for food PT 2: Crisis and food prices

    5 SET 2020 · The ways in which changing patterns in the demand for food might impact upon food prices is reviewed.
    11 min. 31 sec.
  • EP 06 Crises in the corporate food regime PT 1: Crisis and food prices

    5 SET 2020 · The challenges produced by the corporate food regime have been amply demonstrated in the 21st century by rising food price inflation since 2007 and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Food price inflation reflects a combination of demand dynamics and supply constraints that are unique to the corporate food regime, while the marked rise in zoonotic disease reflects the prevalence of industrialized agriculture and the marginalization of small-scale farming in the corporate food regime. Food price increases in the 21st century have been greater than at any time since the 1970s and have dramatic implications of the living standards of those most marginalized by the world food system.
    11 min. 4 sec.
  • EP 05 The corporate food regime and financialization

    5 SET 2020 · The contemporary world food system has seen the entrance of global finance in an historically-unprecedented way. Since the deregulation of financial contracts in the United States in the 1990s and the rise in global food prices following 2007, global finance has been using a range of financial instruments to seek to make profits from the food system on the basis of speculative investment, while asset management companies discipline the activities of agri-food corporations in order to realize shareholder value.
    17 min. 13 sec.
  • EP 04 The corporate food regime PT 5: The challenges of the corporate food regime

    5 SET 2020 · The configuration of the production, distribution and consumption of food within the contemporary world food system produces planetary challenges that must be addressed
    9 min.
  • EP 04 The corporate food regime PT 4: Monopoly power

    5 SET 2020 · The corporate food regime has witnessed a remarkable and historically unprecedented concentration and centralization of agro-food transnational corporations.
    8 min. 4 sec.

Food is central to our identity. It helps us to define who we are, and our place in our home, our community and our world. It shapes the social interactions...

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Food is central to our identity. It helps us to define who we are, and our place in our home, our community and our world. It shapes the social interactions in which we engage, with our friends, with our families, and with our community. In so doing, food connects us, to ourselves and to each other.

But contemporary access to food presents some of the most stark examples of human inequality that we witness on a regular basis. All of us need food to survive, day in and day out. Most of us want more from our food than just survival: we seek pleasure in taste, texture, smell and sight. We seek pleasure in sharing food with others. When we walk into a supermarket, we are confronted with a cornucopia of choice from around the world that enables us to seek this pleasure. Most of us have no idea where the food in the supermarket comes from, and most of us give this no thought, focusing merely upon what we need to acquire to seek the pleasure that we want to get from the food that we buy to eat.

We know, of course, that many of us cannot afford to seek that pleasure from food and its sharing, and have to settle for surviving. We know that far too many in our communities cannot afford to make the choices that we can in a supermarket, having to rely upon the charity of food banks to survive. Indeed, many of us face profound difficulties in doing even that. We know that we live in a world in which unparalleled hunger can be found, in places both far and near, as too many simply don't get enough food.

The world food system is designed to enable you to understand how our food system, with its unparalleled abundance and immense scarcity, came to be, unpacking the key factors shaping contemporary production, distribution, access to and consumption of food, both here and elsewhere. After all, if we want the world to become a better place it seems that a good place to start would be on our plates.
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