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The Angi Taylor Show

  • Yesterday's, Yeti's and Yacht's: A Guide to Stupidity - ATS - 6.28.24

    28 GIU 2024 · Right, Chainsaw Friday and all the like but I'm more interested in the little vacation break we are getting this upcoming week and so since we won't be here to make you a bit stupider, let this gemstone that Angi mined do the trick until then. Pulling a break from reality (which is what I call it anytime this show hits the airwaves,) Angi explained that the hot new internet question is if a genie visited you and offered you 5,000 of anything with the catch being it had to start with the letter Y, what would you pick? Marris said yaks but not because he wanted them but because it seemed to be the only sensible thing. Weirdly enough people agreed as it was number 3 on the list. Angi picked yacht's, Prison Tattoo wanted to buy one of Marris' yaks and HP wanted yurts (which is also pretty viable.) Here though are the actual top 10 from the list.
    Ascoltato 55 min. 19 sec.
  • It's Time to Get Angi a Seeing Eye Dog - ATS - 6.27.24

    27 GIU 2024 · Another day, another ailment, as if I wasn't going to open these notes without talking about how they've rebooted Mr. Magoo and to be progressive, made him into a woman and cast Angi in the role. You see, our beloved hostess with the mostest is apparently actually lacking something and that is working eyes. That's right y'all, the bitch is basically blind. As you should know, the only thing holding together this Frankenstein mess is Gorilla Glue and a prayer because she apparently has no time to fill her doctor's appointments (there are too many good documentaries to watch on the couch.) Anyway, the reason they let this ocularly challenged woman onto the streets was she had gotten her nails done yesterday and was walking home. Normally, I'd make a joke about her stumbling because she was drunk but her needing a seeing eye dog and a cane is so much funnier. See, as she was coming down the street, she spotted a man carrying a cute little black puppy in his arms. Easily excited, Angi ran over and went to pet the dog when to her horror she realized that it wasn't a dog at all. For half a second, I almost went the route of that urban legend about the hairless rat but no, the man was not holding a dog. What he actually had wrapped around him was a canvas cross body bag. That's right, this dingdong attempted to pet a man's bag. Obviously, the dude was taken aback as he assumed this deranged older woman was going to rob him. This embarrassment was followed up with a slap in the face when Angi finally got home and was ready for supper (get it, cause she's old.) She ordered soup from a place 2 miles away and while watching the DoorDash app, noticed the driver was looping and going in circles. It took an hour and a half for the driver to arrive across the street and sit outside of a CVS. When he finally turned around and drove to Floptopia, he told her he couldn't find her house and then blamed the construction. The most egregious part though was when he told her "don't forget to tip" as he walked away. Marris suggested she should have just walked to get it but she couldn't because she needed to be home (see: she's lazy.) She was also forced to give him one star instead of zero and also tip ahead so she couldn't give him nothing for bad service. You will be happy to know she did complain to DoorDash and explained her soup being late was totally going to ruin the tour (if you don't get that joke, watch more entertainment news.)
    Ascoltato 59 min. 44 sec.
  • Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better - ATS - 6.26.24

    26 GIU 2024 · Middle of the week and the heat is finally letting up as we barrel toward the end of June and into the summer sun fun madness (aka burning blazing hot as hell end of times.) This has absolutely nothing to do with the Daily Discussion Topic but it felt like a proper way to open the notes this morning. It was an exploration of things that we can do better than others because a list was put up with people offering what they believe they can do better than 80% of others. Marris, for example, thinks he is better at video games (I wonder if he beat Elden Ring, hmm?) Apparently the time and effort he puts forth as a 37 year old gives him great hand/eye coordination and or he has years of experience. His go to atm is EA Sports FC 24 which for those unfamiliar, is a soccer game. I'm going to mix it up and squeeze in Angi and my answers before I get to the list though because sometimes it flows better to have all our answers as opposed to one answer, a list, another answer and then my input. Angi's amazing at parallel parking and can park a semi between two frogs (because that's clearly a thing ... idiot.) As for me, I'm clearly great at reading and roasting a bitch (see: my segment every morning) but I'm also good at writing. Give me a prompt and I can fire up a few pages on it usually with relative ease. As for others, there was picking the slowest line in a store, chess, looking someone directly in the face while they talk and catching none of it. One person has an amazing internal clock and Angi said she too has the ability to guess a time within 15 minutes (same.) Handwriting was there too and Angi explained that she got a handwriting student of the month award in 6th grade and Marris got the chicken scratch writing award. Back to the list, minding their own business, finding misplaced commas (the temptation I had to put a bunch of wrong ones into this I had was there) and untangling things. Angi is also good at that as well if you give her an Adderall prior. The final three from the list was throwing a frisbee, complaining and judging the volume of a liquid pour (what a useless skill.) Now that we've gotten through that jumbled mess, let's see what the Request Line had to offer. Jessica is amazing at returning stuff, even outside of the return policy. Apparently, you have to go Karen and get a manager and just be nice while making up a ridiculous story. Angi added that kindness is key and acting rude to a manager is going to get you nowhere. Head Roadie Bob is the king of helping people do stuff, taking them to the airport or helping if a car breaks down. Head Roadie Keith knows he is a better mechanic. Michael knows what time of day it is without effort. Mike is great at remembering TV shows and can bring up quotes in proper situations. Tilly is amazing at rolling doobies which means she'll be working on this show soon. Emily can pick out the dog breeds in a mix, she just has a sense for it. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.
    Ascoltato 58 min. 18 sec.
  • Lending a Hand at a Summer Job - ATS - 6.25.24

    25 GIU 2024 · Well, the heat is finally going to break but it was not going out like a bitch though. Instead we're getting near a 100 with humidity and a hell of storm before it finally allows us to cool off. It would probably have been more fitting to attach this to the summer jobs discussion but I liked this better as a main focal point this morning. We discuss dating a lot on this show as Angi is hell bent on getting Marris a mate. However, 80% of dating people, including Marris, are burned out on apps. A Dutch (you can hear Angi roll her eyes) named Vera came up with a solution. She made a questionnaire for potential mates consisting of 15 questions that fit her high standards. 5,000 decided to try to win her heart and she would eventually whittle it down to three. Below are a sampling of the questions: - What is your astrological sign? - How many exes do you have? - How many of your crazy ex's do you talk to? - Do you want kids? - Use three adjectives to describe yourself and is one of them douche? - How is your relationship with your parents? - Do you have a booty call on tap? - Is it acceptable to hit on her friends? - If you were to live together, would she get the walk in closet? As I said, she ended up picking 3 and surprise surprise, none of them were a good match for her. She's just too picky and no guy will ever be perfect for her. She also said she would not try this experiment again. While they are a good gauge of things, they don't offer enough information or deter from otherwise good matches. Angi even said she might miss Mr. Right by being so restrictive and Marris added that being 37, he wants to see if it works or not fast. Like general questions can weed out convicted felons but if you're looking to eliminate over eye color, baseball team fandom and other nonsense, you're asking for trouble. Angi capped this with saying 20 year old Angi would never have imagined marrying a bald guy and if she had weeded Jay the Straight out over that, she'd probably still be alone. Marris thinks that Vera just wants to be single and there is a way to explore what you want and need better.
    Ascoltato 1 h 2 min. 9 sec.
  • Two Male Lions Consider Opening a Summer Camp - ATS - 6.24.24

    25 GIU 2024 · Monday morning is here and as we dive into the last week of June, it seems that the roadies got into the good stuff this weekend because the texts were off the chain. If you want to hear about pegging, discovered sex tapes and some kind of girl on girl action, check the podcast but in the meantime, I'm going to talk about the Daily Discussion Topic. Apparently, adult summer camps are all the rage suddenly (probably because we're overworked, underpaid and need to get away back to simpler times) so we attempted to configure what our camp would need to make it a hit. As is, there is a camp for 20-40 year old women in the Poconos that cost $300 for a three day retreat. Angi sees something like this as a way to get away from family and work but when she saw what they were doing, she balked. Instead of drinking, doing drugs and doing more drinking, these women are ... picking plums, horseback riding, playing tug of war, doing yoga, making smores and taking cooking classes. Angi doesn't want any of that nonsense and she is seeking something more akin to three months of spring break and partying, not whatever the hell this is. She expects three months of Cancun and instead they want her to pick plums, yeah no. For that reason the question posed turned into what the roadies would want at their men's and women's only summer camps? Marris said he would need all the American Gladiator obstacles, including The Eliminator. Watching people beat each other up with pylons and tearing their ACL's is just what would make camp actually camp. As for Angi, she needs wine everywhere. No tap water, just wine. Add in a nail technician, a masseuse, a spa and basically Angi is creating a spa on the lake as her summer camp. Of course, she's not getting in the lake though because there would be a pool with hot guys who are on lotion detail. Honestly, though it sounds like she needs rehab more than anything else, this is her fantasy and we just live in it. Over on the Request Line, Dana wants an actual normal summer camp only there is just booze absolutely everywhere. Amber wants a really inebriated camp with things like growing your own pot plant, how to roll a joint and of course, making your own wine. Angi would be open to learning how to make edibles but is steering clear of the cannabutter as it once almost killed her. Getting turnt on brownies was a one time thing that she does not want to revisit. Head Roadie Crüe Fan said he just needs weed and mushrooms at his camp so he can party with the aliens and bigfoot. Steven called about wanting battery operated toys. Joel said skinny dipping and tons of booze. Ken said instituting shot time instead of arts and crafts would be ideal. James wanted a prime rib station and an international lap dance station. Throw in a cognac bar and posters of Angi everywhere and he would be set. If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.
    Ascoltato 1 h 9 min. 31 sec.
  • Exploring Some of Chicago's Biggest Holes - ATS - 6.21.24

    21 GIU 2024 · Oh Yes, Chainsaw Friyay is here once more and that means you survived a week in the heat dome. This isn't really an accomplishment but more of a notice that you've been suffering in this disgusting wave of overcooked misery for far too long. Speaking of suffering, Angi's wallet was yesterday which caused her to issue a PSA this morning. If you get a brand new dog or cat, please check into getting pet insurance. If you listened early this week, Angi explained how her dog had diarrhea in her air vents at home. Well, because when it rains, it pours (in this instance, this is not the kind of rain you want,) now her other dog has joined in on the chocolate rain pain train. With two sick dogs and floors being covered enough to eventually tank the resale value, Angi took both pooches to the vet. After running some blood tests on the old lady ... they then got to work on Angi's dogs (zing!) The frenchie has a cloudy white eye which means there is fluid in it and she has a hemorrhage in the eye as well so she is currently fitted with the cone of shame (not to be confused with the walk of shame which Angi takes home from Liquor Barn every afternoon.) After that, she needed to get meds, special GI tract food, pills and drops. When she went to check out, she heard that phrase no one wants to hear in a doctors office (no, not "oh, you were with Angi Taylor, take a seat") "wow, that was some appointment." This was stated because Angi's bill turned out to be $565 out of pocket for as she put it "some drops and food." Marris, hater of dogs and anything cute, suggested Angi just leave the front door open and the dogs would wander off. Of course, he added that the dogs are basically blind so that wouldn't help all that much. Angi further added to her misery tale about how even when the dogs do go outside, it can't be picked up because splatter. The point of all this was to showcase the sticker shock Angi had when it came to vet bills. She wishes she had thought to go the insurance route as the dogs are almost as old as she is now so it won't be something a company would probably get behind. Marris though, might be onto something with owning Syphilis as she sits in her cage and does her own thing. She'll live 10 to 15 years and have a pretty good life. She's also pretty self-sufficient and will have a reptile handler friend tending to her while Marris is in Africa for two weeks. Angi offered to do it but after telling a story on how she once got in trouble for feeding a giraffe Doritos and then offered to feed Syphilis french fries, Marris clearly knew not to let that drunk woman into his condo.
    Ascoltato 55 min. 36 sec.
  • You Get a Desk and No Money, Deal? - ATS - 6.20.24

    20 GIU 2024 · It's another day in the heat dome and we are just attempting to chug along and not drop dead from a combination of overheating, underperforming and melting into a puddle like that witch (not Angi, the other witch.) Anyway, it's hot out and it seems like maybe an office offering up some nice industrial air conditioning might be the perfect way to lure people back into the office. That is perfectly centered on the point this morning about the incentives companies are finding themselves throwing out to make people decide the comfort of working at the office is so much better than the amazing comfort that is working at home. They are pulling out all the stops and offering crazy perks like high end coffee, yoga classes, gym memberships and even DJ parties (you, can we get Disclosure to come play at the iHeart building?) Well, the new hotness when it comes to tricking err convincing people the office is where they want to be is giving an employee a desk. See, "hot desking" was a hot new trend before the world went to hell. Much like a hotel, you would check in and grab a desk which meant that every day brought forth a new surprise. Modern communal adapting made sense in the world before covid but now, people are used to being stationary at their houses. However, there are times where they need to move around for whatever reason and so offices got the bright idea to rewind the clock and give back a desk. Stellar thoughts here leaders, just incredible. Now, we asked our resident desk hopper Marris, who has 47 jobs and once we shut this trainwreck of a showdown, he goes to a communal desk. He personally hates it because everyone at the station knows which desk is technically "his." He has a stand, stuff in the drawers and it's usually covered in food. Still, people like to take it because they are monsters and can't help it. So now he's fighting for his own spot back, this absolutely makes sense in his headcanon. While he would love his own desk, it seems for the moment pizza party Friday is the best iHeart has to offer. Angi chimed in that maybe offering babysitting could be beneficial but added that the time you see the most employees circling the studios like buzzards is when someone drops a spread of food and they consume it like it was their last meal. So if you're wondering about our list of demands, Angi said desks, money and then food. Mostly money though but let's face it, she consumes most of the budget....
    Ascoltato 53 min. 24 sec.
  • What Is That Smell in the Air (Vents)? - ATS - 6.18.24

    18 GIU 2024 · Now, our mornings normally begin with Angi complaining about some wacky ailment that ruined her day before but not today. Instead, we were treated to PoopGrate and that is not a typo. See, Angi awoke at 1 A.M. this morning to the sound of her frenchie being sick. To those unfamiliar with the dynamic layout of Floptopia, Angi's bedroom is on the first floor and the dogs tend to sleep on the second floor. While attempting to sleep between the random leg kicks and karate chops from Jay the Straight, Angi awoke to the sound of scurrying feet. Getting out of bed to figure out that the pigeons had finally learned how to break in and get their revenge, Angi instead discovered something just so much worse. It was doggy diarrhea and not just anywhere but in the air vent upstairs. I'm assuming some kind of swear laden yelling was done by Angi who barely gets to sleep as is but this is not the first time this literal mess has occurred. See, whenever the dog gets sick (which is not often,) there is usually an accident in the house. However, it seems that the accidents are always directed toward the air vent upstairs without fail. Of course, Angi tried to understand why this is happening and did a whole Nancy Kerrigan "whyyyyyyy" woe is me routine about it. The problem though is when this happens in say, the winter, you've got a house that stinks like poop (as opposed to smelling like a vineyard like it normally does.) On top of that, it takes forever to clean up the vent after this occurs so between that and the heat, Angi is apparently just having a day. Angi also took the moment to shame/blame the dog for getting her sick over the weekend but Angi left her mess in the litter box and the front lawn of the neighbor who still has Christmas decorations up. Marris, known lover of animals (sarcasm if you're not aware,) told Angi to just sell the dog. Angi considered maybe opening the door and just letting her run away but even though the Alzheimer's might help that, the dog is also blind so it would probably just end up running into a wall.
    Ascoltato 56 min. 4 sec.
  • Road Trippin' Away from Heat Dome Hell - ATS - 6.17.24

    17 GIU 2024 · It happens every year and we seem to forget it but when it arrives like a wrecking ball through our bodies, summer makes sure that its presence is felt. The heat dome hell that will be cooking Chicago this week is all part of the fun rituals of summer like BBQing, your neighbors lighting off all the fireworks they have until October and of course, road tripping. A poll of people revealed that 93% of people enjoy them and 70% of people want to do them. The last one I did was from Chicago to Florida and then back when I lived there for six months and while fun due to the company, it was a tiring time. Marris added that any trip under 5 hours and Angi said any under 3 work for either of them. Though they could both work with running it solo or with others, Marris said it's better and more tolerable with others. His longest solo trip though was 7 hours and he was not a fan. As for who likes to get behind this nonsense, Gen Z likes it for the bonding, Millennials like it for the adventure, Boomers enjoy the scenic views and Gen X just doesn't really care at all (that's right!) As for where to trip to, the Midwest likes to go to Florida, California and Georgia. The South flock to Michigan and Florida. The East coast is apparently fond of Massachusetts. As for what the point of the road trip was, going to the beach, staying at family/friends houses and visiting national parks topped the list. It was suggested that the longest trip should be 10 hours max that Angi and Marris both said no way to. It's really just too much sitting upright and if you need to nap while switching drivers, it's awful. However, the best part of the road trip is our Daily Discussion Topic this morning. Grab the aux cord and tell us what is on your road trip playlist. Marris picked Tool because he wants energy laden music and you can coast along to the songs while you journey to like outer space. Angi, on the other hand, likes to chill and usually listen to albums front to back (as opposed to how she...nevermind.) Her choices were Fleetwood Mac, Eagles and Boston. This reminds her of driving with her parents (insert any number of jokes here.) For myself, I'm the resident dance/house/EDM guy in my group so I'm playing Eric Prydz's "Opus" the entire way through on a night drive. With our choices locked, let's turn to the roadies. Brian chose Sublime's "40 Oz. to Freedom" album. Chris added Tom Petty's "Running Down a Dream." Mark said any Bruce Springsteen which immediately caused Angi to jump out of the speeding car. Matt wants to be rockin 'with Dokken. Another Matt added station favorite Metallica and then if he his traffic, Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" comes out. Frank capped us with The Offspring but if whittled down to a choice, then "Gone Away." If you are looking for more roadie thoughts or have your own, hit up our Facebook group (Angi Taylor Show) and drop us a comment.
    Ascoltato 52 min. 42 sec.
  • No One's Complaining That Marris' Zipper Is Down - ATS - 6.14.24

    14 GIU 2024 · It's Chainsaw Friyay once more and we have back to back glorious days to indulge in before we are sunk into an absolute blistering hot hellscape so let's enjoy it. On Friday, delusion tends to have moved past settled in and has completely infected us because we need a battery recharge. I think that's what makes the idea of discarding certain etiquette rules a perfect topic for this morning. For example, it's frowned upon to punch people in the face in public but Angi wouldn't mind if that one was allowed to slide because let's be real, some people deserve it. Marris is not on the same page because apparently jail is not his cup of tea. Another that is just silly, no one wanting to take the last piece of food on a sharing platter. This sometimes leads to food waste (on what planet?) and the idea Marris came up with was offer to split it or he's just taking it. The next one came as a quad smash but gave us a beauty to behold. Not telling someone they have food in their teeth, something on their face, toilet paper or their shoe or that their zipper is down. Marris is guilty of his zipper being down all the time and no one says anything. As Angi rightfully pointed out though, we're not telling him it's down for a reason (and before you ask, HR at iHeart does hate us.) Another frowned upon thing that shouldn't be, calling someone out for being rude. If they're being a jerk, ring the alarm. Refusing something that you actually want to be polite. It's a back and forth game when it comes to things like money for dinner and offering to pay. Marris does not allow it to go past two attempts before he takes it and Angi is the queen of the pump fake where she'll keep insisting "no, no, no and then swerve with a sure!" Asking someone how they are and expecting a standard lie response. We have reached a point where we have to go deeper, as you can read emotions on faces. "How are you?" followed up by a "No really, how are you?" can do wonders. Sending thank you notes after a funeral when you receive a donation or flowers. The people are grieving and you should know it is appreciated and should not require acknowledgement. Weirdly, Angi did not know this was a thing and she totally understood why it shouldn't be. We circled back to Marris for people expecting an immediate text or call back as if they are entitled to another person's time. Marris tried to save face that he has auto response in the car but Angi struck further. She is mad that he never seems to text back. It might be six hours later, it might not be at all. He tried to explain that he has been pretty good the last two weeks but Angi added that she sent him a pic yesterday and he talked to her about it this morning, in person. Marris thought he had replied but that was probably in his head and Angi couldn't seem to nail down the exact thing she had sent him. So in other words, they're both problematic.
    Ascoltato 1 h 5 min. 6 sec.
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