Recorded RAW from my phone. No studio, no bells and whistles, just my daily views, thoughts or rants.

Episodi & Post
23 GEN 2025 · Let’s be honest. The Tik Tok ban is ridiculous and what we are being told couldn’t be further from the truth.
Host: Paul Falavolito
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22 GEN 2025 · Hey everyone!!! I am back on this show, finally, after a 4 year hiatus. Join me as I discuss what has kept me away the past 4 years and the direction my podcasts are going.
5 GEN 2021 · My mother lost her battle to Covid-19 on December 29, 2020. This is the story of her battle.
Host: Paul Falavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast or @paulfalavolito
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The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
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- White Oak EMS - whiteoakems.com
- Cornerstone Adminisystems - cornerstoneadminisystems.com
- Alerts USA - alertsusa.com
- Ridge Wallet - ridgewallet.com
- MuscleMX - Musclemx.com
- Laurel Print and Graphics - laurelprint.com
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- The 7 Minute Leadership Handbook is available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Apple Books.
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24 OTT 2020 · It’s been over a year since I did an episode of this show. Just checking in to share a few important updates. Please continue to listen and subscribe.
10 SET 2019 · You have heard me talk about this for three years and it’s finally done. My 7 Minute Leadership Book is finally published and available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Apple Books. Listen in for all the details that went into this lengthy process.
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Listen on Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 Star rating, share on your social media and a comment on iTunes.
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Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
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The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
Proudly sponsored by the following companies:
White Oak EMS - whiteoakems.com
Cornerstone Adminisystems - cornerstoneadminisystems.com
* Alerts USA - alertsusa.com
* Ridge Wallet - ridgewallet.com
The 7 Minute Leadership Handbook is available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Apple Books.
Listen to each episode for your special Paul Falavolito discount code to save with our sponsors.
30 GIU 2019 · With all of the crazy news surrounding the mysterious deaths in the Dominican Republic, I remembered last night that I have my own story to tell. And the more I think about it, I am starting to draw my own conclusion on what killed all those tourists. Listen in for the details.
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Show Sponsor: AlertsUSA.com be sure to visit their website and enter the special Paul Falavolito Discount Code that I mention in this episode to save 25% of their annual subscription.
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com
Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
13 GIU 2019 · A quick update on yesterday's tactical mission and training session and I announce my new podcast sponsor.
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Show sponsor: https://www.AlertsUSA.com
Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com
Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
7 GIU 2019 · Since Episode 178, I have started a petition on change.org in an effort to bring attention to Trump's plan to open over a million acres of our country's protected wildlife refuges and allow hunting in them. If you are passionate about helping to protect our protected lands and wildlife, then please consider supporting the cause and signing my petition. The link is right here: http://chng.it/HNMBDZms
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com
Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
6 GIU 2019 · Today the Associated Press (AP) published an article about the Trump Administration's plan to open up some of our National Wildlife Refuges and allow hunting and fishing. I read the article and can't find a good reason why this is going to happen and my heart is broken and I am outraged. Please listen and share this episode and help get the word out that someone has to stop this!!!
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com
Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
4 GIU 2019 · A quick episode to re-cap the past few weeks. An update on my mom, my leadership summit, attending the Ohio Tactical Officers Association conference (OTOA), shooting pics and a very special surprise happened to me today.
Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito
Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast
Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google
Podcasts & Spotify
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows:
Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323
Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
The KEMA Podcast
**Paul Falavolito Podcast is now available on the Amazon Alexa skills store**
Recorded RAW from my phone. No studio, no bells and whistles, just my daily views, thoughts or rants.
Autore | Paul Falavolito |
Organizzazione | Paul Falavolito |
Categorie | Cultura e società |
Sito | www.paulfalavolitopodcast.com |
podcast@paulfalavolito.com |
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