The Carmen Online Theater Group provides audio theater horror programming. Created by Executive Producer and Writer, Liane Moonraven, the horror-themed network airs unique, audio short stories, mini-series, full run series...
mostra di piùThe Burbs, a wildly successful audio horror series that takes place in the fictitious town of Clarington, is written by Liane Moonraven and is based on actual true events that occurred to her while living in a suburb of Washington D.C. The Burbs is a story about Lisa and Brittany Sheraton, mother and daughter, who move to a new town after the unexpected death of Lisa's husband, Michael Sheraton. It isn't long before Lisa realizes there is something terribly strange about her new neighborhood...and her neighbors. She starts digging for information and is shocked - and terrified - of what she finds out.
Will she stay in The Burbs? Tune in to find out.
The Carmen Online Audio Theater Network
The Carmen Online Audio Theater Network
Carmen Theater GroupThe Carmen Online Theater Group provides audio theater horror programming. Created by Executive Producer and Writer, Liane Moonraven, the horror-themed network airs unique, audio short stories, mini-series, full run series...
mostra di piùThe Burbs, a wildly successful audio horror series that takes place in the fictitious town of Clarington, is written by Liane Moonraven and is based on actual true events that occurred to her while living in a suburb of Washington D.C. The Burbs is a story about Lisa and Brittany Sheraton, mother and daughter, who move to a new town after the unexpected death of Lisa's husband, Michael Sheraton. It isn't long before Lisa realizes there is something terribly strange about her new neighborhood...and her neighbors. She starts digging for information and is shocked - and terrified - of what she finds out.
Will she stay in The Burbs? Tune in to find out.
Autore | Carmen Theater Group |
Organizzazione | Carmen Theater Group |
Categorie | Arti dello spettacolo , Tecnologia |
Sito | |
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