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Series of Satori

  • Intro to Satori Frequency

    14 OTT 2019 · You're tuning into the Frequency of Satori. Here we indulge into the awareness of self. Engaging in topics that will begin connecting the neuro-patterns of the PRESENT to that of those currently taking place where "YOU" desire to dwell. Everything is happening NOW! And now it's time to respond accordingly. I am you and you are me; success is guaranteed or not based upon your perception of self worth. Believe it into being and so it be. If you're ready then stay tuned into the Satori Frequency.
    21 min.

You're tuning into the frequency of Satori. Here we indulge into the awareness of self. Engaging in topics that will begin connecting the neuro-patterns of the PRESENT to that of...

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You're tuning into the frequency of Satori. Here we indulge into the awareness of self. Engaging in topics that will begin connecting the neuro-patterns of the PRESENT to that of those currently taking place where "YOU" desire to dwell. Everything is happening NOW! And now it's time to respond accordingly. I am you and you are me; success is guaranteed or not based upon your perception of self worth. Believe it into being and so it be. If you're ready then stay tuned into the Series of Satori.
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Autore Divine Alynmint
Categorie Fisica
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