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Tea Time w/Amie & Bev

  • Episode #216: Reclaim Your Energy

    20 GIU 2024 · In our interconnected lives, we often become energetically entangled with others—family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers who disrupt our day. This investment of our emotional energy can be profoundly draining. Whether it’s anger toward a reckless driver or long-held resentment toward someone no longer with us, these emotional bonds can sap our vitality.   Taking your energy back starts with awareness. Recognize where your energy is going. Are you ruminating over past hurts or daily annoyances? Acknowledge these emotional investments and their impact on your well-being.   Next, practice releasing these energetic ties. Visualization techniques can be powerful. Imagine cutting invisible cords that connect you to these draining emotions and people. Replace resentment with forgiveness—not for their sake, but for your own peace.   Mindfulness and meditation are essential tools. They help center your thoughts and bring your focus back to the present, where you have control. Engage in activities that rejuvenate you—exercise, hobbies, or time in nature. These practices replenish your energy reserves and create a buffer against future drains.   Reclaiming your energy is about self-care and boundary-setting. It’s a continual process of letting go and prioritizing your emotional health. By doing so, you restore your vitality and enhance your overall well-being.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 36 min. 50 sec.
  • Episode #215: Trusting Your Gut Feelings

    13 GIU 2024 · Intuition, often referred to as gut feeling or spidey senses, is an instinctual response that guides us through life's uncertainties. This innate ability is a subtle yet profound force, nudging us to turn left instead of right, or to hesitate when something feels off.    to your intuition can be a powerful tool for decision-making. These subtle nudges often arise without logical reasoning, yet they hold significant weight. For instance, emergency service personnel frequently rely on their intuition in high-pressure situations. Their quick, instinctual judgments can mean the difference between life and death. Over time, they develop a keen sense of when something isn't right, even if they can't immediately articulate why.   Intuition isn't just reserved for emergencies. In everyday life, tuning into these internal signals can guide us towards better decisions and protect us from potential harm. Whether it's choosing a safer route home, sensing an opportunity, or recognizing a red flag in a relationship, our gut feelings are worth paying attention to.   Embracing intuition requires practice and trust. By quieting the mind and listening to these internal cues, we can navigate life's challenges with a greater sense of confidence and clarity. Trusting your intuition is not about abandoning logic but about balancing it with the inner wisdom that resides within all of us.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 29 min. 9 sec.
  • Episode #214: The Power of Letting Go and Being Flexible

    6 GIU 2024 · In our quest for control, we often confine ourselves to rigid paths, meticulously planning every step to avoid uncertainty. However, this constant need for control can stifle our experiences and limit our growth. Embracing flexibility and letting go of the reins can lead to unexpected, enriching experiences that we might otherwise miss.   Letting go doesn't mean relinquishing all control or becoming passive. Instead, it's about recognizing that while we can influence our circumstances, we cannot dictate every outcome. Life is inherently unpredictable, and by accepting this, we open ourselves to a broader range of possibilities. This mindset shift can be liberating, reducing stress and increasing our resilience in the face of challenges.   Flexibility allows us to adapt and thrive in changing environments. It encourages us to take risks, explore new opportunities, and grow from experiences outside our comfort zones. When we let go of the need to control every detail, we make room for spontaneity and serendipity, which can lead to personal growth and unexpected joy.   Ultimately, embracing flexibility and letting go of control enriches our lives, fostering a sense of adventure and openness. It invites us to experience life more fully, discovering new paths and potentials we might never have imagined.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 34 min. 27 sec.
  • Episode #213: Discovering Your Passion for Life

    30 MAG 2024 · Passion for life is more than a fleeting enthusiasm; it's a profound sense of excitement and purpose that fuels our existence. Understanding what lights you up is essential for cultivating a vibrant, fulfilling life. This journey often starts with introspection, identifying activities and experiences that bring you genuine joy and fulfillment.   However, the path to discovering your passion isn’t always straightforward. Adversity often plays a crucial role in this process. Life’s challenges can serve as powerful catalysts, pushing you to explore new interests and uncover hidden talents. Difficult times can provide clarity, stripping away distractions and forcing you to focus on what truly matters to you.   Adversity tests your resilience and determination, often revealing passions you might not have considered otherwise. It’s in overcoming obstacles that you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what excites you. Embracing these experiences with an open heart and mind allows you to grow and evolve, making the discovery of your passions even more meaningful.   Ultimately, having a passion for life means continuously exploring, learning, and embracing both the joys and challenges along the way. It’s about finding what fuels your spirit and letting it guide you to a life filled with purpose and excitement.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 34 min. 38 sec.
  • Episode #212: Highs and Lows Shape Our Growth

    23 MAG 2024 · Both positive and negative experiences play crucial roles in our personal growth and expansion. These experiences help us gain clarity on our preferences, guiding us to better focus on what truly matters to us.   Positive experiences bring joy and satisfaction, reinforcing behaviors and choices that align with our values and desires. They act as affirmations, showing us what we enjoy and encouraging us to pursue similar paths. For instance, a successful project at work might reveal a passion for a particular field, motivating us to seek further opportunities in that area.   Conversely, negative experiences, though often challenging, provide invaluable lessons. They highlight what we dislike or what doesn't work for us, pushing us to reassess our decisions and change our approach. A failed relationship, for example, can teach us about our boundaries and the qualities we need in a partner, leading to healthier future relationships.   Together, these experiences shape our identity. By understanding what brings us joy and what doesn't, we develop a clearer sense of self and a focused direction for our lives. This balance of positive and negative experiences not only enhances our personal growth but also equips us with the wisdom and resilience to navigate life's complexities.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 49 min. 34 sec.
  • Episode #211: A Lasting Impact of Words

    16 MAG 2024 · Words possess an immense power to shape our thoughts, feelings, and self-perception. A seemingly innocent comment can leave a lasting impact, particularly on impressionable minds. For instance, consider a parent telling their child, "You're too heavy." While the parent might mean that the child is simply too heavy to be picked up, the child could interpret this statement in a damaging way. Such a comment can lead to a negative self-image and issues with weight, whether it results in becoming overweight or developing anorexia.   Children often lack the context to understand the nuance behind their parents' words. Instead, they internalize these messages, which can influence their self-esteem and body image for years to come. The phrase "too heavy" can be misinterpreted as a critique of their worth or attractiveness, leading to unhealthy relationships with food and their bodies.   Therefore, it would be beneficial for parents and caregivers to choose their words carefully. Instead of focusing on weight, emphasizing health and strength can foster a positive self-image. Words can build or break a person's confidence, especially in formative years. Recognizing the power of words and using them thoughtfully can help nurture a healthy, confident, and resilient individual.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 42 min. 38 sec.
  • Episode #210: Breath, Body Movement and Presence

    9 MAG 2024 · In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining daily wellness can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, integrating three simple practices into your routine—breath, body movement, and presence—can significantly enhance your mental and physical health.   Breath: Incorporating mindful deep breathing throughout your day can have profound effects on your well-being. Start your morning with a few deep breaths to clear your mind and energize your body. Throughout the day, take short breaks to focus solely on your breathing, which can help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, and calm your nervous system. This practice not only improves mood but also increases concentration and emotional resilience.   Body Movement: Whether it’s yoga, a brisk walk, or a quick stretching session, incorporating movement into your daily schedule can improve flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. Regular physical activity is also known to enhance cognitive function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.   Presence: Being present, or practicing mindfulness, involves being fully engaged with the current moment. This practice can decrease stress and promote a greater appreciation for life’s small joys. Mindfulness can be cultivated through meditation, mindful eating, or simply by paying closer attention to your daily experiences.   Incorporating these three elements into your day can create a balanced foundation for both mental and physical well-being, leading to a more fulfilled and healthy life.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 39 min. 10 sec.
  • Episode #209: Finding Personal Freedom Within

    2 MAG 2024 · Finding freedom within oneself is a deeply personal journey, one that invites us to come home to the spirit within and embrace the essence of love that resides in each of us. This journey is not uniform; it varies significantly from person to person, reflecting our unique experiences, struggles, and triumphs.   At its core, finding internal freedom is about discovering and nurturing our true self. It involves peeling away the layers of expectations, societal pressures, and past traumas to reveal our authentic spirit. This process allows us to live more fully and freely, aligned with our deepest values and aspirations.   Embracing this inner journey requires courage and commitment. It often means confronting fears, challenging long-held beliefs, and stepping out of comfort zones. Meditation, mindfulness, and introspective practices can be invaluable tools in this quest, helping us to connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings.   The reward for such bravery is profound. Coming home to the spirit within fosters a sense of peace and contentment that radiates outward, affecting all areas of life. As we learn to love ourselves in our entirety, we find that this love extends to others, enhancing our relationships and interactions with the world around us.   Remember, every journey is different, and there is beauty in this diversity. It is through our individual paths that we come to understand the universal truths of human experience—love, acceptance, and the freedom that comes from truly knowing oneself.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 1 h 2 min. 42 sec.
  • Episode #208: Building Networks of Support and Inspiration

    25 APR 2024 · In the journey of personal and professional growth, the significance of being surrounded by like-minded individuals cannot be overstated. These are people who share similar values, interests, and aspirations, creating an environment of mutual support and understanding. This connection fosters a safe space where open and heartfelt conversations can thrive, essential for emotional and intellectual development.   Engaging with like-minded peers allows for the exchange of ideas in a non-judgmental setting, promoting innovative thinking and problem-solving. It also enhances one’s commitment to personal goals, as seeing others pursue similar paths can be tremendously motivating. Moreover, this camaraderie can alleviate feelings of isolation, especially in challenging times, providing both emotional comfort and practical assistance.   Ultimately, the company of like-minded individuals enriches our lives, offering both a mirror to see our best selves and a window to diverse perspectives within a shared framework. Such relationships empower us to remain resilient, stay inspired, and continue growing in all facets of life.  May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey.  Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 33 min. 11 sec.
  • Episode #207: How to Deal With Head Stress

    18 APR 2024 · Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by stress that seems to weigh heavily on your mind and body? Negative self-talk, constant worry, and feeling overwhelmed are common culprits contributing to head stress. Here’s how to reclaim your peace of mind:   Flip the Switch of Negative Self-Talk: Negative self-talk can be a relentless companion, eroding your confidence and increasing stress levels. Start by becoming aware of your inner dialogue. Challenge negative thoughts with rational, positive affirmations. Replace "I can't handle this" with "I am capable and resilient." Over time, this shift in mindset can reduce stress and boost self-esteem.   Curb Excessive Worry: Worrying excessively about future events can keep your mind in a constant state of agitation. Practice mindfulness techniques to anchor yourself in the present moment. Focus on your breath, engage in activities that bring joy, and limit dwelling on hypothetical outcomes. Redirect your energy towards productive problem-solving instead of ruminating on worries.   Manage Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed can make even simple tasks seem daunting. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Prioritize what needs immediate attention and delegate tasks when possible. Learn to say "no" to additional responsibilities if your plate is already full. Setting realistic expectations and boundaries can prevent overwhelm and reduce stress.   By addressing negative self-talk, managing worry, and handling overwhelm effectively, you can significantly reduce head stress and create a more peaceful mental, emotional and physical state. Consistent practice of these strategies can lead to greater resilience and a healthier mindset overall.   May this conversation be beneficial to your life journey. Many blessings!   Connect with us on Facebook ~ Group: Amie & Bev Community Page: Amie Wade - Emotional Resiliency Coach
    Ascoltato 40 min. 30 sec.

Amie and Bev have organic conversations about healing the emotional wounds from the past, topics involving spirituality, how to's of growing and expanding from life experiences. Using their own stories,...

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Amie and Bev have organic conversations about healing the emotional wounds from the past, topics involving spirituality, how to's of growing and expanding from life experiences. Using their own stories, they offer up the tools and techniques to get through it the trials and tribulations that you may be experiencing now.

What is an "organic" conversation? There's no pre-planned topic - they just let the conversation flow in the direction that they are guided to take.

Amie Wade is an Emotional Resiliency Coach of 16 years and Beverly Brand is a licensed massage therapist coaching her clients in their healing process.
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