Info "The Adventures of Reddy Fox" is another installment in the series of children's stories authored by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this narrative, Reddy and Granny Fox find themselves...
mostra di più"The Adventures of Reddy Fox" is another installment in the series of children's stories authored by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this narrative, Reddy and Granny Fox find themselves pitted against Farmer Brown's Boy, who is determined to catch Reddy for his theft of a pet chicken. As the story unfolds, Reddy interacts with various inhabitants of the Green Meadows and the Green Forest, and through his experiences, we glean valuable life lessons. These lessons include the dangers of boasting, the significance of utilizing all one's senses, the importance of demonstrating empathy and kindness to others, even those we consider adversaries, and the immeasurable value of a grandmother's wisdom.
Furthermore, we discover that when you've taken someone's pet chicken and that person is approaching with a gun, a shovel, and a tracking dog, it might be a prudent moment to make a quick escape. (Summary provided by John Lieder).
AaronW is a guest reader in Section 6. "The Adventures of Reddy Fox" is another installment in the series of children's stories authored by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this narrative, Reddy and Granny Fox find themselves...
mostra di più"The Adventures of Reddy Fox" is another installment in the series of children's stories authored by conservationist Thornton W. Burgess. In this narrative, Reddy and Granny Fox find themselves pitted against Farmer Brown's Boy, who is determined to catch Reddy for his theft of a pet chicken. As the story unfolds, Reddy interacts with various inhabitants of the Green Meadows and the Green Forest, and through his experiences, we glean valuable life lessons. These lessons include the dangers of boasting, the significance of utilizing all one's senses, the importance of demonstrating empathy and kindness to others, even those we consider adversaries, and the immeasurable value of a grandmother's wisdom.
Furthermore, we discover that when you've taken someone's pet chicken and that person is approaching with a gun, a shovel, and a tracking dog, it might be a prudent moment to make a quick escape. (Summary provided by John Lieder).
AaronW is a guest reader in Section 6.
Autore | Dream audio books |
Organizzazione | Dream Audio Books |
Categorie | Bambini e famiglia |
Sito | - |
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