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The Meaning Project

  • TMP-Ep159 - Auf Wiedesehen for Now

    24 GIU 2024 · Dr. Dan announces that he will be taking a break from the Meaning Project Podcast for the summer of 2024. He shares his plans for a monumental birthday celebration, a noetic journey, and the completion of his book. He also reveals his new role as the Chief Clinical Officer of Cardeon, an innovative app that aims to improve mental and emotional wellness. Additionally, Dr. Dan discusses his training in psychedelic-assisted therapy and the potential benefits of indigenous medicines. Takeaways - Dr. Dan is taking a break from the Meaning Project Podcast for the summer of 2024 to focus on personal and professional endeavors. - He plans to celebrate his monumental birthday and embark on a noetic journey. - Dr. Dan is completing a book based on his reflections on Viktor Frankl's 'Man's Search for Meaning'.  - He has been appointed as the Chief Clinical Officer of Cardion, an app that aims to improve mental and emotional wellness. - Dr. Dan is undergoing training in psychedelic-assisted therapy to explore alternative approaches to mental health. - He highlights the potential benefits of indigenous medicines in treating various mental health conditions. To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 28 min. 58 sec.
  • TMP-Ep158 - Man's Search for Meaning - Summer Reading

    17 GIU 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Dan and Dr. B discuss the book 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor Frankl. They highlight the importance of reading the book and finding meaning in all circumstances of life. They emphasize that suffering is unique to each individual and should not be compared. They also discuss the role of spirituality in finding meaning and healing. The conversation concludes with a call to spread decency, goodness, and meaning in the world. Takeaways - Life has meaning under all circumstances - Suffering is unique to each individual and should not be compared - Finding meaning in all aspects of life is essential - Spirituality plays a significant role in finding meaning and healing - Spreading decency and goodness in the world is important To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 37 min. 19 sec.
  • TMP-Ep157 - The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

    10 GIU 2024 · Dr. Dan discusses the eight dimensions of wellness, emphasizing their importance in maintaining mental health and overall well-being. He delves into each dimension, providing insights and tips for optimizing wellness in each area. The conversation highlights the interconnectedness of these dimensions and the impact they have on our daily lives. Takeaways - Wellness encompasses eight dimensions: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. - Each dimension of wellness plays a crucial role in maintaining overall mental health and well-being. - Balancing and optimizing these eight dimensions of wellness is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 23 min. 3 sec.
  • TMP-Ep156 - Existential Tension; When Everything is Taken Away

    3 GIU 2024 · “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  - Viktor Frankl By no means was "everything" taken away.  But that hour of work we put in was.  The beautiful podcast we recorded was not to be - the victim of new technology.  So I had to choose the way - would I leave you listeners hanging, wondering what happened, no podcast drop?  Would I find the time to re-record somewhere in the week?  Or... one of my least favorite things to do - would I offer you a previous episode, one that I selected as a past favorite? I didn't want to leave you hanging.  And I couldn't squeeze in more recording time.  So I offer you this from the archives.  One of my favorite topics.  Existential Dynamics - the yin and the yang of daily life.  Enjoy. To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 38 min. 4 sec.
  • TMP-Ep155 - Memorial Day 2024: The Power of Leadership - Knowing & Motivating Your Team

    27 MAG 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Dan interviews retired Chief Petty Officer Joseph Otto Paul about Memorial Day and the challenges veterans face after leaving the military. They discuss the importance of Memorial Day as a celebration of life and the sacrifices made by those who served. They also explore the difficulties veterans encounter in transitioning to civilian life and the need for a strong support system. Hall shares his experiences with leadership and motivation, emphasizing the importance of knowing and understanding the people you lead. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the Fun Committee at Paul's workplace and the importance of finding joy and connection in everyday activities. Takeaways - Memorial Day is a celebration of life and a time to remember and appreciate the sacrifices made by those who served in the military. - Transitioning to civilian life can be challenging for veterans, and having a strong support system is crucial.  - Leadership is about knowing and understanding the people you lead, and finding ways to motivate them based on their individual needs and goals. - Creating a positive and fun work environment can boost morale and foster a sense of camaraderie among team members. Sound Bites "Memorial Day is a celebration of life, even in passing, everybody who touched me, whether they lived for 18 years or 40 or 60 or 80, touched me." "Leaving the military is like leaving a fraternity. It's the last game, and then you're like, 'Where are they at? Where's the locker room? Where are all those people at?'" "Leadership is about knowing your humans. If you don't know your humans, you're never going to motivate them." To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 31 min. 24 sec.
  • TMP-Ep154 - The Antidote to Suffering

    20 MAG 2024 · In this episode, Dr. Dan shares his personal struggles and discusses the nature of suffering and resilience. He emphasizes the importance of choosing our attitude in the face of suffering and highlights the significance of serving others and finding meaning in difficult times. Dr. Dan also explores the concept of resilience and provides practical strategies for building resilience, such as fostering optimism, facing fears, solidifying moral compass, practicing religion and spirituality, attracting and giving social support, imitating resilient role models, physical training, enhancing cognitive and emotional flexibility, and finding meaning, purpose, and growth. Takeaways - Life is filled with suffering and difficulties, but we have the power to choose our attitude in the face of adversity. - Serving others and finding meaning in difficult times can help us navigate through suffering. - Resilience is a key factor in overcoming challenges and bouncing back from adversity. - Practical strategies for building resilience include fostering optimism, facing fears, solidifying moral compass, practicing religion and spirituality, attracting and giving social support, imitating resilient role models, physical training, enhancing cognitive and emotional flexibility, and finding meaning, purpose, and growth. Sound Bites "Sometimes, many times, these situations in life feel like they have no reason, no meaning, no purpose, and they just suck." "Life is suffering. Life is tragic. But on the waves, the crests of those waves of suffering is beauty and goodness and love and positivity and all of those things we live for." "We will face tragedy in life. Be ready for it. Get resilient now. Get resilient quickly. Start to practice." To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 32 min. 36 sec.
  • TMP-Ep153 - The Meaning of Humor & Comedy: Addressing Difficult Topics

    13 MAG 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Dan and Rabbi B discuss the concept of cancel culture and the lack of resilience in society. They reflect on the recent Tom Brady roast and how it symbolizes the end of an era of cancel culture. They explore the importance of open dialogue, the need for resilience, and the consequences of not facing them. They also discuss the role of humor and comedy in addressing sensitive topics and the importance of freedom of speech. The conversation concludes with a call to choose responsible actions and engage in meaningful dialogue. Keywords cancel culture, resilience, open dialogue, consequences, humor, freedom of speech Takeaways - Cancel culture is a sign of an era that needs to end, as it stifles open dialogue and humor. - Resilience is crucial in navigating challenging situations and facing consequences. - Humor and comedy can address sensitive topics and promote meaningful dialogue. - Freedom of speech is essential, but actions that cause harm should have consequences. - Choosing responsible actions and engaging in meaningful dialogue can lead to positive change. Sound Bites "There was something liberating and freeing of listening to that kind of banter in a public arena again." "Resilience seems to be the key these days that we have." "We're facing a generation of people chronologically into young adulthood who have the tools, attitude, and behaviors of an infant." To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 43 min. 56 sec.
  • TMP-Ep152 - Finding Meaning, Purpose, and Community to Combat Anxiety

    6 MAG 2024 · In this episode, Dr. Dan discusses two books that explore the causes of the mental illness epidemic in young people: 'The Anxious Generation' by Jonathan Haidt and 'Bad Therapy' by Abigail Shrier. Both books highlight the negative impact of smartphones, social media, and excessive talk therapy on the mental health of young people. Dr. Dan emphasizes the importance of allowing children to struggle and fail in order to develop resilience. He also discusses the role of meaning, purpose, and community in combating anxiety and finding fulfillment in life. Takeaways - Smartphones and social media have contributed to an epidemic of mental illness in young people. - Excessive talk therapy at a young age can cause rumination and hyper-focus on one's own feelings. - Children need to be allowed to struggle and fail in order to develop resilience.  - Finding meaning, purpose, and community can help combat anxiety and promote mental well-being. Sound Bites "Smartphones and social media are causing an epidemic of mental illness in young people." "Excessive talk therapy can cause young people to ruminate and hyper-focus on themselves." "Allowing children to struggle and fail helps them develop resilience." To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 44 min. 41 sec.
  • TMP-Ep151 - Discernment and Decision Making: The Road Not Taken

    29 APR 2024 · In this episode, Dr. Dan discusses the field of logotherapy, the psychology of decision making, and shares a personal story about his favorite poem, 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost. He explores different perspectives on decision making, including the heroic interpretation of taking the road less traveled and the lament of the decision not made. Dr. Dan also discusses the role of personality types in decision making and the importance of finding meaning in the moment and realizing our potentials. He concludes by emphasizing the significance of taking initiative and making decisions in our lives. Takeaways - Decision making can be challenging and overwhelming, but it is an essential part of life. - There are different perspectives on decision making, including the heroic interpretation of taking the road less traveled and the lament of the decision not made. - Personality types, such as judging and perceiving, can influence decision making. - Finding meaning in the moment and realizing our potentials can guide our decision making. - Taking initiative and making decisions is important for personal growth and well-being. To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 24 min. 51 sec.
  • TMP-Ep150 - Holding Space: Being Fully Seen and Heard

    22 APR 2024 · The conversation explores the importance of human connection in finding meaning in life. It emphasizes that therapy and techniques are not as important as the fundamental human connection. In this episode, Dr. D. and Dr. B. discuss the concept of holding space for others and the power of being fully seen and heard. They also touch on the negative effects of secrets and the need to address and repair damage. The conversation concludes by highlighting the role of therapy and the Viktor Frankl Meaning Academy in providing support and guidance for those seeking connection and meaning in their lives. Takeaways - Human connection is essential in finding meaning in life. - - Therapy and techniques are not as important as the fundamental human connection. - - Holding space for others and being fully seen and heard is powerful. - Addressing and repairing damage is necessary for wholeness. - - The Viktor Frankl Meaning Academy provides support and guidance for those seeking connection and meaning. Sound Bites "It comes down to humanness to making a fundamental human connection." "In logotherapy, the client gets to sit upright, look at the therapist, and they talk about today." "You don't remember what people say, you remember how they make you feel." To contact Dr. Dan go to or email me directly at To find out more about what we have going on over at The Meaning Academy, or to sign up for YOUR SEARCH FOR MEANING go to: To support your favorite podcast on Mental Health & Meaning, pick up some meaningful The Meaning Project Podcast merch in our store at And finally, if you would like to support our efforts to improve the podcast and maybe even connect with Dr. Dan in different ways, become a Patron on our Patreon page at:
    Ascoltato 39 min. 40 sec.

The Meaning Project - the intersection of Mental Health and Meaning. In this podcast, Dr. Daniel A Franz, speaker, consultant, and psychotherapist, discusses the art and science behind forms of...

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The Meaning Project - the intersection of Mental Health and Meaning. In this podcast, Dr. Daniel A Franz, speaker, consultant, and psychotherapist, discusses the art and science behind forms of organizational health, counseling and psychotherapy, psychological theory, and tons of other ideas related to Mental Health and Meaning; all through the lens of Logotherapy & Existential Analysis - the psychology of Meaning. Brief, so that you can get a helpful dose of mental health on your way to work. Unedited, because neither life nor psychotherapy are edited, and action-oriented, because we could talk about your childhood all day long, but that isn’t going to help you discover meaning in your day, or help you address the tension between who you are now, and who you want to become. It's my hope that this podcast will.

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