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The Most Important 15 Minutes of Your Day

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    The mission for The Most Important 15 Minutes of Your Day Podcast is to share expert information on safety and preparedness in your everyday life. We collaborate with professionals in...

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    The mission for The Most Important 15 Minutes of Your Day Podcast is to share expert information on safety and preparedness in your everyday life. We collaborate with professionals in all fields to provide their knowledge, training, and experiences. This information will give you advantages to the dangers and threats that you will come across in your daily life. With knowledge, you have the Power. The only thing stronger than fear is hope!
    Shannon is a Warrior and wants to provide you with important knowledge to help you survive all
    of the trials of life. She is a Baylor University graduate with a background in Communications.
    She has been married to her husband, Troy, for 19 years and has learned a lot about safety
    through being the wife of a Law Enforcement Officer. For the last 16 years, Shannon has been a stay
    at home mom for her 2 boys, Dean and Jake. In September 2016, she was diagnosed with Breast
    Cancer, fought though for a year with chemotherapy and 6 surgeries. Shannon is celebrating her
    fourth year of remission! Shannon and Troy attended Route 91 Harvest concert in Las Vegas on
    Oct 1, 2017. Suddenly and without warning, a gunman opened fire at the concert.  Shannon and
    Troy survived the Largest Mass Shooting in US history while helping others escape and
    providing medical aid to them. Through this experience and her husband’s 25 years of police
    training and experiences, they founded Active Shooter Prep.  Their mission from that day forth
    will be to provide knowledge, hope, and empowerment.
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