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The Detour Podcast بودكاست تحويلة

  • With Nabil Tarazi مع نبيل ترزي

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع نبيل ترزي عن الرحلة التي غيرت حياته وعن السفر البديل والاستدامة. My conversation with Nabil Tarazi about the trip that changed his life, about alternative travel and sustainability. (Recorded in March, 2023) -------------- Nabil Tarazi In April 2007, after 13 years of running a company in the technology sector in London, Nabil Tarazi packed up his suits and ties along with the rest of his life, bought a backpack, and went east. His journey through Australia and South East Asia became the foundation for what was to be, the company he established in 2009 with a vision to create unique experiences for travellers in natural areas, surrounded by local hospitality, and with a kick of adventure. عن نبيل ترزي في شهر أبريل من عام 2007، تخلى نبيل ترزي عن البدلات الرسمية وربطات العنق بعد أن أمضى 13 عاماً في إدارة شركة في قطاع التكنولوجيا في لندن ليشتري حقيبة ظَهر ويسافر نحو الشرق. وقد كانت رحلته عبر أستراليا وجنوب شرق آسيا أساس شركة الفنادق البيئية التي أنشأها عام 2009، بهدف تقديم تجارب فريدة للمسافرين في المناطق الطبيعية في ظل الضيافة المحلية وحس المغامرة.
    Ascoltato 46 min. 58 sec.
  • With Shireen Talhouni مع شرين التلهوني

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع شيرين التلهوني حول التحديات المجتمعيه لثقافة الرقص المعاصر وطريقها من هندسة العمارة الى تصميم الرقص My conversation with Shireen Talhouni about the signs that lead to a huge detour, and about the dance between defiance and acceptance. (Recorded in Dec, 2022) -------------- About Shireen Talhouni Shireen Talhouni is a Jordanian Circassian architect turned contemporary dance choreographer and performance artist from Amman. She is founder of, a training and performance platform empowering young people to share their stories through movement.
    Ascoltato 37 min. 3 sec.
  • With Karim Arafat مع كريم عرفات

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع كريم عرفات حول التحويلات المختلفة التي مر بها ودخوله عالم الخبز ليصبح مخبزه من اهم المخابز في عمّان My conversation with Karim Arafat about the different detours he has taken until becoming a baker and running a popular bakery in Amman. (Recorded in March, 2023) About Karim Arafat It's been about 10 years since Kareem left tech for bread. He started to bake bread at home for 3 years, and in 2017 opened, a small artisan bakery in Amman. Now, he works with a team of 37 people that produce and sell some of the most tasty bread and pastries in the city of Amman.
    Ascoltato 1 h 12 sec.
  • With Salua Qidan مع سلوى قعدان

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع سلوى قعدان، قصتها في مواجهة الصعوبات بتبني المرونة والتأقلم، وكيف أن الانفتاح الحقيقي على الفرص يساعد على إيجاد جذور الشخص وربما شغفه في الحياة. My conversation with Salua Qidan, her story of overcoming tough beginnings by embracing adaptability, and discovering how being truly open to opportunities helps find one's roots and maybe their passion in life. (Recorded in Feb, 2023) -------------- Salua Qidan Creative Director, Tiraz ( Founder, Folkglory ( Salua Qidan is a craft heritage researcher, curator and product designer, focused on the traditions of the Levant’s dressmaking and textiles. Trained as an architect in Jordan in the mid 1990s, she started her career as cofounder of SYNTAX, a multidisciplinary design company in Amman, Jordan, where she specialized in book and exhibition design for art, culture and heritage projects. Through her work with various cultural institutions she found herself drawn to the heritage of crafts in Palestine, Jordan and Syria. A pivotal moment for her was the start of her collaboration in 2012 with Widad Kawar, the leading collector and authority on the heritage of Palestinian and Arab dressmaking, designing Kawar’s seminal book Threads of Identity. In 2015 Salua became a founding team member of Tiraz — The Widad Kawar Home for Arab Dress, where she continues to serve as Creative Director. At Tiraz, Salua immersed herself in the knowledge gained from experts and scholarly sources and her numerous encounters with embroiderer women and other craft makers who are keeping the Levant’s fast-eroding traditions and techniques alive. In 2020 Salua founded Folkglory, a project inspired by her heritage journey. Through Folkglory Salua designs contemporary products for heritage education and traditional craft enthusiasts. Blending original research, curation, documentation and product development, Folkglory aims at spreading the indigenous knowledge and skills embedded in the Levant’s rich dressmaking traditions to a global audience. Folkglory’s first collection of embroidery kits was launched in 2021. Born in Germany to a Palestinian father and German mother, she moved to Amman aged 15, experiencing both a culture shock as a teenager, but also the beginning of a journey of understanding the roots of the Arab Palestinian and Jordanian side of her heritage. She lives and works in Amman.
    Ascoltato 32 min. 49 sec.
  • With Mary Kawar مع د. ماري قعوار

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع الدكتورة ماري قعوار حول استجابتها لنداء العمل من أجل تحقيق العيش الكريم لكل إنسان، و عن المثابرة والقدرة على التكيف مع التركيز على الهدف المنشود. My conversation with Dr. Mary Kawar about following a calling to help create conditions that allow dignified human living, about persistence and adaptability while keeping an eye at the goal. (Recorded in Jan, 2023) -------------- About Dr. Mary Kawar Mary Kawar is currently the director of and serving on the Board of directors at the Jordan Central Bank. Formally she was the Jordanian Minister for Planning and International Cooperation. She also worked at the the International Labour Organisation for 20 years where she held senior positions in the ILO headquarters in Geneva, the Regional Office for Arab States in Beirut, and the subregional office for East Africa in Dar El Salaam. She is a social and economic policy expert and researcher in areas mostly related to labour, employment policies and social protection. She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics.
    Ascoltato 1 h 5 min. 33 sec.
  • With Randi Abdin مع راندي عابدين

    14 MAG 2023 · حديثي مع راندي عابدين عن بداية شغفها بالرقص والحركة ومسار حياتها مع كل التحويلات والاختيارات المختلفة A my conversation with Randi Abdin about the beginning of her passion for dance and movement, the road with all the detours and the different choices she made. (Recorded in Feb, 2023) -------------- About Randi Abdin Randi is currently the Director General of Elia Nuqul Foundation; a family philanthropic foundation creating space for youth to thrive and develop their growth on an educational, professional, and personal level facilitating their entrance to the job market. Having a passion for the performing arts and especially dance, she started dancing at the age of 22 and received a Professional Diploma in Dance Studies from the previously called Laban Center London (Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance) in 2001. Randi has more than 20 years of performing arts experience, specializing in the field of dance. Her experience consists of choreography, teaching dance, and performing. An active leader and a fellow in the Middle East Leadership Academy (Mela), one of several sister leadership organizations spanning the Middle East, Central Eurasia, South East Asia and the United States of America. An Associate Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation, in addition to being a graduate from the Landmark Forum and the Advanced Course from Landmark Worldwide. Randi’s diverse academic, practical, cultural, and artistic experience allows her to capitalize on the resources at hand, create and innovate, develop, plan, achieve, evaluate with a clear vision, and more importantly lead her towards what she aspires for. Randi is committed to serving others with the purpose of taking an active part in improving the well-being of individuals and groups through body movement genius and creativity. Currently, she is a dance movement therapist in training, studying Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) at the 92Y Harkness Dance Center in New York City. She is committed to start a DMT practice in Jordan. As a consultant specializing in non-verbal communication for teams in corporate set-ups, Randi applies DMT approaches and methodologies in her programs to bring out the power within clients. Randi is an endless learner who loves to travel and meet people from different cultures and walks of life. Her slogan in life is to live it fully and to be all in whatever she does. In addition, dance and music speak to her being.
    Ascoltato 1 h 7 min. 23 sec.
  • The Detour Podcast: Season Three Trailer /بودكاست تحويلة: الموسم الثالث

    14 MAG 2023 · بحب اقدملكم الموسم الثالث من بودكاست تحويلة! استمرارًا على ردود الفعل الإيجابية التي تلقيتها في المواسم السابقة، بدأت بدعوة الضيوف والتسجيل منذ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٢. في هذا الموسم قدرت أستخدم كاميرات أفضل مما ساعد على تسهيل عملية التحرير بشكل كبير. كما قدرت من تحديث الميكروفونات وأذرع الميكروفون. مع هيك، استغرق الإنتاج كثير الوقت أنا متحمسة لإستخدام أدوات تحرير تعتمد على الذكاء الاصطناعي للموسم الرابع! يمكن أدعو أكثر من 6 ضيوف، مين بيعرف! بكفي احكي عن الاستوديو، أنت هون لمشاهدة / الاستماع إلى القصص الملهمة التي سيشاركنا بها ضيفات و ضيوف هذا الموسم. لدعم هذا الجهد، يرجى مشاركة الحلقات التي وجدتيها/وجدتها ملهمة شخصيا صديقاتك وأصدقائك. The third season of The Detour Podcast is finally out! Continuing on the positive feedback I received on the previous seasons, I started inviting guests and recording back in December 2022. I managed to use better cameras this season which enabled the editing process to go much smoother. Also, I managed to upgrade the mics and mic arms.Still, the production took a lot of time and I am hoping to use AI-powered editing tools for the 4th season next year to be more efficient! Maybe invite more than 6 guests, who knows. Also, i will get someone to help me out to be able to record myself better :-D Enough of the geeky studio talk, you are here to watch/listen to the amazing stories this season's guests will share with us.To support this effort, please share the episodes you found personally inspiring with your friends. مرحبًا بك في بودكاست تحويلة فكرة البودكاست هي الاحتفال بالأشخاص اللي دايماً بتعلمو بأنفسهم مهارات مختلفة لتاخذهم لآفاق جديدة. كل الاشخاص شاركونا برحلتهم بحلوها ومرها، وبخبرونا عن الحوافز والدوافع وكل الطرق اللي ساعدتهم ليعملو تحويله معينة بحياتهم ويوصلوا للي بدهم اياه Welcome to The Detour Podcast! The podcast is all about celebrating those always on a quest to learn themselves into new abilities. Each individual shares their journey so far in their lives
    Ascoltato 2 min. 51 sec.
  • With Rana Husseini مع رنا الحسيني

    10 MAR 2022 · To learn more about Rana visit her website @ About Rana Husseini: Author of “Years of Struggle – The Women’s Movement in Jordan (2021) and “Murder in the Name of Honour (2009)”, a human rights activist and senior journalist writing for “The Jordan Times”, Husseini focused on social issues for over 25 years with a special emphasis on violence against women, as well as the brutal crimes that are committed against Jordanian women in the name of family honor. Husseini has earned 10 local and international awards, including a medal from King Abdullah II in 2007, the Reebok Human Rights Award in 1998 for reporting on such crimes and The London Arabia Organisation Arab Woman of the Year Award in 2019 for social impact. Husseini is currently serving on several boards including Equality Now in the United States, and the Jordanian National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation.
    Ascoltato 35 min. 27 sec.
  • With Samer Kurdi مع سامر الكردي

    9 MAR 2022 · To connect to Samer, you can reach him @ Facebook here: About Samer Kurdi: I am a humanitarian who works with refugees in Amman, Jordan. But I have worn many hats along the way, including that of a technology blogger, a visual artist, and have had jobs in the corporate world in both technology and pharmaceuticals, in the US and in Jordan. As an undergraduate I studied philosophy and psychology, and I still yearn to be a healer. As I grow older I have a rekindled interest in spirituality.
    Ascoltato 43 min. 2 sec.
  • With Sally Shalabi مع سالي شلبي

    8 MAR 2022 · You can connect to Sally by visiting her website here About Sally: سالي شلبي حكواتية محترفة ومعروفة باسم مستوحى من اسم عائلتها ومهنتها: شلبية الحكواتية. تنقب وتبحث سالي عن قصص بلاد الشام الشعبية والمعاصرة لتحكيها بعروضها. في جعبتها ومخزونها القصصي القصص الشعبية والخرافات والشهادات والقصص المعاصرة أيضا كما وتحكي القصص العالمية. تعمل سالي شلبي بالموروث الشفوي منذ ال2005 وقد قامت بعروض مختلفة ضمن مهرجانات دولية ومحلية. تبدأ سالي ممارستها بعملية بحث طويلة ومعمقة يكون العرض بحد ذاته جزء من هذه العملية وبهذا فان ممارسة البحث عندها هي عملية مستمرة من التطور والتطوير للقصص التي تعمل بها لتنتج نسخة جديدة معاصرة تعنى بإحترام وتقدير ما جاء من أسلافنا ومزجه مع ما هو يلائم عصرنا هذا من مفاهيم وقيم مناسبة. قامت سالي بعدة عروض منها “خير يا طير” الذي يروي قصة النكبة الفلسطينية من خلال شهادات التاريخ الشفوي وقد عرضت خير يا طير في عمان 2107 و2019  ونابلس 2018 والبحرين 2018 ورام الله 2019. وعرضت وروت من سيرة الظاهر بيبرص وهي تعمل على اعادة طرح هذه السيرة بشكل معاصر منذ ال 2017 لتكن بذلك اول امرأة تقوم بسرد السيرة بالحيز العام. كما قامت بترجمة  الجزء الثاني والثالث من السلسلة القصصية “حكايتنا حكاية” بالاضافة الى انها تعد وتكتب نصوص البودكاست وتؤديها ولها عدة إنتاجات صوتية: شلبيات (2015 – 2019) وحياكة الكلام (2020) ورحلة في الجنون (2021)، وكنا وما زلنا – نسخة اليافعين (2021) كما تستضيف على قناتها الخاصة “شلبية الحكواتية” مجموعة قصصية من الموروث الشعبي العربي والعالمي. حازت سالي على منحة لمشروع “حكايات شلبية” في ال 2019 من برنامج المنح والدعم لمؤسسة عبد الحميد شومان. كما حازت في ال2021 حازت على منحة من مؤسسة أفاق لمشروع بحث فني “زغاريد”.   Sally Shalabi is a professional storyteller known as Shalabieh Al Hakawtieh, a playful name inspired by her family name and her profession. Shalabieh's tells stories from Bilad Al Sham (the Levant) as well as other traditions and regions. Her repertoire includes folktales, testimonies and oral histories, contemporary stories. Sally has been working in the oral tradition since 2005 and has performed at various venues and festivals locally and internationally. Sally’s practice is a continuous process of research and development of which the performance is one part. This process results in a newer version of the stories she works with. These new tellings respect the traditions and the story whilst also reflecting more contemporary concepts and values. Sally has presented various shows of including Khair Ya Tayer, a storytelling performance that tells the story of the Palestinian Nakba through testimonies and oral histories. Khair ya Tayer was performed in Amman (2017 and 2019), in Nablus (2018), Bahrain (2018), and Ramallah (2019). She has also been working on developing a contemporary telling of the bio-epic Sirat Al Thaher Baybars and has been telling stories from the epic every year since 2017, thus becoming being the first woman to tell the epic of Al Thaher Baybars (the Mamluk king) in a public space. Sally is also a writer and translator. She has translated two anthologies from the Syrian folktales series “Timeless Tales” and written various audio pieces. Some of her productions include: Shalabiyat (2015- 2019), Hiyaket Al Kalam (2020), Journey into Madness (2021), Palestine was and Is – for Youths )2021), as well as having her own storytelling channel Shalabieh Al Hakwatieh on SoundClound. Sally Shalabi has been awarded a grant for her project “Hikayat Shalabieh” by Abdulhamid Shoman Foundation in 2019 and a research grant for her project Zaghareed by AFAC in 2021. Follow Shalabieh on: Facebook: Instagram: Sound Cloud: Youtube: Patreon: بإمكانكم متابعة عمل شلبية الحكواتية على: Instagram @hakawatieh
    Ascoltato 42 min. 36 sec.

مرحبًا بك في بودكاست تحويلة فكرة البودكاست هي الاحتفال بالأشخاص اللي دايماً بتعلمو بأنفسهم مهارات مختلفة لتاخذهم لآفاق جديدة. كل الاشخاص شاركونا برحلتهم بحلوها ومرها، وبخبرونا عن الحوافز والدوافع وكل...

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مرحبًا بك في بودكاست تحويلة

فكرة البودكاست هي الاحتفال بالأشخاص اللي دايماً بتعلمو بأنفسهم مهارات مختلفة لتاخذهم لآفاق جديدة. كل الاشخاص شاركونا برحلتهم بحلوها ومرها، وبخبرونا عن الحوافز والدوافع وكل الطرق اللي ساعدتهم ليعملو تحويله معينة بحياتهم ويوصلوا للي بدهم اياه

Welcome to The Detour Podcast!

The podcast is all about celebrating those always on a quest to learn themselves into new abilities. Each individual shares their journey so far in their lives and the drive they had, tools they used and own insights into what made the detour happen and how they got it done.
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