Daily original Messages from spirit that share God's love

Episodi & Post
1 GEN 2022 · This is a talk and meditation on reducing stress and feeling at peace. It is very restorative.
23 DIC 2021 · I talk to Stephen Melillo on his Birthday about the way he creates such inspiring works. https://www.stormworld.com/
23 DIC 2021 · Loved having Patricia Watson and Anthony Pfluke in for a wonderful Chrismas show. Anthony will be doing a free show Christmas Eve at Nalus. http://anthonypfluke.com/
22 DIC 2021 · https://www.stormworld.com/
18 DIC 2021 · had a wonderful talk with GRAMMY®-nominee Danaë Xanthe Vlasse is a French-born composer living in Los Angeles since 2005. She is presently associated with 11 albums. She holds honors from the Producer's Choice Awards, Clouzine International Music Awards, Radio Music Awards, Gold Medal of the Global Music Awards, and the Peace Song Awards, as well as a multiple-winner of the MTAC “Composers Today” Advanced Division, multiple-winner (including Album of The Year) at the Indie Music Channel Awards, nominated at the Independent Music Awards, and multi-nominated at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards, as well as a semi-finalist at The American Prize. Furthermore, she is active in collaborations with other composers from all over the world; she has worked with composers and musicians living all over Europe, the Middle-East and India. A select group of Mrs. Vlasse's compositions are published by bpr music, and she is an artist on the MSR Classics and Cezanne labels.
15 DIC 2021 · what a treat to have the multi ward wining John Cruz come in studio and play some great tunes
12 DIC 2021 · I talk to the brilliant composer Stephen Melillo about the creative aspect of his new work, The Grey ll-lll.
Stephen Melillo (b. 1957) is an American composer and educator.
Melillo attended the University of Connecticut at Storrs in 1976, the Manhattan School of Music in New York in 1979, and holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the Boston Conservatory of Music in 1980 and a master's in music and conducting from Columbia University in 1982.
In addition to film work with New York and Los Angeles based studio orchestras, he has conducted more than 112 live concert premieres.
With 17 years in the public schools, more than 30 years as an international guest conductor, and more than 35 years as a practitioner of the Chinese martial art, Melillo's ability to communicate musically comes from an extensive knowledge base. From beginning instrumental students to musicians employed by the Rotterdam and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestras, he has worked with a vast array of multinational students aged 4-87. Such diverse experience includes teaching Braille-reading music students at Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts to teaching close-quarter defense techniques to an 11-man detachment of Green Berets stationed in Mansfield, Connecticut during the late 1970s.
11 DIC 2021 · Celebrate who you really are. Find the good in you and let yourself shine that good forth. This is an inspiring talk about how to let go of low self-worth and to to step into the gift of who you are by celebrating all the good that is in you. It is a talk and meditation that reinforces all teh good qualites you have so you can celebrate yourself.
9 DIC 2021 · Maribeth Thieson on Greek Islands and Jordan
4 DIC 2021 · I talk with Stephen Melillo. who has created over 1200 amzaing pieces about his latest work,The GREY and The GREY II-III , which is a collection of intimate, emotional, probing works, inspired by “looking beyond” the veil of Grey in the Sky, in our Hearts and Minds, in each other, and beyond our Struggles, Sufferings and Hurts
Listening to The GREY and now The GREY II-III in one stream, you will experience a brief (for you) global Human Journey of Darkness and Light, but more importantly, you will find a “bridge” on which you can stand between these polarities and offer the Questions and Hopes and Prayers of Your own unique and priceless Life.
Daily original Messages from spirit that share God's love
Autore | Cindy Paulos |
Organizzazione | Cindy Paulos |
Categorie | Cultura e società |
Sito | cindypaulos.com |
cindy@kaoi.net |
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