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Spiritual Coaching w/ Ari Mac

    Spiritual Coach Ari Mc Intyre guides us in her brand of simple but effective positive thinking meditations in her weekly podcast, Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mc Intyre. She shares her...

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    Spiritual Coach Ari Mc Intyre guides us in her brand of simple but effective positive thinking meditations in her weekly podcast, Spiritual Coaching with Ari Mc Intyre. She shares her formula for success - Health (body, mind, and soul), Wealth (creating a consistent flow of unlimited resources), Love ( for yourself first!), and perfect self-expression through her weekly affirmations - and breaks it down into easy to follow steps that you can put into use right away. When you have all these elements in your life, you can be truly rich in more ways than you can count. Join Ari every week to gain the knowledge to achieve your goals. Visit to join her free community newsletter and to check out her unique hand-made affirmation aromatherapy candles.

    Spiritual Coaching With Ari Radio Show is broadcast live at 2pm PT Thursdays on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( This podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (
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