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    Nicholas Tartaglione Gets Hit With Multiple Life Sentences (6/17/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Nicholas Tartaglione is a former police officer in New York who gained notoriety for his involvement in serious criminal activities. Here are the key points about his background and criminal case: - Career and Background: Tartaglione was a police officer in Briarcliff Manor, New York. His career in law enforcement ended under a cloud of controversy due to allegations of misconduct and corruption. - Criminal Charges: In December 2016, Tartaglione was arrested and charged with the murder of four men in a drug-related killing. The victims were Martin Luna, Urbano Santiago, Miguel Luna, and Hector Gutierrez, who were allegedly lured to a bar owned by Tartaglione, where they were murdered. - Drug Trafficking: Tartaglione was also implicated in a drug trafficking conspiracy, accused of involvement in distributing large quantities of cocaine. - High-Profile Prisoner: While awaiting trial, Tartaglione was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York. During this time, he gained additional notoriety for being a cellmate of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier accused of sex trafficking, who died under suspicious circumstances in the MCC in August 2019. Tartaglione was questioned about Epstein's death but was not implicated. Now, after all is said and done, Tartaglione has been slapped with four life sentences.    However, when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein and what happened inside of that cell, none of us, besides Tartaglione know the truth. (commercial at 8:13) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/jeffrey-epstein-former-cellmate-and-ex-cop-sentenced-to-prison-for-execution-murders/
    11 min. 2 sec.
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    Felipe Calderon And The Allegations Made Against Him (6/17/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Former President Felipe Calderón of Mexico has faced several serious allegations, primarily related to his administration's handling of the country's drug war and alleged connections to corruption. Here are the key points: - Drug War and Human Rights Violations: Calderón's administration (2006-2012) launched an aggressive military-led campaign against drug cartels, resulting in widespread violence. Critics accuse his government of human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings, torture, and enforced disappearances by security forces. - Corruption and Links to Organized Crime: Allegations have emerged suggesting that Calderón's administration had connections to organized crime. Notably, Genaro García Luna, Calderón's Secretary of Public Security, was arrested in the United States in 2019 on charges of accepting bribes from the Sinaloa cartel in exchange for protection and assistance. This has fueled suspicions that Calderón either knew about or was complicit in these activities. - Election Irregularities: Calderón's 2006 presidential election win was highly controversial, with allegations of electoral fraud and irregularities. His narrow victory over Andrés Manuel López Obrador led to widespread protests and claims that his administration lacked legitimacy. - Public and Political Backlash: These allegations have significantly impacted Calderón's public image and political career. His party, the National Action Party (PAN), has faced internal divisions and criticism over its association with corruption and the failed drug war strategy. (commercial at 8:24) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/former-mexican-president-accused-of-supporting-sinaloa-cartel/
    12 min. 17 sec.
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    How Submersibles Have Become Part Of Every Day Operations For The Sinaloa Cartel (6/17/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · The Sinaloa cartel has increasingly utilized submersibles, including semi-submersibles and fully submersible vessels, to smuggle narcotics to Europe. These innovative maritime strategies are part of the cartel's broader efforts to evade detection and enhance their drug trafficking operations. Here’s a summary of how they use these submersibles: - Design and Construction: The cartel employs skilled engineers and craftsmen to build submersibles, often in remote, clandestine shipyards. These vessels are designed to be low-profile and difficult to detect by radar or aerial surveillance. - Drug Transport: The submersibles are loaded with large quantities of narcotics, primarily cocaine, which are securely packed to prevent water damage and detection. - Routes and Logistics: These vessels typically embark from the coasts of South America, particularly Colombia, and navigate through international waters to reach Europe. They avoid busy shipping lanes and frequently change routes to minimize the risk of interception by authorities. - Stealth and Evasion: Submersibles travel mostly submerged, with only a small portion of the vessel visible above the water, reducing the chance of detection. Some fully submersible versions can travel entirely underwater for extended periods. - Landing and Distribution: Upon reaching European waters, the narcotics are transferred to smaller boats or coastal drop-off points. From there, they are distributed through the cartel’s established networks across Europe. - Challenges for Law Enforcement: The use of submersibles presents significant challenges for law enforcement agencies. Detecting and intercepting these vessels requires sophisticated technology and international cooperation. (commercial at 7:15) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/el-chapos-sinaloa-cartel-using-33016182
    10 min. 35 sec.
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    Corrupt DEA Agent Nathan Koen Gets Slapped With A 12 Year Sentence (6/17/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Nathan Koen is a former agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) who was arrested on charges of corruption. He was accused of accepting bribes from drug traffickers in exchange for providing them with sensitive law enforcement information and protection. The allegations against Koen include collusion with criminal organizations, which compromised DEA operations and enabled drug traffickers to evade law enforcement efforts. Koen's arrest was part of a broader investigation into corruption within the DEA, highlighting significant issues of misconduct and unethical behavior among some of its agents. The case against him underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in maintaining integrity and combating internal corruption while tackling the broader issue of drug trafficking. The DEA is supposed to be the standard when it comes to drug enforcement. With agents that are better trained, better paid than many others, you'd expect them all to follow protocol and do the right thing. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. (commercial at 9:18) to contact me: https://protonmail.com source: https://wset.com/news/nation-world/judge-sentences-former-dea-agent-guilty-of-accepting-bribes-from-drug-kingpin-nathan-koen-drug-enforcement-administration-fbi-investigation-office-of-the-united-states-attorney-auburn-illinois-heroin-methamphetamine-marijuana-cocaine
    12 min. 33 sec.
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    CJNG And The Lucrative World Of Limes (6/17/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has infiltrated the lime industry in Mexico, exploiting the lucrative market for their financial gain and extending their influence. Here is a summary of how they have done this: - Extortion and Control: CJNG has imposed control over lime producers, packers, and distributors by demanding "protection" payments. Failure to comply often results in violence, including threats, kidnappings, or killings. - Price Manipulation: By exerting control over significant portions of the lime supply chain, the cartel can manipulate market prices. They sometimes create artificial shortages to drive up prices, profiting from the increased revenue. - Direct Involvement: In some cases, CJNG has taken direct control of lime farms and distribution networks, running these operations themselves or through front companies. This direct involvement allows them to maximize profits and maintain tighter control over the industry. - Violence and Intimidation: The cartel uses violence and intimidation to eliminate competition and ensure compliance from those involved in the lime industry. This creates a climate of fear, making it difficult for legitimate businesses to operate without cartel interference. - Money Laundering: The lime industry provides an opportunity for money laundering. CJNG can funnel illicit profits from drug trafficking and other criminal activities through seemingly legitimate agricultural businesses. - Economic Impact: The cartel’s infiltration has disrupted the local economy, affecting legitimate farmers and businesses. It has also led to increased prices for consumers and created an environment of instability and fear in lime-producing regions. In this episode, we discuss how CJNG has infiltrated the Lime industry and how they are making millions while they do it. (commercial at 6:38) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5ap4/mexico-lime-cjng-extortion-bloody-margaritas
    10 min. 25 sec.
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    The Festering Corruption Problem Within The DEA (6/16/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Accusations of corruption within the DEA have surfaced, alleging that some agents have been involved in unethical and illegal activities, undermining the agency's mission to combat drug trafficking. Key points include: - Collusion with Drug Traffickers: Some DEA agents have been accused of collaborating with drug cartels, accepting bribes in exchange for information and protection, and facilitating the movement of narcotics. - Misuse of Funds: There have been allegations of agents misappropriating agency funds for personal use or illegal activities, including lavish lifestyles and involvement in the drug trade they are supposed to combat. - Evidence Tampering and Cover-Ups: Accusations include tampering with evidence and covering up misconduct within the agency to protect corrupt colleagues and maintain the appearance of integrity. - Sexual Misconduct: Reports have emerged of DEA agents engaging in inappropriate relationships and sexual misconduct, sometimes with individuals connected to the drug trade. - Impact on Operations: These corruption issues have compromised the DEA's operations, leading to failed investigations, jeopardized cases, and a loss of credibility and trust both domestically and internationally. (commercial at 7:59) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://apnews.com/article/dea-drugs-cocaine-fentanyl-corruption-a9c4753e08da2c428b50cdeeb76014bc
    12 min. 33 sec.
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    A Car Bomb Explodes In Guanajuato Injuring Eight Mexican National Guardsman (6/16/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Mexico's war on drugs refers to the ongoing conflict and efforts by the Mexican government to combat drug trafficking organizations operating within the country. The war on drugs in Mexico gained significant attention in the mid-2000s and has since resulted in widespread violence, human rights abuses, and social unrest.The roots of Mexico's drug war can be traced back to the 1980s and 1990s when drug cartels, mainly based in the northern states, began to grow in power and influence. The cartels, such as the Sinaloa Cartel, Gulf Cartel, and Juarez Cartel, engaged in drug trafficking, organized crime, and corruption, posing a significant threat to Mexico's stability and security.The conflict escalated in 2006 when then-President Felipe Calderón launched a military-led crackdown on the drug cartels, deploying tens of thousands of troops across the country. This marked the official beginning of Mexico's war on drugs. The government's objective was to dismantle the cartels, reduce drug-related violence, and restore public order.However, the intensified enforcement actions had unintended consequences. The aggressive approach led to a surge in violence as the cartels resisted the government's efforts, resulting in a cycle of retaliatory attacks, massacres, and the targeting of law enforcement officials, politicians, and journalists. Innocent civilians have also been caught in the crossfire, leading to a significant loss of life and widespread human rights abuses.The drug war has exposed systemic issues within Mexico, including corruption within law enforcement agencies and the government, weak institutions, and socio-economic disparities. It has also fueled the growth of criminal organizations and the expansion of their activities beyond drug trafficking, such as extortion, kidnapping, and human trafficking. In this episode, we hear about a troubling new tactic used by the cartel that injured 8 Mexican national guardsman. (commercial at 10:09) to contact me: bobbycapucci@Protonmail.com source: https://www.latintimes.com/car-bomb-explodes-mexican-city-amid-escalating-cartel-turf-war-545209
    12 min. 47 sec.
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    Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo And His Early Release From Prison (6/16/24)

    17 GIU 2024 · Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, once a powerful leader of the Guadalajara cartel, was released from prison in 2022 after serving over 30 years of his sentence. Known as "El Padrino" (The Godfather), Gallardo was a key figure in the Mexican drug trade during the 1980s. He was arrested in 1989 and convicted for his involvement in drug trafficking and the murder of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena. Gallardo's release was primarily due to his deteriorating health; at the age of 76, he was suffering from various ailments, including partial paralysis and other chronic conditions. The Mexican authorities decided to grant him house arrest on humanitarian grounds, allowing him to receive better medical care. His release sparked significant controversy and concern, especially among those affected by the violence and corruption associated with his cartel. However, his advanced age and poor health suggest that he is no longer capable of resuming his former role in organized crime.  (commercial at 11:09) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/mexican-drug-lord-the-boss-of-bosses-out-of-prison-after-33-years/ar-AA11P7XE?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=0bdd6d1ff75344d285b6675da662cfe2
    15 min. 5 sec.
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    The Explosion Of Meth Sales Being Made On The Internet (6/16/24)

    16 GIU 2024 · The sale of methamphetamines has surged online due to several factors that have made the drug more accessible and distribution easier. Here are the key points summarizing this trend: - Dark Web Marketplaces: The dark web hosts numerous anonymous marketplaces where methamphetamines are sold. These platforms use encrypted communications and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to ensure anonymity and facilitate transactions. - Social Media and Messaging Apps: Dealers increasingly use social media platforms and encrypted messaging apps to reach potential buyers, allowing them to conduct transactions with relative privacy and minimal risk of detection. - Global Supply Chains: The globalization of drug trafficking networks has enabled more efficient production and distribution of methamphetamines. Synthetic drug labs, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia and Mexico, produce large quantities of meth, which are then shipped worldwide. - Ease of Purchase: Online transactions simplify the purchase process for users, removing the need for face-to-face interactions with dealers. This convenience has contributed to the growing prevalence of meth use. - Law Enforcement Challenges: The anonymity and complexity of online networks pose significant challenges for law enforcement agencies, making it difficult to track and intercept drug shipments and apprehend sellers. - Marketing and Accessibility: Online sellers often use sophisticated marketing tactics to attract buyers, including offering discounts, samples, and discreet shipping options. This has broadened the reach of methamphetamines to new user demographics. To contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com Source: https://english.elpais.com/usa/2021-10-27/methamphetamine-and-online-sales-how-mexican-drug-cartels-are-gaining-ground-in-the-us-and-europe.html
    28 min. 43 sec.
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    The FBI Bureau Report Into The Death Of Enrique "Kiki" Camarena (6/16/24)

    16 GIU 2024 · Enrique "Kiki" Camarena was a DEA agent who was abducted, tortured, and murdered in 1985 by members of the Guadalajara cartel in Mexico. His abduction and murder were ordered by cartel leaders, including Rafael Caro Quintero, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, and Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, in retaliation for Camarena's successful efforts in uncovering and disrupting their drug operations. Camarena was kidnapped in broad daylight in Guadalajara, and his body was discovered a month later, showing signs of severe torture. His death shocked both the Mexican and American governments, leading to a massive investigation and a strained relationship between the two countries. The subsequent trial and investigations, known as "Operation Leyenda," involved extensive cooperation between U.S. and Mexican authorities. Many cartel members and corrupt officials were arrested and prosecuted. Rafael Caro Quintero and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo were captured and sentenced to lengthy prison terms in Mexico. Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo was eventually arrested in 1989 and sentenced to 37 years in prison. (commercial at 12:45) to contact me: bobbycapucci@protonmail.com source: https://file///C:/Users/17024/Downloads/SEPTEMBER%201989.pdf
    17 min.

Step into the shadowy underworld of power, deception, and intrigue with "The Organized Crime Chronicles," your gateway to the heart-pounding and often unfathomable world of organized crime and cartels. Each...

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Step into the shadowy underworld of power, deception, and intrigue with "The Organized Crime Chronicles," your gateway to the heart-pounding and often unfathomable world of organized crime and cartels.

Each episode of this gripping podcast will immerse you in the gritty and ruthless universe of criminal enterprises, offering an unfiltered look at the people, stories, and events that shape this enigmatic landscape. Our host, a seasoned investigator and a connoisseur of all things underworld, delves deep into the labyrinthine networks of power, money, and violence that make up the backbone of organized crime.

From the legendary mobsters of yesteryears to the contemporary drug lords who rule with an iron fist, "The Organized Crime Chronicles" unveils their untold tales, showcasing their rise to power and their eventual downfalls. The podcast combines meticulously researched historical accounts with cutting-edge reporting on the latest developments, providing you with a comprehensive view of the ever-evolving world of crime syndicates.

Tales of ingenious heists, audacious escapes, and covert operations will leave you on the edge of your seat, .But it's not all about the criminals themselves. "The Organized Crime Chronicles" also explores the collateral damage, the lives forever changed by these criminal empires, and the relentless efforts of law enforcement to bring justice to the victims.

As you immerse yourself in these gripping narratives, you'll develop a deep understanding of the intricate web of crime, politics, and power that shape our world. Whether you're a true crime aficionado, a history buff, or just someone seeking an adrenaline rush, this podcast offers a mesmerizing journey into the darkest recesses of the human experience.

"The Organized Crime Chronicles" - where the pages of history meet the gritty realities of today's criminal underworld. Subscribe now and prepare to be captivated by stories that have remained hidden for far too long. Dare to venture into the unknown, where danger lurks, and secrets are unveiled.
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