"A Secret Garden" is a classic children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published in 1911. The story is set in England and revolves around Mary Lennox, a spoiled...
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"A Secret Garden" is a classic children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published in 1911. The story is set in England and revolves around Mary Lennox, a spoiled and lonely girl who is sent to live with her reclusive uncle after her parents' death. She discovers a hidden, neglected garden on her uncle's estate, which has been locked and abandoned for years.As Mary begins to explore the garden, she not only brings it back to life but also undergoes a personal transformation. She befriends her cousin Colin, who has been confined to his room due to illness, and together with the help of a kind-hearted servant named Dickon, they nurture the garden and heal themselves in the process. The garden symbolizes the themes of rebirth, renewal, and the transformative power of nature."A Secret Garden" is a heartwarming tale of friendship, resilience, and the magic of the natural world. It remains a beloved classic in children's literature and is cherished by readers of all ages for its timeless themes and beautifully written prose.
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The Secret Garden by Frances Burnett
The Secret Garden by Frances Burnett
22 SET 2023 · Mary is abandoned in India, where a cholera epidemic has broken out. Her parents and family have either died or fled from the terror surrounding India.
22 SET 2023 · Mary is sent to live with an English clergyman and his five children. Afterwards, she is sent to live with Archibald Craven, a hermit uncle. She meets the housekeeper, Mrs. Medlock—she and Mary instantly dislike each other.
22 SET 2023 · Mary and Mrs. Medlock arrive at the mansion to find that Mr. Craven does not wish to see them. Mrs. Medlock shuts Mary in her room and forbids her to wander the mansion.
22 SET 2023 · Mary awakens and meets Martha, a servant girl. Mary asks Martha to dress her, for which Martha is taken aback. Mary and Martha exchange words and Mary screams at Martha. Mary goes out to explore and learns of a secret garden. In trying to find it, she meets Ben Weatherstaff and talks about the robin that has befriended him.
22 SET 2023 · Mary continues to look for the secret garden. Martha tells her more about it and about its history. The master’s wife used to climb a tree and fell from it one day causing her death. After that, the master locked the garden forever.
22 SET 2023 · Mary decided to explore the mansion. She comes upon several portraits of a woman that looks just like her. She continues to hear a distant crying. When she tries to find the voice, Mrs. Medlock ushers her back to her room.
22 SET 2023 · Martha talks with Mary about her family. Mary realizes that for the first time, she actually likes and cares for someone else. Martha comes to find out that Mary doesn’t even like herself. Mary finds a mysterious key.
22 SET 2023 · Mary continues her search for the secret garden, to no avail. Martha tells Mary that her mother is truly enchanted by the stories of the girl from India. While skipping rope down a small pathway, she discovers a hidden door which she unlocks with the key she found earlier. Inside, she finds the secret garden.
22 SET 2023 · Mary wanders about the garden. Later, she asks Martha if she has any tools to aid in gardening. Martha tells her to write a letter to Dickon to bring some tools for her. As Martha leaves, Mary hears a faint sound of someone crying.
22 SET 2023 · Mary’s friendship with Ben grows stronger, but they soon fight and he storms off. Mary meets Dickon. She takes him to the garden.
"A Secret Garden" is a classic children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published in 1911. The story is set in England and revolves around Mary Lennox, a spoiled...
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"A Secret Garden" is a classic children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, first published in 1911. The story is set in England and revolves around Mary Lennox, a spoiled and lonely girl who is sent to live with her reclusive uncle after her parents' death. She discovers a hidden, neglected garden on her uncle's estate, which has been locked and abandoned for years.As Mary begins to explore the garden, she not only brings it back to life but also undergoes a personal transformation. She befriends her cousin Colin, who has been confined to his room due to illness, and together with the help of a kind-hearted servant named Dickon, they nurture the garden and heal themselves in the process. The garden symbolizes the themes of rebirth, renewal, and the transformative power of nature."A Secret Garden" is a heartwarming tale of friendship, resilience, and the magic of the natural world. It remains a beloved classic in children's literature and is cherished by readers of all ages for its timeless themes and beautifully written prose.
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Autore | QP-1 |
Organizzazione | William Corbin |
Categorie | Libri , Istruzione , Narrativa |
Sito | - | |
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