Copertina del podcast

The Obvious Problem

  • #4 - A towering Perspective

    7 DIC 2021 · A problem caused by descriptions anchored in our perspectives.
    13 min. 42 sec.
  • #3 Is light a what?

    27 SET 2021 · Trying to answer the question: What is light? Is it even a What?
    15 min. 59 sec.
  • #2 How long is a Meter?

    21 AGO 2021 · This is the second episode of the obvious problem. Where we discuss the length of a meter.
    14 min. 8 sec.
  • #1 The First Episode - The Second

    22 LUG 2021 · This is the first episode of the obvious problem. Where we will discuss time. Do you know what a second is? Are you sure?
    16 min. 10 sec.

Describing the universe in a way that is accessible for the novice and challenging for the expert. Connecting the confusing language of physics with the common tongue. Exploring challenges that...

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Describing the universe in a way that is accessible for the novice and challenging for the expert. Connecting the confusing language of physics with the common tongue. Exploring challenges that seam too obvious to notice.
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