10 FEB 2020 · We hear various recommendations for child sexual abuse prevention along with keeping ourselves and our children safe, such as talking to our children etc. However, we don’t often hear specifics about trainings and products that are available to help us. I wanted to explore that further and sought out Carol who I met at a Darkness to Light conference.
Our guest, Carol, was sexually abused by a member of the clergy when she was a child. Now, as an adult, she is an advocate, speaker and trainer for multiple sexual assault and sexual abuse focused organizations. She is also a Damsel in Defense independent distributor. In this capacity, she provides personal protection products and safety training for sexual assault survivors, their loved ones and the public. Carol joins us to discuss child sexual abuse prevention. In this interview she focuses on:
•A brief glimpse into her childhood including the sexual abuse perpetrated by a close member of the clergy as well as her family’s response
•Child Sexual Abuse prevention education and the need to target 3 distinct audiences
•An in-depth discussion around the Damsel in Defense SAFE Hearts 11 educational book series that help parents have those difficult “Kid-versations” as well as other personal safety products offered by Damsel in Defense (stun guns, personal alarms, pepper spray etc.)
•A comparison of the SAFE Heart children series to other sexual abuse trainings including Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children program geared towards adults and Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
•Her view on the top kid focused prevention strategies
•Her recommended read, The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals the Protect Us from Violence, written by Gavin de Becker
•Other products and trainings such as the NRA’s Refuse to be a Victim, martial arts, Citizen’s Police Academy, and Neighborhood Watch offerings
Please visit our website at www.tailofhebell.com for show notes and further information.
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