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The Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show

  • #31 - How stress is the real cause of disease

    28 MAG 2021 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, we're going to talk about stress and your health and how stress can make you sick. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, Doctor of Chiropractic. And today we're going to talk about how health can affect, can cause cancer and many, many other diseases, and how it's important to control your stress level in your life. I am doing this show to educate the public on health and wellness, and we're going to talk about this topic that's really important. So stress and health; how can stress affect your health? We know for a fact that health is affected by stress. We know that it can cause all kinds of things; it can cause cancer, it can cause heart attacks, it can cause high blood pressure can cause kidney disease, skin disease, depression, and many, many, many other things. So this topic for me, is very personal. As most people know, I lost my wife from cancer, breast cancer. And her doctor said to her, said that, you've had this cancer for over 30 years. And she had mammograms every year for, you know, since she was in her 20s. And she had cyst in the breast and she would go for checkups on a yearly basis and the doctor would say “Oh, it's nothing to worry about. It's just a cyst, we'll check it next year, come back and we'll do another mammogram, everything is fine.” So, at about age 48, she did a biopsy, and the biopsy was positive. And she was diagnosed with Stage 4 malignant cancer. And the cancer had spread to the lungs, the bone, the ribcage, the liver. And she had to do treatment at that time; she did chemo for about a year, which instead of curing the problem, it actually created more tumors. And this time, it created tumors in the brain. So she had to stop chemo after about a year. So one of the tumor was successfully removed from the brainstem without any side effects, and the second tumor was radiated with radiation therapy, and she was fine. But after she started chemo, she realized that chemo was not the solution and she needed to find something else, so we looked into a holistic approach. So we went to this holistic center called Utopia Wellness. And this Dr. Garcia was running the place and he wrote a book called Cancer Is A Symptom. And all the patients that were the clinic were all Stage 4 cancer, and most of them got pretty good results and they did really well.
    Ascoltato 9 min. 49 sec.
  • #30 - Health system based on fear vs faith

    7 MAG 2021 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, I'm doing the show on Health Care System Based On Fear Versus Based On Faith. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients, and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I'm a doctor of chiropractic. Stay tuned for the show on fear versus faith. So we're doing this show to educate the public on health and wellness, and basically we're going to talk to you about what can we do to become healthier, what can we do to make some changes on our healthcare system. Do we operate on our lives living in fear or do we operate living in faith? We grow up with all kinds of fears that we learn from our parents and grandparents. And sometimes our children grew up with the same kind of fears that we grew up with. As a parent, I don't want any of my kids growing up with my fears, I would love to break the cycle. And some of the example of some of the fears that we grow up with things like being afraid of heights or being afraid of flying or being afraid of death or being afraid of sickness, being afraid of the water; a lot of people are afraid to go in the water, they're afraid of swimming or drowning. Some people are afraid of sharks in the ocean. Some of us are afraid of darkness. And you know, a lot of us are afraid of germs these days. So we don't want to let our fear become their fears. We want our kids to grew up not having any fear or any limitations. We want them to grow up, to graduate from college and succeed in life and become successful, and not be afraid of anything. So what is the definition of fear? In the dictionary, it says that fear is an unpleasant often strong emotion, caused by an anticipation of awareness of danger. Another definition is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger. And sometimes, it's real, and sometimes it's imagined. So we have a healthcare system that is based on fear. Health and sickness today is based on fear. Do we operate on fear or do we operate on faith? The healthcare system that we have today was designed based on fear, not faith. We were made up of trillions, we’re afraid of germs and bacterias and viruses, because that's what we learned. The medical community and the drug companies are teaching us to be afraid of germs. Were made up of trillions of bacteria and viruses. Right now, there is 380 trillion viruses living inside of us, living inside of the body, and basically they coexist with the body.
    Ascoltato 9 min. 45 sec.
  • #29 - The importance of the brain body connection | DA

    23 APR 2021 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today I'm going to do a talk about the importance of the brain body connection. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic. And we're going to talk to you about the brain, how important the brain is. Stay tuned, I'm doing the show to educate the public on wellness and health, and how the body works and how it functions, and what we can do to be healthier. So what does chiropractic have to do with the brain? The brain affects every function of the body. So how does the brain communicate with the rest of the body? Most people think, well, you know, the chiropractic is just something to do with the back, brain, back problems. It's not that, it's a lot more than that. Chiropractic has to do with the brain, the nervous system, the nerves. So the nervous system controls pretty much every function in the body by sending messages from the brain. So the communication there is so important. So how many messages go down from the brain to the rest of the body? Trillions of messages go through the brainstem, which is the stem below the skull, that goes into the spine, and it goes into the spinal cord, and eventually that goes to the nervous system. And basically, there's about 75 trillion neural pathways that run down the brainstem. And it's amazing how it works. So in order to understand how this works, I think it's important to understand the embryology, how we are created and what's really the most important organ in the body. And obviously, the most important organ is the brain. But how does it happen in the early stage of conception? You have a cell from the mom, a cell from the dad, and it gets together and it forms one cell. And then it multiplies into 2 cells, 4 cells, 8, 16, 32, 64. And eventually, that becomes a clump of cells, and that becomes the brain. And that's the first thing that's formed within days of conception. So the first organ to form is the brain. So from the brain, a little stem comes out which develops the spinal cord, and from there, it just grows and grows in and then eventually off the spinal cord, you have nerves that come out.
    Ascoltato 11 min. 59 sec.
  • #28 - benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy | DA

    25 MAR 2021 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, I'm going to talk about the benefit of chiropractic care during pregnancy. My name is Dr. Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic. Stay tuned for Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. I'm doing this show to educate the public on wellness and health, and how you can be healthy naturally. And today we're going to focus on pregnancy and chiropractic. One of the most important time for a woman to receive chiropractic care is during her pregnancy. From the moment of conception, your body goes through a series of changes, and the back, the pelvis, postural changes can cause all kinds of problems with the back. Can cause pain and discomfort. And the good news is chiropractic can help. So, how can chiropractic help? Your spine is made up of 24 independent vertebrae that enables the body to twist, to bend, to move, and it can also help to protect the delicate central nervous system that controls and coordinates every part of your body; every cell, every tissue, every organ in the body. So if a bone goes out of alignment or out of place, you can have a subluxation, which is when the vertebrae goes out of alignment. So basically it's common known as a joint dysfunction, and it happens when two or more vertebrae are out of alignment, and it's pressing on the nerve, and it's impeding the body's ability to communicate with itself. So a joint dysfunction during pregnancy can be caused by changes that take place in your body as you prepare to support you and also the new bundle of joy. So for roughly 50% of all pregnant women, they experienced back problems, back pain during their pregnancy. And up to 75% of the women experience back pain and back problems during the labor. However, only 21% of the women seek consultation with their doctor or anyone for back problems, and most of them believe it's normal and they believe that it's expected during the course of a pregnancy, but it doesn't have to be that way. So in recent years, chiropractic care has been included as a safe and effective treatment for pregnant patients to help them to have a comfortable pregnancy. Right now, I have a lady in this, about two months old. And she cannot imagine not going through getting chiropractic care for her back, because every day, she has some issues or something going on.
    Ascoltato 11 min. 11 sec.
  • #27 - Make time for your health | DA

    13 MAR 2021 · Make time for your health Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, I'm going to do the show about how we need to make time for our health and how important it is to find the time to take care of yourself. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic. And stay tuned. We're going to do this show to show you how you can take care of yourself and make time for your health and how we have plenty of time to take care of ourselves and our health. So I talk to patients all the time about taking time for their health. Everybody comes in and they say, well, you know, I’ve got to go back to work. I've been hurting for the last 20 years, but I’ve got to go back to work tomorrow. And basically, I have to sit down with my patients and tell them hey, listen, this didn't just happen yesterday, it took a while for this to happen. So we need to make some changes in your life. So what I hear from patients all the time is, I don't have time, I'm too busy. I can't go to the gym, you know, there's not enough hours in the day. I can't listen to this lecture; I have to go. You know, I'm in a hurry. I can't read a book, I can't educate myself on taking care of myself like you want me to. Listening to a podcast, I mean, 10, 15 minutes, nobody has time anymore. There's just not enough hours in the day. That's what everybody always say. So the hospital is full of people that did not take time for their health and they got sick. And they made excuses. It is so much easier to take care of your health by taking a pill. Or it's so much easier to just have surgery and do bariatric surgery, if you want to lose weight. Or it's so much easier to just have plastic surgery and make some decisions that can be harmful. Or if you have back problems, it's so much easier to just go and say, well, I’m just going to have surgery. And that is just not the solution. So I was listening to a lecture Saturday night, I was at a lecture and the wife of one of the chiropractors spoke up, and she sees a realtor. And she's a very, very busy lady, she also owns a daycare. She's a wife, she's a mom of two kids, she cooks she cleans. And she was talking about, she was lecturing about, if you think you're too busy to take care of yourself, she says “Think about this.” There is 168 hours in the week, you know, 24 hours a day times 7 is 168 hours. If you sleep 9 hours a night, that's about 56 hours per week.
    Ascoltato 15 min. 18 sec.
  • #26 What's behind chronic ear infections in kids | DA

    26 FEB 2021 · What's behind chronic ear infections in kids Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, we're going to talk about chronic infection in kids, what's behind this and what's the best way to handle it, how do you help the children that have ear infections. So I'm going to talk about how to manage this situation and how to help the kids. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients, and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic. Stay tuned. I'm doing this show to educate the public on health and wellness, in basically how are we going to help the kids today when they have chronic infection. And I know it's a common problem that a lot of kids have. Over 80% of the kids, the children, experience at least one ear infection by age 3 according to NIH. Ear infection is a very common problem. As parents, we should increase our knowledge on this condition. Chiropractic can help ear infection, and the situation, this condition can be fixed with chiropractic care. What are ear infections? Where do they call from? It is an inflammation that happens in the inner ear. The infection manifests as fluid builds up behind the eardrum. So this condition is called otitis media. It is very common in young children and toddlers and infants. This is the number one reason why parents take their kids to an ear infection specialist. When it comes to otitis media, everybody is vulnerable. Seniors can get it, young teenagers can get, pregnant women can get it, younger adults, middle aged people, young children. No one is immune to this condition. Children are more at risk with this, and it’s much more common with young kids. So why the kids have a greater risk of getting otitis media or ear infection? Because the anatomy, the way the anatomy is, the Eustachian tube which is the tube in the ear, happens to be smaller in kids. And the tubes when they're developed, they're not really thick, they're kind of flat in children, and basically it allows less space for the ear to clear. And basically, the fluid doesn't drain out properly from the ear, and it's much more difficult for this to happen. So sometimes the Eustachian tube can swell and it can be blocked by mucus, especially when the child has a cold.
    Ascoltato 11 min. 18 sec.
  • #25 Is it true there is a new deadllier strain of the corona virus | DA

    4 FEB 2021 · Is it true there is a new deadllier strain of the corona virus Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today we're going to do a show about the Coronavirus. Is it true that there is a new deadly virus out there? Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. I'm a doctor chiropractic. Stay tuned, I am doing the show to educate the public on health and wellness, and what we can do to become healthier. So is it possible that there is a new strain of COVID out there that is deadly? That's what we hear all over the place every time we turn the news on. There is not a new strain of COVID floating around, there's a new variant or mutation of COVID. A new strain has a different structure. A variant is a very small change that occurs. If a virus changes slightly, it does not change the function. There is no evidence out there that there's a new variant and that it is more dangerous than the original variant. So why is it spreading so much in other countries? It is the winter right now, we're in the month of February, the weather is cold. And you know it's affecting the immune system and people are cold and your nose will start running, you might start coughing a little bit, you might have some of the symptoms of a cold, might sneeze a little bit. And basically it affects your lung. So of course, you're going to start having flu, and then people are going to transmit their illness to others and people get sick. Also, the amount of vitamin D is not the same. When you're in the winter, you don't absorb vitamin D like you do in the summer. So vitamin D is the most important vitamin to keep your immune system stronger. If you're deficient, you will be a lot more susceptible to get the virus. So they found that every person that is sick with COVID is deficient in vitamin D. So it's very important to make sure that you get to vitamin D. COVID is genetically more stable and it mutates at a very slow pace, not like the influenza of flu. So the variation occurs once a twice per month, and it's very, very, very slight. So the next time you hear that there's a deadly strain running around, educate people, that there is a big difference between a strain and a variant. There's a slight slight variation in the virus. Most people focus on the environment. Most of us, that's what we think is the answer. What about strengthening your immune system?
    Ascoltato 11 min. 36 sec.
  • #24 A deeper look into fatigue | DA

    21 GEN 2021 · A deeper look into fatigue Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show today we're going to do a podcast on tiredness and fatigue. Let's look deep into what it means; and there's more that meets the eye. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic. Stay tuned. And I'm doing this show to educate in the public on health and wellness and a different way to look at health. If you're into medication and the medical world, this is probably not the show for you. But let's look into what fatigue and tiredness mean. Fatigue and tiredness has to do with a symptom, it's a symptom of something going on in your body, something is not working, something is not functioning right. And you know, we need to look into it. So tiredness, the definition in the dictionary says that basically tiredness is “Drained of strength and energy.” Fatigue often to the point of exhaustion, feeling of tiredness after certain activities. How do we feel after exercise? A lot of times we were tired. How do we feel after a long day of work? A lot of times we're just very tired. How do we feel after sleeping, not sleeping enough? A drop of energy? After eating certain foods. Sometimes it can happen when certain kinds of food. Fatigue is different. The definition of fatigue is basically something that's long lasting, where you have long term of daily lack of energy, severe tiredness. And it can be acute or it can be chronic. Acute means it lasts for a short time for about a month, and chronic is long term, it's at least 1 month to 6 months of being really fatigued for a long period of time. So what are some of the causes of fatigue? We can be fatigued if we have a cold or flu. If we have allergies. A lot of times people wake up with certain allergies and you feel tired. Liver disease can cause fatigue. Lung disease can cause fatigue; COPD, anaemia. Sometimes a hormone can affect how your body feels and whether you're tired or fatigued. Having a thyroid that’s not functioning at 100%, hypothyroidism; is very common today and a lot of people feel tired and weak and fatigued, they want to sleep a lot. Nutrient deficiency; lacking certain vitamins can cause you to be tired and fatigued. Vitamin D deficiency, which is very common, which we talked about in one of the previous podcast. We dedicated the whole podcast on vitamin D, and that's very, very important to really know a little bit about vitamin D.
    Ascoltato 18 min. 29 sec.
  • #23 Its time to take a new look at your heart | DA

    7 GEN 2021 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today, we're going to do this talk about healthy heart cholesterol, and we're going to look at the heart from a different angle and in a different perspective. And the key to the heart is prevention. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr, I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic. And stay tuned, we're doing this show to educate the public on health and wellness. And we're going to focus on the heart today. How do we keep our heart healthy? So let's talk about some of the statistics and facts. The heart is an amazing organ, it beats 100,000 times per day. The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. It's about the size of a fist, and it weighs less than a pound, but yet it does so much work. It's amazing. So as far as heart health is concerned, we're not doing a good job at keeping healthy and taking care of our heart. Heart disease is the Number 1 cause of death in the US today with both male and female; 50% of the females die from heart disease and 50% males die from heart disease. So one in two adults pretty much gets heart disease. University studies have detected that disease even start at a young age, as young as seven years of age. So for citizens of the United States, heart disease serves as the Number 1 cause of death, and is responsible for killing over 600,000 people every year, and about 720,000 people have heart disease every year. So heart disease affects our nation and it strains our healthcare system. And it's a silent killer; it affects people silently and you don't even know you have a problem until something happens, until you have symptoms. So history is important, genetics are important, but really the most important thing is the lifestyle. Those are the variables that can affect your heart. So the way you live your life is going to be a major part in your Health. So prevention methods that we have today is basically weight control, nutritional choices, exercise. And basically we're treating the symptoms, we're taking medication to treat the symptoms. More and more people today are taking you know, blood pressure medication at a young age. So what I want to do is talk about a different way of looking at the heart in chiropractic care and how it relates to heart disease and heart health.
    Ascoltato 22 min. 22 sec.
  • #22 How to heal a herniated disc | DA

    24 DIC 2020 · Welcome to Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show. Today we're going to talk about a disc problem; herniated disc. How can we heal from a herniated disc? How to get better. How to fix it from scratch. Welcome to the Cloverleaf Chiropractic Show, a podcast advocating wellness, life and healing from within. With 38 years in practice, 50,000 patients and over 1 million chiropractic adjustments, here's your host, Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. My name is Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr. I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic, and today we're going to talk about health and wellness. So stay tuned and we're doing the show to educate the public on health and wellness and how to get better from different conditions. But today we're going to focus on a herniated disc. A herniated disc can heal if you take care of it the right way, if you manage it properly. A herniated disc or a bulging disc. And there's many different names for this condition. Some people call it a bulge, some people call it a protrusion on a disk, there's different degrees of the damage done to a disc. So person suffering with this condition may not even know they have it when it's initially in the beginning when it starts. And eventually a can get aggravated, it can get worse, and eventually can develop into severe pain; excruciating pain. Herniated disc occurs when the disc or the rubber pad or the cushion in between the bone which is made out of cartilage can be damaged from a tear or from coming out or going out of place. So often the disc presses on the nerve, and that can cause the pain. Initially it can be minor, but then it can become severe. So a disc can herniate by stretching or moving out of position, by lifting a heavy object improperly, by getting into an accident or some kind of trauma; car accident or fall or just twisting the wrong way. Some people will just sneeze and a disc can go out of place. So, or sometimes it's just age. As you get older, you can develop a herniated disc. So no matter how it happens, it's painful and no one should suffer from this for a long time. So there is something that can be done, there's ways to repair a herniated disc that doesn't involve surgery. So depending on the location, it can cause different kinds of problems. It can affect your range of motion, it can affect your movement, it can affect anything that you do. So symptoms of a herniated disc can originate in the location where the disc is, but it can also travel to where the nerve goes to.
    Ascoltato 19 min. 42 sec.

Wellness, Life and healing from within, with Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr is well known for his 38 years of experience as chiropractor. During that time he has performed...

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Wellness, Life and healing from within, with Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr

Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr is well known for his 38 years of experience as chiropractor.

During that time he has performed over half a million chiropractic adjustments.

If you want to know more about Dr. Daniel Abeckjerr you can visit his website, Or follow him on Facebook or Twitter

Do you have some question? Contact him by email at:, call the telephone (+1) 305-651-8100 or make an appointment at Cloverleaf Chiropractic Clinic located in 177 NE 167th St / N Miami Beach, FL 33162.

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