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  • The Love Nest 3:13:24 4.01 PM

    13 MAR 2024 · Story: The Love Nest Story and Art by: Gail Nobles ©️2024 When it was time for Monty to be released from the hospital, Priscilla was there to help him. Monty got a phone call from Jet Jay Boston that his house windows and things in his home were broken. Both Monty and Priscilla knew right away that Rob Spencer had something to do with it. Jay had told both Monty and Priscilla to get out of town over the phone. Monty put his phone on the speaker shaking like a leaf. Jay: Priscilla, take Monty and get out of town. It’s not safe for either of you to be here. When Rob and those men get out of jail, they will be coming for Monty again. They got some more crew looking for Monty. And you have done right not to sing again. Since your records have been played, he wants Monty to continue and make him money.  Monty: And I won’t do it. That Piece of .. Jay: Rob is crazy. Now he wants to use Monty and take over everything. He’s a mobster. Get out of town because he’ll be after you too Priscilla. Priscilla: When I was with him, he didn’t want me or my music.  Jay: Now he see that you are bigger than you ever were before. You were big all the time. Rob didn’t know what he had. He just wasn’t doing things right. It wasn’t that the fans didn’t love you. You gained some new fans today. Now get moving girl and be safe.  Priscilla took Monty back to the rural area with her worried about where he was going to stay. She didn’t want him to stay with her. Being hurt by men, she trusted no man, and was content living alone. Priscilla didn’t have to ask Monty where he was going to stay. He told her that he could stay in a hotel.  Months went by. Monty kept in touch with Jay Jet Boston. He mailed him the keys to his radio station to become the disc jockey in his place while he was gone. But Monty became depressed and scared about his life. He felt alone and was used to being in his own town at his own home with a job. But he was blessed to have Jet Boston as a friend. He cleaned up Monty’s house and replaced all the broken windows.  Priscilla and Monty didn’t speak much with eachother. Priscilla got lost in her music. After a while, she thought about Monty. She gave him a call, but Monty wasn’t half speaking. Priscilla finally went to visit Monty at the hotel. When she got there, he was sick and trying to leave the hotel. Priscilla wanted to know how he was feeling.  Monty: I’ve got to leave here. This hotel is about to take all of my cash. I’ve got to go back home. Monty picked up a cup of tea. He was shaking.  Priscilla began to worry again. She said: If you go back, those guys will kill you. I guess I’ll have to be the one to take you in for a while. Come and go with me.  So Priscilla drove Monty to her place, but she had to stop a couple of times along the way. Monty was very sick. While driving, Jet Boston was talking to Rita King on the radio. Priscilla turned up the volume. Miss Rita had been drinking and angry at Rob Spencer. She was under the same record label as Priscilla.  She yelled out (Rita): Priscilla, wherever you are. We want tou back at The Buzz AMB. That man’s a goodly man. He got my records played.  Jay: We’ll be back with more Rita King right after these messages. Priscilla kept the words of Miss Rita on her mind: That man’s a goodly man.  When Priscilla got Monty to her house, she pulled down some stairs from her ceiling. She let Monty sleep in her attic. She chose the attic just in case she was found by Rob Spencer. The pull down stairs were not noticable. It was like a trick to the eyes.  Staying with Priscilla, Monty had doctor visits. After being hit in the head by Rob Spencer, he would sometimes have dizzy spells, and he had a muscle injury after a blow to the stomach.  Priscilla fed Monty and took care of him, and Monty would help Priscilla. They learned more about each other.Priscilla saw that Monty was a lot like her. They became close knit friends, and the attic became a love nest. It was a place where they would talk and hold each other. You're listening to The Buzz. Story by Gail Nobles ©️2024.
    Ascoltato 7 min. 5 sec.
  • Priscilla and Monty Montgomery 2 12:28:23 6.42 PM

    29 DIC 2023 · Story by: Gail Nobles©️2023 Cover Art by: Gail Nobles Ending Music: music created using Groovepad. Available on the App Store, Vocals by: Gail Nobles Priscilla thought about the conversation that she had with Jay Jet Boston, but she did not think about calling him. Instead, she thought about owning her own record label and doing things her way. Pricilla knew how to make her own music, and she knew how to write her own songs. Priscilla turned her basement into a home studio. She began working on her own music which was something she didn’t get a chance to do at her old record label with Rob Spencer. Then Priscilla thought about Monty. For days she tried to call him and get in touch with him, but there was no answer. Later, she found out that he was in the hospital. Monty was nearly dead when he was found. Like Sympathy, he had been beaten but beaten far worse than Sympathy. Priscilla told Sympathy she would never go back to the city she came from, but she knew that she was lying to her. Priscilla went back to the city and she went back to see Monty. When Priscilla went to visit Monty, she saw him with a swollen face and he was badly bruised up. She could barely tell if Monty could see her. Both his eyes were cracked open. Priscilla went to the window of his room and looked down. She saw Rob Spencer and two bad men getting out of a car to go into the hospital doors. Priscilla looked at Monty and said: You gotta leave here. Monty who could barely speak asked his doctor to let him transfer quickly and secretly into another hospital from his enemies that carried guns. The doctor gave him his request having police to investigate Rob and his men. Someone saw Rob and his men beating Monty and had it recorded to send to the police. So the police knew Rob and his men. They were arrested several days later after Monty was transferred. Priscilla spent some time with Monty and went back to her place to work on her music for the future.
    Ascoltato 3 min. 11 sec.
  • Priscilla and Monty Montgomery 8:10:23 3.03 PM

    10 AGO 2023 · Story: Priscilla & Monty Montgomery Story by: Gail Nobles ©️2023 Cover Art by: Gail Nobles Today's episode: Priscilla and Monty Montgomery After Priscilla had a talk with DJ Bumblebee and Jay, she went back to her hide out. She chose to live in a rural area in a bickhouse way back in a field. There was a pathway to get to her house, but she was not easy to find even if you had the address. That’s the way Priscilla wanted it. Her and her neighbors lived far apart. There was peace and quiet. Priscilla set in a rocking chair reading a book holding a puff fake prop cigarette in her mouth to keep from smoking a real one. Suddenly, Priscilla's phone began to ring. She saw a strange name pop up on her phone. The name was Monty Montgomery. She decided she would let the stranger leave a message.when the answering machine. took Monty’s message, Priscilla heard a familiar voice. It was Bumblebee. Priscilla looked at her phone and said, "So Monty's the Bumblebee.” But Priscilla wouldn't answer any of Monty's calls. Priscilla was suddenly interrupted again. She heard a knock at the door. When she cracked her door to peep Out there was a young woman standing to her door that had been beaten and could hardly stand up. Priscilla then stepped outside her door to keep the girl from falling. The strange woman could hardly speak. She said: Rob Spencer. Never trust him. When the woman said the name Rob Spencer, Priscilla hurridly took the woman into her house. She (Priscilla) asked: How did you find me? Who are you? The woman said: Im the woman that took your place. You said he didnt want you, but he doesnt care and want nobody but himself. Then Priscilla recognized the woman. She said: Sympathy? Sympathy was the woman’s name. She had a black eye and swollen lip. Sympathy said: I had to find you. He’s a crimminal. You were smart to leave the city. Sympathy was sick from the beating she got from Rob Spencer. Priscilla took care of her until she was well. She secretly helped Sympathy move to the urban area where she lived. They became best friends, but Sympathy could see in Priscilla's eyes that she wasn't satisfied. She said: Priscilla, promise me that you won’t go back to the city where Rob is. If you do, it might be your last visit. Priscilla: I have no reason to go back there where he is Sympathy. But Sympathy could tell by the look in Priscilla’s eyes that she wasn’t making any promises. About a week later, someone again was knocking on Priscilla's door. She peeped through the peephole of the door. She saw that it was Monty Montgomery, DJ Bumblebee. Priscilla slowly opened the door. She asked: Yes, may I help you? Monty: Girl, I searched days to find you. Priscilla: Why did you search days to find me? I told you I’m not singing no more. Monty: Thats really not why i came to see you. Priscilka looked unconcerned and she asked: Why did you come? Monty: I need someone to talk to. At first Rob Spencer threatened to take over my radio station but he saw how powerful I have been. My station makes tons of cash. I played your songs again and now people are requesting to hear them more. Rob sees cash can be made off of playing your records. Your name is now in the news again along with my station in the major city newspapers. More people want to know who I am. Priscilla: And what else? Monty: And now Rob wants me to make that cash and partner with him. I have a month to think about it. If I don't partner with him, he will make sure that I lose all that I have. Priscilla: I told you not to play my songs? Monty: I know. I know. Priscilla: So why are you here? What do you want me to do about it? There’s nothing I can do. I don't own my own music. Monty: But didn't you take back what he owed you? Priscilla: Yes, by taking the matter into my own hands. I knew taking Rob to court would be unsuccessful. I suggest you start building a new radio station or something. Priscilla close the door on Monty and left him in desperation. You're listening to The Buzz. Story by Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Ascoltato 6 min. 32 sec.
  • Just In Case 12:21:22 8.58 PM

    22 DIC 2022 · Song & Story: Just In Case Song & Story by: Gail Nobles © 2022 Vocals by: Gail Nobles Music by: Gail Nobles Voices by: Gail Nobles Art by: Gail Nobles Street Sounds: Simion Usage: attribution 3.0 Fast Drwaing Effect: Simion Usage: attribution 3.0 Jay: Miss Priscilla! Stop just a minute! Listen, I understand your fight. Priscilla: What are you talking about? What fight? Jay: The fight with your record label. Priscilla: It’s all over in the past. Jay: You need to be recognized. Not just an artist, but as a human being. We’re family, and we got the same fight. Priscilla: Do I know you? Jay: You ain’t never heard of me, Jay Jet Boston? Priscilla: Oh yea! I know who you are. You don’t have to worry about me. Jay: Yea, but I get a strong vibe from you that things ain’t right. I know. Priscilla: Listen, I’ll be alright. I got to go. Jay: I know you’re trying to avoid me. But you need to sing again, and I know about that Rob Spencer. If you decide you want to sing again, give me a call. Here’s my number. Priscilla: Okay, I’ll take your number, but I’m not going to sing again. Jay: Take it anyway just in case. (Singing) Just in case you ever need me. I’m not that far away my friend. Take my number in case you need to call. Priscilla: That’s beautiful Jay. I got to go now. (Music & Song) Bumble Bee: You’re listening to the Buzzzzz.
    Ascoltato 2 min. 1 sec.
  • A Good Girl Can Do A Bad Thing - Priscilla 9:30:22 6.15 PM

    30 SET 2022 · Vocal chop soul lady: Usage: standard license Voices by: Gail Nobles Characters by Gail Nobles Story by: Gail Nobles © 2022 You’re listening to The Buzz. Today’s episode : A Good Girl Can Do A Bad Thing. DJ Bumblebee was expecting a talented singer named Priscilla McCall, but she never showed up until it was time for Bumblebee to leave the station. Bumblebee: Priscilla!! Priscilla: I’m sorry I’m late, and I intended to be late. I do not want to go on the air. I’d rather talk to you in private. Bumblebee: Okay. Priscilla: So what do you want to know about me? Bumblebee: We’ll, we haven’t heard from you in years, and I’m not allowed to play you’re records anymore. What happened? I still get requests to play your songs. Priscilla: I was dropped from my record company. My producer didn’t want me to make it. There was another girl that he was interested in that studied my style. He didn’t want me anymore because I wouldn’t let him control me. There were a lot of guys in the business after me, but no one wanted to be my producer. Bumblebee: Do you think your record company had something to do with that? Priscilla: Probably so. Bumblebee: Is the rumor true that you robbed you’re producer for money. Priscilla: I didn’t rob him. I took back what was mine. Bumblebee: Okay! Okay!I was gonna say that - that didn’t sound like something you would do. You’re a good girl. Priscilla: A good girl can do a bad thing. I’m that kind of girl when I feel the need to do something that’s necessary. He owed me money. He wasn’t trying to pay me. So I took it. Bumblebee: Why not tell the world. No one has heard your side of the story. Priscilla: Rob Spencer is a dirty dog. If I speak now, I’ll have to deal with him. I’m tired. My life is private, and I just want some peace. Bumblebee: So Rob Spencer was you’re producer. Priscilla: Yes, and you know who he is and what he’s about. Bumblebee: Yea, when I was tempted to play your records once, he sort of threatened me. But you should be allowed to speak, and your music should go on being heard. Priscilla: I’ll have to kill that man if I do. He’s very jealous, and I’ll say it again, a good girl can do a bad thing. Bumblebee: I see what this is all about. Priscilla, we’ve got to get you back on the air. Priscilla: Bumblebee, leave things alone. Now, I’m warning you. I am not to be heard again. Bumblebee: Didn’t you say a good girl can do bad things? Why don’t you fight? Priscilla: Bum, you’re not hearing me. Bumblebee: Do you really want to stay silent forever? You know, Rob Spencer really is controlling you. You left Rob, but you can try again for you’re career. Priscilla: I don’t want to sing anymore. And as far as playing my records again, you’re on your own. Priscilla walked out of DJ Bumble Bee’s station. Bumble Bee wasn’t afraid of her producer, Rob Spencer. He thought it was ridiculous that her records couldn’t continue to be played, and he started playing her music anyway. And trouble was coming for Bumble Bee.
    Ascoltato 4 min. 31 sec.
  • The Golden Seven - Jesus Is Coming Back 8:4:21, 3.26 PM

    4 AGO 2021 · Story: The Golden Seven Story by: Gail Nobles Song: Jesus Is Coming Back Song by: Gail Nobles © 2021 Art by: Gail Nobles Vocals and music by: Gail Nobles Voices by: Gail Nobles Characters by: Gail Nobles Buzz: The Golden Seven! You’re a pop group and like bubblegum. What made you want to do a pop gospel song? Jamie: Well, because times are getting really bad. Diseases and war and it feels like the end is near. Buzz: And your name is…? Jamie: Jamie, the second vocalist of the group. Buzz: And the little one, he’s the leader of the group? Jamie: Yes, His name is Matthew. Buzz: How old are you Matthew? Matthew: I’m ten. Buzz: Is everyone in the group related? Jamie: Yes, we are brothers and cousins. Buzz: And there are seven of you, and you’re called the Golden Seven. Matthew: Right Jamie: Yes, we go with some church friends for advice on releasing it. A lot of young people seem to like the song. Buzz: Well, it’s good that you want to send out a message to the world about Jesus Christ. It is certainly needed. I think the song will make it. Two people called in yesteday requesting to hear the song. Matthew: That’s great news! Jamie: It sure is. Buzz: Well, I’m going to play a little bit of it again, and I wish you all the best of luck. Matthew: Thank you!
    Ascoltato 3 min. 45 sec.
  • Rita King - Reap What We Sow - 7:29:21, 7.14 PM

    29 LUG 2021 · Art by: Gail Nobles Song by: Gail Nobles © 2021 Vocals by: Gail Nobles Story by: Gail Nobles Rita King Character: Gail Nobles DJ Character: Gail Nobles Opening (Singing) Buzz: Ahh! Miss Rita King! Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm your America's bumble bee. Welcome to the Buzz. Thank you for coming Miss Rita. Rita: Thank you for having me. Buzz: Your new single is really hot on the airwaves now. Rita: Yes. Buzz: How did you come up with this song? Rita: Listening to a lot of hurt people, and the words were easy to write and nothing that hasn't been said before. People always say, "You're gonna reap what you sow." So I came up with "Yeeeaa we reap what we sow." Buzz: Very impressive Miss Rita. I'm looking at the record cover. You look beautiful. Rita: Thank you, Buzz. Buzz: Are there going to be more songs? Rita: Yes, there will be more coming. Buzz: I can tell you're really into what you're singing. Rita: Yes, the lyrics, some experience, my environment ... It all goes together. Buzz: Who taught you how to sing? Rita: No one really. I just listened to the records my mom and dad played growing up. I had no training. Buzz: What kind of records did you play? Rita: Blues and gospel. Buzz: And you like soul music. Rita: Yes, I do. Buzz: Well, you have certainly done a terrific job on your new single, and I hope you'll come back to see me. Rita: I sure will. Buzz: Miss Rita King! You're listening to the Buzz! America's Bumble Bee!
    Ascoltato 3 min. 36 sec.
  • Jay Jet Boston - 10:16:20, 7.14 PM

    16 OTT 2020 · Fiction story by: Gail Nobles Music and song by: Gail Nobles © 2020 All vocals and voices by: Gail Nobles Character Jay Jet Boston by: Gail Nobles Character Bumblebee by: Gail Nobles Artwork: Gail Nobles Buzz: You're listening to The BUZZ _ America's Bumblebee. The next song I am about to play is titled "Making It" by Jay Jet Boston. (Jay Jet Boston sings) Buzz: Jay Jet Boston! His middle name is Jet because his hair is so black. The man from Chicago. Jay: Thank you for having me Buzz. Buzz: So this is a new hit record. Jay: Yes, it is. My first single. Buzz: And you didn't expect this song to make it? Jay: No I didn't . I um ... Everybody else seems to be keeping up with the style of music today, but if what you say in a song means something to the people, there is no style. I don't think about style. I believe that a good song is a good song. Buzz: And you stuck to your belief and the record made it. Jay: Yes sir! That's what the song is about. Making it. Believing in yourself even when folks tell ya you can't do it. Buzz: That's exactly right! Jay Jet Boston on The BUZZ AMB.
    Ascoltato 2 min. 25 sec.
  • America's Bumblebee _ Allen Ray Interview - 10:15:20, 1.45 PM

    15 OTT 2020 · Fiction Story by: Gail Nobles Art by: Gail Nobles All voices and vocals by: Gail Nobles Music by: Gail Nobles © 2020 Allen Ray: Hello everyone. My name is Allen Ray. Yes, I'm that Allen Ray that the Bumblebee plays on the Buzz AMB. If you haven't heard, I sing Together Forever. And I know I sound fuzzy and buzzy when I say stick to those marriage vows. What do you think Bumblebee? Bumblebee: I hate to say it Allen, but I'm like a honey bee, and I do my shoppin around. Allen: Well, that's alright. Bumble: I haven't found the right lady yet. Allen: Well, keep shoppin around man. Keep shopping around. Bumble: So what made you write this song, Together Forever? Allen: All the years that I've been married. All the experience from that marriage. The ups and the downs and being in love. Bumble: I suppose that's what makes you a great songwriter. Allen: The more you know about life and love, the more you can write. But really, I had some help in writing the song in how to put it together. Bumble: I see. Allen: I want to thank you Bumblebee for playing my song and for helping it get heard on your podcast audio station. Bumblebee: You're welcome and thanks for coming by for the interview. So what made you want to be a singer? Allen: Hearing those greats oldie sounds. My father and mother had a lot of old 45's and albums and 8 track tapes. I would listen to them and all the singers and groups. I was like boy, I want to sing like that. I use to sing in school and got involved in a singing group. After high school, we all went our separate ways, but I never stopped singing. Bumble: So did you sing in the church choir? Allen: A few times I sung in church. It was quite an experience for me in those days because I was learning how to sing with other voices. I had to learn how to sing out more, and I was learning how to sing. Church is where I learned that other folks had a bigger voice than me and had more experience. And church began to rub off on me. I learned a little more from church. (singing) When I was singing like this. (singing) But church taught me to add more volume to my voice. Bumble: I see. So you're choice was to sing about love. Allen: We'll I'm often criticized when I do it all. We need to sing praises to God , and we need songs about love too. Now that is my belief. God is the creator of love. I see a lot of people not living the life of love and not singing it. Bumble: I see where you're coming from. We'll, we're running out of time now, and I hope that you'll be back soon. Allen: I will. Thank you! BB: You've just heard the interview, Allen Ray. You're listening to America's Bumblebee, The BUZZ.
    Ascoltato 4 min.
  • The Buzz - 10:13:20, 6.05 PM

    13 OTT 2020 · The Buzz character by: Gail Nobles Music, voices, and vocals by: Gail Nobles Song by: Gail Nobles © 2020 Title: Together Forever Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I'm Gail Nobles. I've got the Buzz of the Bee. Lets hear him. Bumble Bee: Good afternoon everybody. You're listening to The BUZZ AMB which stands for America's Bumblebee. That's right. I may sound a little Bumble to ya because I got the podcast sounds that no radio station has. I'm going to be humble as I bumble and brighten up your day. I've got songs to play. Songs you've never heard along with the spoken word. (song) That was the sound of the Bumble Bee. He's got so many names and so many faces of those sounds within him. He calls that sound the Allen Ray. The Bumble Bee defines soul. All you got to do is listen to know. He's got a beautiful definition with feeling and vocal. So tell me Bumble Bee. Where did you get that song? Bumble Bee: That song came from lovers in love. Everyday there's a song in the world. It's soul music It comes from the soul. You've just heard the sound of Allen Ray. You're listening to The BUZZ.
    Ascoltato 2 min. 30 sec.

The Buzz is about a story of soul music and characters. It is about a disc jockey who is called the Bumblebee and the podcast is called The BUZZ. Gail...

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The Buzz is about a story of soul music and characters. It is about a disc jockey who is called the Bumblebee and the podcast is called The BUZZ. Gail Nobles © 2020.
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