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The Feminine Art of Radicalisation

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    Don't listen to them, they're telling the truth

    6 LUG 2021 · Summary In the final episode of The Feminine Art of Radicalisation, Lo explores what comes next and how can we help tackle the threat from the far-right?. Joined by Daniel Lombroso, Jake Hanrahan, Emily Gorcenski, Jane Fae, Professor Julie Gottlieb, and Dr Eviane Leidig, this episode covers what can be done to mitigate online radicalisation and begin to deradicalise people in extremist communities. About Lois Shearing:Lo Shearing is an activist, freelance journalist and writer based in London. Their writing has been published by The Independent, The Advocate, DIVA magazine, Gay Star News, INTO, and Openly and their first book Bi the Way, is available now. They are the founder of the Bisexual Survivors Network and are the founder of the #DoBetterBiUs campaign, which aims to challenge biphobia.Book: https://faithfullwords.wordpress.comTwitter: @loshearingKofi: Jake Hanrahan - www.jakehanrahan.comDaniel Lombroso - http://www.daniellombroso.comDr Eviane Leidig - www.evianeleidig.comEmily Gorcenski - Julie Gottlieb - Fae - Perfume - huge thank you to my voice actors, Alex Dytrych, Saddie Clark, Sophie Connor, Tom Naylor-Clements, Polly Davies, and Dr Pip Williams. See for privacy and opt-out information.
    Ascoltato 36 min. 8 sec.
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    Kill all femoids

    9 GIU 2021 · Summary In the penultimate episode of The Feminine Art of Radicalisation, Lo explores how women are treated within alt/far-right communities. Joined by Daniel Lombroso, Jake Hanrahan, and Dr Eviane Leidig, this episode covers the kind of abuse women in the far-right face, mostly from the men within their own communities. About Lois Shearing:Lo Shearing is an activist, freelance journalist and writer based in London. Their writing has been published by The Independent, The Advocate, DIVA magazine, Gay Star News, INTO, and Openly and their first book Bi the Way, is available now. They are the founder of the Bisexual Survivors Network and are the founder of the #DoBetterBiUs campaign, which aims to challenge biphobia.Book: https://faithfullwords.wordpress.comTwitter: @loshearingKofi: Jake Hanrahan - www.jakehanrahan.comDaniel Lombroso - http://www.daniellombroso.comDr Eviane Leidig - www.evianeleidig.comSources huge thank you to my voice actors, Alex Dytrych, Saddie Clark, Sophie Connor, Tom Naylor-Clements, Polly Davies, and Dr Pip Williams. See for privacy and opt-out information.
    Ascoltato 19 min. 11 sec.
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    Taking the Pink Pill

    26 MAG 2021 · In this episode of The Feminine Art of Radicalisation, Lo Shearing explores the how and where of women's radicalisation. Join again by Emily Gorcenski, Jake Hanrahan, Dr Eviane Leidig, and Daniel Lombroso, they deep-dive into what platforms, topics, and types of content is used to lure in women. About Lois Shearing:Lo Shearing is an activist, freelance journalist and writer based in London. Their writing has been published by The Independent, The Advocate, DIVA magazine, Gay Star News, INTO, and Openly and their first book Bi the Way, is available now. They are the founder of the Bisexual Survivors Network and are the founder of the #DoBetterBiUs campaign, which aims to challenge biphobia.Book: https://faithfullwords.wordpress.comTwitter: @loshearingKofi: Emily Gorcenski - www.emilygorcenski.comJake Hanrahan - www.jakehanrahan.comDaniel Lombroso - http://www.daniellombroso.comDr Eviane Leidig - www.evianeleidig.comQuoted sources: huge thank you to my voice actors, Alex Dytrych, Saddie Clark, Sophie Connor, Tom Naylor-Clements, Polly Davies, and Dr Pip know the %HESITATION joke that if you quit dating is kind of like finding a job you have to do it online or you get referred by friends well the same could be said about radicalization but luckily I like finding a gay hookup radicalization is a long process the company achieved through the internet hello in the process of radicalisation is often conceptualized as a spectrum which is why the animal populace at the less extreme at it gets less populated and narrower the fed but you go along this is commonly illustrated as I have a a pyramid all status with the highest level being terrorists and those who commit acts of violence he's a summation from the Barcelona center for internal offense terrorists and radicalized groups resembling I spoke only a small minority of radicals you strategic violence to attract media attention the majority of extremists and not visible and use non violent methods which more effective in achieving their stated goals below the water level there is a support base which occasionally agrees with the actions of the most committed militants and even largest silent minority with a distaste for targeting noncombatants women are less likely to fully ascend to the top of the pyramid also says all ice buckle whatever you call it but I feel more terrorism is not completely on her of the radicalized women in those upper levels but not at the very top then they propagandize encourage actors tacticians and helped to radicalise of it as we've seen in the last two episodes women's roles within the oil and far right have mainly been as figures of propaganda who had a veneer of respectability which helps to normalize and spread the hateful ideology so here's where things become interesting while most researchers agree that the internet has made the top of the radicalization funnel much wider helping groups recruit people they may not have otherwise had access to most also agree that someone cannot go through the entire radicalization process via the internet alone in passing connections we've recruited as a still needed in order to incite acts of terrorism his part of the results from a study by rand Europe into how the internet is used for radicalization firstly our research supports the suggestion that the internet main Hans opportunities to become radicalized as a result of being available to many people and enabling connection with like minded individuals from across the world twenty four seven secondly our research supports the suggestion the internet may act as an echo chamber the extremist beliefs in other words the internet may provide a greater opportunity the offline interactions to confirm existing beliefs they go on to say the evidence does not support the claim that the internet is replacing the need for individuals to meet in person during that radicalization process instead the evidence suggests that the internet is not a substitute for in person meetings but rather compliments in person communication so if women are less likely to make it to the end of the radicalization process and commit terrorism but they still pose a threat by playing a role in radicalizing those who do how would they themselves reaching that point I love sharing offered journalist and activist based in the UK in this series I'm exploring how women are radicalized into a life of far right violence and hatred this is the family know of radicalization at the start free taking a peek tell now in twenty twenty one we seem to have a pretty good grasp on the fact that young men are being groomed and radicalized into far right politics by internet forums M. Mackey semi private channels known as doc socials many comfort anti feminist roots like we discussed in the previous episodes all the way back in twenty sixteen journalist Abby Wilkinson wrote in her investigation of the menace via reading three the pasting history of individual aliases as possible to chart the progress from fake dissatisfaction and desire for social status and sexual success to full blown attainments to occur he said ideology of white supremacy and misogyny yes fascist treaties websites as recruitment grounds they find angry frustrated young men and free them in that image while women make up some of the most prominent %HESITATION and FireEye influences that journey into extremism is much less clear the most well known female far right influence %HESITATION is by far a twenty six year old Canadian woman code learn seven journalist Daniel numbers I spent four years shadowing the U. Chiba for his documentary white noise he explains how Lauren rose to prominence Lauren meet her for her first viral videos when she was eighteen or nineteen you know one was called why don't need feminism another was her calling to the steps of an anti feminist March and holding a sign sorry feminist March holding a sign saying there is no rape culture in the west and shouting at %HESITATION you know families marchers and even sexual assault survivors which is just an obviously an awful disgusting thing to do but many prominent far right man said well we have this new this firebrand woman and she's young and she's charismatic one we use her and she got elevated she got a job at rebel news which is kind of the the Canadian Breitbart Sir you too focused and all the sudden Lawrence %HESITATION career took off and it's a similar pattern with faith Goldy who is another far right woman who worked at rebel music many of these other women get elevated much more quickly than the men because they have such an import because there are so few of them and having them is so important to the narrative before being launched a far right fame Lauren grew up in a day bus and metropolitan city when she was in middle school her father became frustrated at what he perceived as being an outsider in his community because of his whiteness I move the seven family to one of the whitest cities in Canada often in the radicalization process that's what's referred to as a catalyst event some think which shocks or destabilizes the person enough to make them question that well if you will seek out answers to grievances they have level it just tomorrow or not Fullerton seven this was a teacher allegedly dividing cut class by race and telling the children of color your repressed and the white children your privileged the teacher has since denied that this ever happened you've probably heard of catalyst events under another more colloquial name started by the %HESITATION right which has become ubiquitous across the internet getting red tailed this is your last chance after this there's no turning back you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want you take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes each female far right influence that has the own red pill moment the white nationalist you Juba lawn the look tough it seems to have been hearing the Muslim call to prayer in Bethlehem as well as what she perceives as anti white sentiment within the media so often and commentator Candace Owens it was getting ducks during gamergate when she ran her own doxing site social autopsy dot com although it is still unknown who talks tough %HESITATION into self blame liberals which and has support from Milo Yiannopoulos a Mike Cernovich in twenty seventeen she said I became a conservative overnight I realize that liberals were actually the racist liberals were actually the tros social autopsy is why I am a conservative the lesbian youtuber area scar sela it was receiving backlash for her transphobic content of course no %HESITATION redpill stories as a crystallized the other right wing influences it was growing up in conservative households watching fox news and listening to Rush Limbaugh take a lower limit for example you may recognize her name as the person who has often self to put its headquarters after she was banned but only locked herself to one door so everyone just reference Laura describes a childhood in a somewhat conservative home spending a lot of time alone watching fox news will have parents cat for her mentally ill brother I just want to say as someone who also has a sibling with mental health issues it's not an excuse for becoming a white supremaci
    Ascoltato 32 min. 57 sec.
  • Forward to the Past

    12 MAG 2021 · There's a strong precedent of women in far right communities, but what roles do they play in them? In this episode, Lo is join by Emily Gorcenski, Jake Hanrahan,Daniel Lombroso, Jane Fae, and Dr Eviane Leidig to discuss the gender ideology of right wing extremism, from tradwifes to neo-nazi mysticism. About Lois Shearing:Lo Shearing is an activist, freelance journalist and writer based in London.Their writing has been published by The Independent, The Advocate, DIVA magazine, Gay Star News, INTO, and Openly and their first book Bi the Way, is available now. They are the founder of the Bisexual Survivors Network and are the founder of the #DoBetterBiUs campaign, which aims to challenge biphobia.Book: https://faithfullwords.wordpress.comTwitter: @loshearingKofi: Emily Gorcenski - www.emilygorcenski.comJake Hanrahan - www.jakehanrahan.comDaniel Lombroso - http://www.daniellombroso.comDr Eviane Leidig - www.evianeleidig.comJane Fae -^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^authorQuoted sources: huge thank you to my voice actors, Alex Dytrych, Saddie Clark, Sophie Connor, Tom Naylor-Clements, Polly Davies, and Dr Pip Williams.Transcript: it started with concerns about ethics in gaming journalism %HESITATION well accurately it didn't gamergate as it came to be known was started by Erin Joni when he posted a blog falsely accusing his ex girlfriend so we Quinn of sleeping with a journalist in exchange for positive reviews of her in the game it snowballed into months of targeted harassment against several prominent women involved in gaming at its core gamergate was a right wing reactionary backlash against feminism is growing influence on gaming culture it was in this fertile soil the sum of the seeds of what would become the old right sprouted many of the figureheads and tactics used in gamergate became key components of the movement also mixed into the shit he put the %HESITATION right grew out of was of course the menace fear as we discussed in the last episode the man is fair has played a key role in the radicalization of many young men into the open spot right in twenty nineteen U. K. anti extremism charity hope not hate included the mantis Faye and estate of hate report here's a quote from that report one influence on the contemporary far right understanding of gender politics is the manifestation of this collection of websites forums blogs and vlogs concerned with men's issues and masculinity oriented around opposition to feminism and within pots embrace of extreme misogyny the prevailing interpretation within the menace that is the feminism is about promoting the Sandry contempt of purchase of men rather than gender equality and later on in that report they say the ministry is core ideas have snowballed into an ideology that has taken on a life of its own outside of its online each in part because the rejection of feminism a broader conspiratorial outlook continue to find resonance with the wide at contemporary far right ironically a big seller in in the pipeline from the menace fit to the all right what's the website and community known as P. U. a hate dot com that's pick up artistry hate dot com well this might sound like a group of sensible people rallying against creeps who've game ified human intimacy and deeply walked the way that many young men view women it was actually a group of guys frustrated with pick up artistry because it didn't work for them and somehow that's women spoke you may recognize the name P. U. a hate dot com from being name checked in the manifesto of the Santa Barbara Modra and the Raja Nicky Woolf wrote in twenty fourteen I need some of these forums and subreddits was P. way hate dot com which one user described as one of the few truly Redhill communities founded to such rise and discredit pickup artists it became a place by sexually frustrated men could go to vent and show students scientific theories about within so unlike traditional far right movements which it deeply misogynistic often more driven by white supremacy and hatred of ethnic minorities reactionary misogyny anti feminism is baked into the foundations of the old right don't get me wrong all right is a white supremacist movement but whereas no such me could be seen as more of a by product of the far right ideologies it's a core component of the %HESITATION right yet women play crucial roles within these communities often in ways that seem to contradict what they themselves as saying I'm also sharing I'm an old five journalist and activist based in the UK in this series I'll be exploring how women a radicalized intellectual far right hatred and violence this is a family of radicalization episode two went to the pub all right has always been a male supremacist movement which views women as subservient however what exactly that subservience looks like defense lightly between the different groups %HESITATION within the alt right it's more of a kind of %HESITATION these pathetic loser this is so it's so cringe but you know these kind of tried to you know traditional %HESITATION ideology where they they basically want to live in a kind of world where women stay at home and they cook and they have only one sexual partner and you know it's it's that kind of I was like living in the forties or something and it would be like to weeds on Twitter that kind of say they want to live like that was really be an absolute like sexual deviants on pornhub was quiet when it so you get that side of it with them they will accept women within the all right if they kind of fit into that gap like if they do you know if they kind of fit within the metal prime as well they want to be like but I'm generally aware the more extreme like neo Nazis knowledge optimal from the seeds the conical cultists Satan is no Nazism that is different that's more like all women I just objects and we will treat them as such and if they wanna be treated any other way than that useless and they should be killed or whatever you know what I mean it's very doc that was J. Kammer hand a journalist who spent several years undercover investigating neo Nazi and far right groups the view that we need to return to a world where women and just how many kids and baby make is is known as a trad wife movement and is surprisingly popular with both men and women just a note I'm going to be talking mostly about men and women in this series because those are the only genders that these groups recognize the far right's world view doesn't have much room for non binary and gender non conforming individuals I will be talking about transphobia a little later back to trap wives in article red pill factories just custom sums up the truck wife movement as such like the other groups that make up the misogynistic online community known as the man is fair tried wives believe the heterosexual world to be a market place where women of the sellers and man the buyers of sex a woman's sexual market value will SNV is a measure of her appeal to men only appearances matter a sense of humor and education or exotic interests are irrelevant the tribe wife movement isn't strictly out right it doesn't necessarily have a political position of the advocating for a return to traditional gender roles I love the track wife movement overlaps with the fundamental Christine right which is probably what go to find Celinda in general that's a lot of overlap between these groups of in the five right but many of them having similar ideologies and visions but different plans of how to achieve them the Christian right movement was started by Jerry Falwell senior who mobilized white Christians to oppose desegregating schools since then it has fought against pretty much any kind of progress in regards to human rights by claiming that they infringe on religious liberties office Sarah Posner explains today trump space echoes similar claims the prosecution came in the LGBTQ plus rights for example infringe on Christians religious freedom all the state governors restrictions on large gatherings during the cave in nineteen pandemic infringe on the fast and the rights of churches throughout his candidacy and presidency white evangelicals a step behind trump because many of them say his teammates privileges freedom president in history so while the tried wife movement stretches across the spectrum of the political right the %HESITATION right view of womanhood it's pretty much built on its ideas women are objectified not only as sexual objects like Jake mentioned but as pellets of western civilization that not only need to be protected by men but also a reward for the man the fighting to uphold west in society his doctor even leading a researcher focusing on gender on the far right and who has an upcoming book exploring female far right influences I think the message to these men as fast you know if you join our movement of five other women like us so it's sort of like this attention may try to offer %HESITATION and in many ways you know these women are seeking to delegitimize a generalized %HESITA
    Ascoltato 24 min. 13 sec.
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    Girl-fascism Defined

    28 APR 2021 · The radicalisation of young men online is old news in 2021, yet we still seem surprised that women are also falling into these content pipelines and joining extremist groups. Why? Women have been a part of radical and populist politics for decades, from the KKK to the Nazis. This episode explores the history of women on the far right and why it is often overlooked in mainstream conversations. About Lois Shearing:Lo Shearing is an activist, freelance journalist and writer based in London.Their writing has been published by The Independent, The Advocate, DIVA magazine, Gay Star News, INTO, and Openly and their first book Bi the Way, is available now. They are the founder of the Bisexual Survivors Network and are the founder of the #DoBetterBiUs campaign, which aims to challenge biphobia.Book: https://faithfullwords.wordpress.comTwitter: @loshearingKofi: Jake Hanrahan - www.jakehanrahan.comDaniel Lombroso - Julie Gottlieb - sources: huge thank you to my voice actors, Alex Dytrych, Saddie Clark, Sophie Connor, Tom Naylor-Clements, Polly Davies, and Dr Pip Williams. Transcript: the video starts in the way most makeup tutorial to do two blonde conventionally attractive young women to sit speaking to a camera the background which in soft focus is blind of inspirational quotes and framed isn't until the two women start talking the video divergence from the norm in today's blog I am practical how to wear make up in a god honoring way thinking back to when we first started wearing make up and just experiencing with make up we get like a little the accommodations washing our old videos yeah that video like most people I faster it when it went viral back in twenty eighteen and I thought it was pretty funny for those of us who didn't grow up in evangelical households we always pretty shocked and amused by these little glimpses behind the curtain the video was ridiculed in parity to within an inch of its life and it's still a cool to touch point today even in twenty twenty drag queen Trixie Mattel made this video reacting to it video twelfth what proof mascaras for where to house if I get that start I use the stuff it's gonna be hard to see but if I'm not it's a laptop concealer because Max like cover up his media coverage natural finish concealer is it's not like most people who just watched it means that a move done I ended up falling down a bit of a rabbit hole of the sisters friend go to find I like sharing offset journalist activist based in the UK in this series I'll be exploring how young women a radicalized into a life of far right violence and hatred this is the family of radicalization one girl fascism to find the first one to go to find YouTube channel could be any of the of the hundreds of thousands of lifestyle blogs at alpha topics covered include fashion dating marriage and social media but when you look closer you start noticing something a little bit odd behind the fairy lights and quirky thumbnails like this Montevideo we dug into genesis and genesis wanted to what we saw from the very beginning of time that god had a blank slate he chose to create whatever you want if you meet a man a woman he designed them to be fully sexual like you made it this way I work at TI designer sexuality than minimum and put them in a permanent relationship so I think when women they set my alarm bells ringing I started digging a little deeper into my blog which is also cool go to find an over that's where things really took a test for example in a book published in twenty nineteen entitled same sex attraction and the Christine go the girls right sister regardless of your daily temptation and struggle with same sex attraction your temptations are not beyond the reach of god's power in him there is true hope freedom and new life sadly that the society that we live in will not point me to this awesome Medina okay see the voice he just had that wasn't actually go to find that my roommate Alex I've been listed the help of some of my friends to voice the written sources that I'm going to be using for out this podcast series listen out for when I say so and so right also insider explains because you'll be hearing a voice actor back to the blog though it continues in the usual patronizing the homophobic way that a lot of us have come across but my taking only uncovered more trash from that when I first started exploring that plug straight after the video went viral I found a lot of instances of transphobia and Islamophobia just right there on the pages but since looking back may seem to have been deleted I'm guessing because of the backlash they experienced from that video going viral unfortunately for them I'm pretty good with the way back machine is what Kristin had to say in twenty sixteen if a man wants to change his gender to be female that's accepted right but what if he wants to have surgery to take on the form of a gorilla well maybe a dog what he what if a person despises being male or female and invents a new gender would that be okay what if a sixty year old woman decides that she is actually a ten year old little boy in her personal reality can she be true to herself would surgery POK why wouldn't it be yes you guys remember that famous age reversing surgery that trans people made SO had right obviously that's pretty gross but it wasn't what shocked me when I first started exploring the blog after all we all kind of know that evangelical fundamentalists up pretty quick phobic but it didn't take very much digging for me to come across the kind of hate the company's backward over a live nice lighting and a sympathetic smile in an article published in twenty sixteen entitled how to show love towards prostitutes homosexuals and Muslims Bethany writes all be totally honest with you in the past and still at times I've struggled to view lost people with compassion and love when I hear the words homosexual prostitute or even the word Muslim I cringe inside in my sinful pride I wonder how those people could choose that lifestyle or religion I think to myself don't they know how wrong that is turn the understand how I'm feeling that is the experience of starting a ludicrous viral post and quickly falling down a rabbit hole of bigotry and hate felt oddly familiar in fact the exact same thing happened to me just a few years earlier let's take a journey even further back in time in my teens and early twenties I struggle with something that could fall under the umbrella known as digital self harm I would seek out content and websites that I knew were going to cause me psychological distress as a way of kind of torturing myself for me this obviously involved a lot of homophobic and bi phobic content but the website said drew me in the most with the loose constellation of sites that make up the menace via the modest fare is made up of websites blogs and forums %HESITATION belonging to quote unquote men's rights activists including pick up hottest men going their own way and of course in cells if that constellation of idiots doesn't make it obvious the main expo of the mantis Faye is anti feminism and misogyny I found my way on some medicine after stumbling across an article called five reasons to date a girl with an eating disorder which has gone viral in a similarly ironic way to go to find god honoring makeup video most people even dunking on at all pointing out how fucked up is but in doing so many others including myself will lead back to the original site return of kings the site that became my drug of choice for when I wanted to you know psychologically torture myself I visited the site pretty regularly for a couple of years between twenty fourteen and twenty sixteen and in that time I watched it slowly in both from articles about the problems of modern women and how to date game goes to white feminists were responsible for the downfall of western civilization and why middle eastern refugees and the reason that white men to date can't find a good wife I watched in slow motion as young men who were looking for ways to get a girlfriend in a very misguided place was spoon fed a diet of bigotry which slowly developed into more all right and neo Nazi ideology for example in twenty eighteen they posted a blog coat how to overthrow the new master race Weston women which ended like this when the Islamist or my group uprising goes into full tilt in the west refused to fight it and just let it be hostile outside forces of the means to re masculine Ising the west use these enemies of your enemy to do your dirty work for you because when it is all said and done western men will rise to the top of any male dominated society yes that's extremely mosques off white supremacy by time these ideas had gone from some kooky cold over the internet but no one really took seriously to mainstream talking points buoyed up by the coverage of the twenty sixteen election I was already pretty well acquainted with all the major players from the menace fish such as Milo Yiannopoulos Jordan Peterson Paul E. lamb and even Steve Bannon I'd watched as a load in sad lonely boys and spect out angry violent young men but none of that is news right now in tw
    Ascoltato 27 min. 54 sec.

The Feminine Art of Radicalisation explores women in the far-right & features interviews with experts and researchers such as Emily Gorcenski, Daniel Lombroso, Jake Hanrahan, Dr Eviane Leidig, & Prof...

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The Feminine Art of Radicalisation explores women in the far-right & features interviews with experts and researchers such as Emily Gorcenski, Daniel Lombroso, Jake Hanrahan, Dr Eviane Leidig, & Prof Julie Gottlieb.While there has been a lot of coverage around how young men are radicalised into the alt & far-right via content pipelines online, there has been far less investigation into what this process looks like for women, and the role they play within these communities. This series seeks to change that, exposing the ways women are targetted, the types of platforms and content used, and what the alt-right is like for women once they're in it. See for privacy and opt-out information.
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