"The Lighter Side of Finance," hosted by Billy C., is a weekly podcast that takes a humorous dive into the world of money, taxes, and personal finance. Alongside a panel...
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"The Lighter Side of Finance," hosted by Billy C., is a weekly podcast that takes a humorous dive into the world of money, taxes, and personal finance. Alongside a panel of quick-witted personalities – Tara Jean O'Brien, JP Lambiase, and Clem Jameson – Billy explores financial topics through a comedic lens, making even the most daunting subjects accessible and entertaining. Whether it's debunking income tax misconceptions, discussing the perks and perils of self-employment, or navigating the treacherous waters of deductions and credits, this show has it all.Each episode, the panelists share personal anecdotes, engage in spirited debates, and sometimes wander into the realms of the absurd, all while providing valuable insights into financial management. From the practicalities of business taxes for creatives to the ethics of claiming your drinks at comedy clubs as a business expense, no topic is off-limits. "The Lighter Side of Finance" is more than just a finance podcast; it's a masterclass in finding the humor in money matters, proving that learning about finance doesn't have to be boring. It's the perfect blend of education, entertainment, and irreverence, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to laugh their way to financial literacy.
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The Lighter Side of Finance
The Lighter Side of Finance
13 MAG 2024 · 🎙️ Welcome to "The Lighter Side of Finance," hosted by Billy C! Join us for a rollercoaster ride of laughter and learning with this week's esteemed panelists: Tara Jean O'Brien, Clem Jameson, and JP Lambiase, along with our special guest, financial analyst Gilbert Lawand.🌟 Dive into an episode packed with witty banter and insightful discussions on everything from outrageous spending habits to the nuts and bolts of investing. Whether it's the comedic value of a $2500 rug or the serious implications of cryptocurrency investments, there's never a dull moment.🔍 Gilbert Lawand brings his financial acumen to the table, providing professional insights amidst the chaos, making complex financial concepts accessible and entertaining. Listen as our panelists deliver a unique blend of expert advice peppered with humor, ensuring both laughs and learning.📈 Subscribe to "The Lighter Side of Finance" on your favorite podcast platform to ensure you never miss an episode filled with finance tips, market trends, and a whole lot of fun.
26 APR 2024 · Welcome back to "The Lighter Side of Finance" with your engaging host, Billy C, alongside our witty panelists Tara Jean O'Brien, Clem Jameson, and JP Lambiase. Dive into this laughter-filled episode as we explore the murky waters of financial crimes with our special guest, Steven Prince, a seasoned Financial Crime Investigator.In today's episode, we're getting serious with a twist of humor about financial deceptions, but always with a comedic lens. Steven brings his rich experience from the trenches of financial investigations, shedding light on the common and not-so-obvious financial scams that trap the unwary. From identity theft to the nuances of financial laws, get ready for an insightful discussion peppered with personal anecdotes and sharp banter among our panelists.As always, our team navigates through complex topics with ease and hilarity, ensuring you get your dose of finance knowledge while cracking up. Don't miss out on Tara's viral TikTok revelations and Clem's latest adventures with his podcast 'Quick Draw'. JP will surprise you with his unexpected foray into the pickleball craze and his insights into financial red flags.🔔 Subscribe for more episodes and join us as we poke fun at finance while delivering crucial insights. Hit the bell icon to stay updated on our latest releases!#FinancialCrimes #ComedyShow #FinanceEducation #TheLighterSideOfFinance #FinancialHumor #InvestigationInsights #PanelDiscussion
13 APR 2024 · Welcome to "The Lighter Side of Finance," where humor meets practical financial advice! Hosted by the charming and witty Billy C, this podcast is your go-to destination for a relaxed yet informative take on the often complex world of finance. Joined by his insightful panelists Tara Jean O'Brien, Clem Jameson, and JP Lambiase, Billy C navigates through the maze of money matters with a light-hearted approach that makes finance accessible to everyone.In this week’s episode, Billy C and his panel dive deep into the nuances of FICO scores and the implications they have on your borrowing capabilities. The episode kicks off with an engaging introduction from Billy, who sets the stage for a discussion that’s as educational as it is entertaining. Special guest Robert, an expert in credit scores, joins the conversation, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and some insider tips on improving your financial health.The discussion begins with a lively debate on the relevance of FICO scores in today's economy. Tara Jean O'Brien, known for her sharp wit and relatable anecdotes, shares her personal experiences with credit, providing listeners with practical advice on navigating credit checks. Clem Jameson, with his dry humor and skeptical outlook, questions the fairness and transparency of credit scoring systems, sparking a thought-provoking dialogue on the potential biases in financial assessments.JP Lambiase adds to the mix with his humorous take on financial mishaps, recounting tales from his own life that resonate with anyone who's ever struggled to maintain a good credit score. His stories not only bring laughter but also underscore the importance of financial literacy, making the topic of credit scores less intimidating for the audience.The highlight of the episode is the panel's interaction with Robert, who answers questions from both the hosts and the listeners. This Q&A session is filled with actionable insights on improving one’s credit score, the impact of credit inquiries on financial standing, and the steps one can take to secure a favorable loan or credit card deal. Robert’s expertise, combined with the panel's engaging questions, provides a comprehensive look at the mechanics behind credit scoring and its practical implications.Beyond the laughs and anecdotes, "The Lighter Side of Finance" also delves into current events that impact listeners' wallets. Discussions on recent news about financial regulations and corporate finance trends add depth to the episode, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to stay informed and entertained.As the episode wraps up, Billy C ensures that the tone remains upbeat and optimistic, encouraging listeners to embrace their financial journeys with confidence and a bit of humor. The podcast not only demystifies complex financial concepts but also empowers its audience to take control of their financial destinies, one laugh at a time.Whether you’re a financial novice or a seasoned investor, "The Lighter Side of Finance" promises a blend of laughter, learning, and practical advice. Tune in to join Billy C and his panel as they transform the daunting world of finance into an approachable and enjoyable topic. With new episodes featuring guest experts and timely discussions, this podcast is your weekly dose of financial wisdom served with a side of chuckles. Don’t miss out on your chance to laugh all the way to the bank!
4 APR 2024 · In the inaugural episode of "The Lighter Side of Finance," our hosts and guest, Bella, a tax preparer and comedian, navigate the tricky waters of income tax misconceptions with a mix of humor and valuable insights. They start with the basics of tax preparation and quickly dive into more niche topics like the deductions comedians can claim, from mileage for gigs to the specifics of home office deductions. However, the conversation doesn't stay on the straight and narrow for long.JP Lambiase, with his YouTube background, offers a unique perspective on content creation and its implications for taxes. Clem Jameson adds his experience from the comedy scene, and Tara, with her knack for quick wit, keeps the conversation lively and engaging. The group discusses various tax deductions and credits available to individuals, especially those working in creative fields, while also touching upon the complexities of business taxes for entities like LLCs and S Corps.The discussion takes several hilarious turns, with topics ranging from poll working (not dancing) as a side gig to the ethics of claiming drinks at comedy clubs as a business expense. They explore the gray areas of tax law with tongue-in-cheek suggestions about exploiting loopholes and the comedic potential of auditing and IRS negotiations.As the episode progresses, it becomes a blend of tax advice, personal anecdotes, and speculative scenarios involving everything from pyramid schemes to hypothetical criminal activities to manage finances. Despite the humorous tone, Bella offers practical advice and clarifies common tax misconceptions, emphasizing the importance of understanding tax obligations and the potential pitfalls of creative tax "strategies."In a nutshell, "Income Tax Misconceptions" takes listeners on a wild ride through the labyrinth of tax laws, highlighting the challenges and absurdities with a healthy dose of humor. It's a unique blend of practical tax advice, comedic storytelling, and imaginative scenarios that makes taxes a little less daunting and a lot more entertaining. Whether you're a comedian looking to navigate your tax deductions or just someone who enjoys a good laugh at the complexities of finance, this episode has something for everyone.
"The Lighter Side of Finance," hosted by Billy C., is a weekly podcast that takes a humorous dive into the world of money, taxes, and personal finance. Alongside a panel...
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"The Lighter Side of Finance," hosted by Billy C., is a weekly podcast that takes a humorous dive into the world of money, taxes, and personal finance. Alongside a panel of quick-witted personalities – Tara Jean O'Brien, JP Lambiase, and Clem Jameson – Billy explores financial topics through a comedic lens, making even the most daunting subjects accessible and entertaining. Whether it's debunking income tax misconceptions, discussing the perks and perils of self-employment, or navigating the treacherous waters of deductions and credits, this show has it all.Each episode, the panelists share personal anecdotes, engage in spirited debates, and sometimes wander into the realms of the absurd, all while providing valuable insights into financial management. From the practicalities of business taxes for creatives to the ethics of claiming your drinks at comedy clubs as a business expense, no topic is off-limits. "The Lighter Side of Finance" is more than just a finance podcast; it's a masterclass in finding the humor in money matters, proving that learning about finance doesn't have to be boring. It's the perfect blend of education, entertainment, and irreverence, making it a must-listen for anyone looking to laugh their way to financial literacy.
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Autore | Bill Clanton |
Organizzazione | Bill Clanton |
Categorie | Commedia , Commedia: interviste , News - Affari |
Sito | - | |
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