Episodi & Post
28 NOV 2024 · The Commentary Wayne Phillips looks at Trumps China Trade Tarrifs, Public Sector Job growth surging and the impact on Small Business. Econimists are predicting a budget deficit of $33.5 Billion up from the May projection of $28.3 Billion. Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young prosong changes that could result in a Federal Enviromental Protection Agency.
28 NOV 2024 · The Commenatry With Wayne Phillips joined by hannah frenzel from the news team discuss shutting down of the 3g network and headache for farmer and regional communities with coverage issues on 4g. Peter Walsh Victorian Leader of the Nationals Party resigns after 10 years in the job. Cost of living pressures have analysts using the "R" word (Recession). Net Zero isn't working when local amnfactures are closing the door unable to compete with cheaper imports from China. The news has had a spike in viewership across all devices, with more people aceessing news services. Senator Penny Wong says she will comply with international law if Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to arrive in Australia, in relation to the International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants.
28 NOV 2024 · The Commnetary with Wayne Phillips joined by Hannah frenzel from the news team discuss potiential blackouts in NSW with coal fire power stions offline. Alegations of bullying in the Deputy Prime Minister office. Nurses promises 25% pay increase delayed till later in 2025. Should Australia follow the USA under Presdent Donlad Trump and strt to dereuglate or continue on Europes approach. Plus Babies Born Alive Bill could be discharged from the Senate.
28 NOV 2024 · The Commentary with Wayne Phillips Joined by Hannah Frenzel from the news team discuss the failure of the Disinfomation and Misinfomation Bill, Google needing to divest its media holdings, and changes in media standards.
9 OTT 2023 · Wayne from the Morning Show spoke with Senator Penny Wong regarding the upcoming referendum on the Voice to Parliament.
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