Live Stronger. Live longer. The world's first radio show dedicated to fitness and nutrition, longevity and human performance,

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14 SET 2021 · SHR # 2766:: The Blueprint Power Hour plus Radically Traditional Farming - Coach Rob Regish - Jenni Harris - Your questions answered about training, nutrition, supplementation, sex, drugs, rock -n- roll. Nothing is off topic. PLUS There is a renaissance in animal husbandry and farming in America today that's bringing farmers from all over the world to see and learn from a family farm in Georgia. This new way is actually the old way. Before factory farms, mono-culture crops, petrochemical herbicides and pesticides. The future of farming is behind us. Learn more about this farming renaissance and buy amazing products to feed you and your family go to https://shrnetwork.biz/whiteoak and use code superhuman to save 10% off everything on their website.
13 SET 2021 · SHR # 2765:: Omega 3 Deficiency - Why We Need to Look Beyond Simple Racial and Ethnic Classifications - Professor Ani W. Manichaikul, Ph.D. - Hispanic people with a high percentage of American Indigenous ancestry are at increased risk of an omega-3 nutritional deficiency that could affect their heart health and contribute to harmful inflammation, new research suggests. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and their collaborators have linked American Indigenous ancestry with increased risk of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency among Hispanic Americans. Found in foods such as fatty fish and certain nuts, omega-3s are thought to be important in preventing heart disease and play an important role in the immune system. Doctors can use the new findings, the researchers say, to identify Hispanic patients at risk of omega-3 deficiency and to help them correct the problem with nutritional guidance or supplements. This could help the patients avoid heart problems and other health issues down the road.
10 SET 2021 · SHR # 2764:: Let Sh*t Go: The Relaxing Power Of Magnesium - Wade Lightheart - We live in very stressful times. Add to that the high consumption of stimulants and caffeine, and you have a receipt for disaster. Nervous breakdown, heart attack, anxiety, depression, and more. One single mineral holds the key to saving us. One that's also reported to be very low in our population. To steal a saying my friend Jerome Williams likes to say.. "you gotta let sh*t go". And magnesium is key. Learn more at http://shrnetwork.biz/mag and save up top 40% off with code SHR10 and special bundles.
8 SET 2021 · SHR # 2763:: Cruel Twist: Exercise Reduces Calories Burned at Rest - Professor Lewis Halsey - As the complexity of the human body continues to unfold, a recent study indicates that exercise reduces calories burned at rest in individuals with obesity. The study, published in Current Biology on August 27, found that people who exercise burn fewer calories on body maintenance, therefore markedly reducing the calorie burning gains of exercise. This reduction in energy burned at rest was most pronounced in individuals with obesity and also, to a lesser extent, in older adults.
7 SET 2021 · SHR # 2762:: The BluePrint Power Hour - Coach Rob Regish - Your questions answered about training, nutrition, supplementation, sex, drugs, rock-n-roll. Nothing is off topic. Come join the fun LIVE. Check out the NutriSense Continuous Glucose Monitor today and save $30 off and get a free one hour consultation with a registered dietician. Go to http://shrnetwork.biz/nutrisense and use code SHR30 today.
1 SET 2021 · SHR # 2761:: Higher Protein Intake Doesn't Build More Muscle In Mid-aged Newbies plus Are You Shooting In The Dark - Colleen McKenna, MS, RD - Dr. Gil Blander Ph.D. - It's often said that newbies in the gym see the greatest results. So its stands to reason that over-feeding them protein in the amounts we see in seasoned trainees would just make those gains come faster. Think again. PLUS Would you put gas in your car without looking to see if you really need gas? No. That's why you have a gas gauge on your dashboard. Unfortunately you don't have a gauge on your forehead. So most of the dietary and supplemental steps you take may not be a good idea. Here's how you can find out if they are helping. Learn more about Insider Tracker at http://shrnetwork.biz/insidetracker and save 25% OFF if you want to use their services.
31 AGO 2021 · SHR # 2760:: Blueprint Power Hour - Coach Rob Regish - Come join the live broadcast. Post your questions. Diet, training, drugs, supplements, no question is off topic.
30 AGO 2021 · SHR # 2759:: Muscle Protein That Makes Vertebrates Fit Linked to Limiting Lifespan plus HRT For Dogs Improves Health - Dr. Gabriel Bever, Ph.D. - Dr. Qinchuan Wang, PH.D. - Linda Brent Ph.D. - Antagonistic pleiotropy is a foundational theory that predicts aging-related diseases are the result of evolved genetic traits conferring advantages early in life. Here we examine CaMKII, a pluripotent signaling molecule that contributes to common aging-related diseases, and find that its activation by reactive oxygen species (ROS) was acquired more than half-a-billion years ago along the vertebrate stem lineage. Functional experiments using genetically engineered mice and flies reveal ancestral vertebrates were poised to benefit from the union of ROS and CaMKII, which conferred physiological advantage by allowing ROS to increase intracellular Ca 2+and activate transcriptional programs important for exercise and Immunity. Enhanced sensitivity to the adverse effects of ROS in diseases and aging is thus a trade-off for positive traits that facilitated the early and continued evolutionary success of vertebrates. PLUS The practice of castration and ovariectomization is commonplace among veterinarians today. Dogs are spayed and neutered at very young ages removing all sex hormones which have important roles in the health and immune systems of dogs. We look at castrated male dogs who received testosterone replacement after being neutered to identify is any health advantages were conferred.
26 AGO 2021 · SHR # 2758:: The Pep Talk: Intra articular BPC-157 Injections and Knee Pain plus Caring for your Mental Health with Online Counseling - Dr. Edwin Lee, MD, F.A.C.E. - Haesue Jo (MA, LMFT) - Knee pain, a common complaint in primary care, has many causes, the most common of which is osteoarthritis (OA). Other common causes are meniscus tears, tendinosis, ligament tears or sprains, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and septic arthritis. Also, referred pain from hip joint pathology like slipped capital femoral epiphysis can result in knee pain.1 The use of peptides BPC157 and thymosin-beta-4 (TB4) has not been studied in the treatment of knee pain. Get Dr. Edwin Lee's book on peptides https://shrnetwork.biz/book-lee PLUS One of the great things to come out of this pandemic is now more now have telemedicine available. Finding ways to teat people in their own homes has become a crucial offering. That has now translated to the mental health category. Suicide and attempted suicide rates have nearly doubled in the wake of this pandemic. Depression and anxiety have also risen. Making mental health treatment accessible is more important than any other time in our history. Book your first session and get 10% OFF https://shrnetwork.biz/betterhelp
25 AGO 2021 · SHR # 2757:: How Vitamin K Improves Heart Health - Dr. Nicola Bondonno - New Edith Cowan University (ECU) research has found that people who eat a diet rich in vitamin K have up to a 34 percent lower risk of atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular disease (conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels). Researchers examined data from more than 50,000 people taking part in the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health study over a 23-year period. They investigated whether people who ate more foods containing vitamin K had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease related to atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in the arteries).
Live Stronger. Live longer. The world's first radio show dedicated to fitness and nutrition, longevity and human performance,
Autore | Super Human Radio |
Organizzazione | Super Human Radio |
Categorie | Fitness |
Sito | - |
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