Helping affluent home owners and communities increase property values through ecologically sound solutions. Management best practices for your estate, small farm, or homestead. Learn more at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/

Episodi & Post
22 DIC 2023 · Has Wall Street's rollercoaster led to dreams of seclusion and relaxation? Have circumstances caused you to consider living alternatives?
The banking and financial services industry is laying off thousands. Every pay band is impacted, including top earners. It's a sign of things to come.
If you want to hedge against the coming chaos, do this now. It starts with a written plan that focuses on outcomes and fast-track implementation.
There are many things to consider before off-grid living. Don't blow your severance on common mistakes and media pressure to escape the city.
You can build a resilient homestead, a sanctuary from market meltdowns and political firestorms. It starts where you are today. A design plan is the guiding start to a prosperous homestead.
Today's episode is a response to a recent consultation. Learn more about bespoke insights for your homesteading dream, ask your questions at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/contact/
Will the world's crises worsen, leaving me unprepared and exposed? Discover practical responses to a changing world; join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#OffGridLiving #SelfReliance #FoodSecurity #PhysicalSecurity #ResilientHomestead
18 DIC 2023 · Are you an ecologically minded landscaper, excavator, environmental consultant, or tree services company? Do you want more customers who pay, stay, and refer?
Customers who are interested in sound ecological and environmentally friendly services. This message extends to solar contractors, HVAC, and home services contractors.
I summarize a mastermind call with ecological solutions providers in today's episode. Discover a six-point foundational approach to selling more ecologically minded solutions.
Contractors who practice earth care to reduce modern problems associated with energy use, landscaping failures, and erosion control.
Deliver value to the community rather than create more permaculture consultants. Use teaching to get consulting and services clients, not more advocates.
The activism approach doesn't offer practical solutions. That's where the income opportunity exists. You can grow your contracting business by filling this demand.
At the end of this episode is an excerpt from a mastermind call (2015) discussing your ecology-based business. The key themes are community building, Ecological solutions, and Food security.
The free consultation mentioned is still available for qualified individuals at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/wf6d/?utm_source=001-n0302a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=o0227b&utm_content=community-value-through-ecological-solutions
Do you want greater food security? Grow abundance on your family homestead. Learn how at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/?utm_source=001-n0302a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=o0227b&utm_content=community-value-through-ecological-solutions
#PermacultureDesign #ServiceContractor #EcologicalSolutions #ClimateSolutions
14 DIC 2023 · Do you want a homestead without the expense? Do you want your homestead to be less work each year? Pay close attention.
This is possible when you design with ecology and respect for natural resources. Working makes starting a homestead with less money easier.
The application of this knowledge is the true demonstration of its value. Don't watch another video without doing the exercise in this episode.
To be good stewards of land brings much more than cultivating, controlling, or developing. Do you understand hydrology? What about the solar aspect?
Without study, it's hard to bridge the topic of ecology with what typical landowners experience. Too many new homesteaders designed by brute force.
Many will build a homestead without considering solar aspects, forest composition, or water usage. They spend more, require extra materials, and are unhappy with their new life.
When you understand how nature works, it's easier to reconnect with abundance. You'll discover practices that improve the value of your land.
Homesteads and small farms can lead the way in regenerative practices. Are you ready to take up this charge?
In today's episode, I mention taking a survival course to understand the power of nature better. You'll learn how working with nature gets nature working for you.
Want a crash course on ecology and human interactions? I recommend the "Survival Essentials Workshop" with Scott Vernon at https://www.sustainablehomestead.com/ecommerce/december-27-31-survival-standard.html
No matter how you do it, working with nature saves you time and improves your success.
There are a lot of hard ways to homestead. For those who want food security and abundance, join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#StartHomestead #EcologicalDesign #PermacultureDesign #RegenerativeFarming #regenerativeagriculture
4 DIC 2023 · Problems will happen on your homestead. Do you have the skills to resolve them?
18 NOV 2023 · Are you working hard, or working smart? The smart way to work stacks function to solve many problems with fewer inputs. This approach helps you clear fence lines, trails, or open habitat while enhancing functionality.
When you curate land you increase resources each year. There is a time and place to clear land, but clearing is not always necessary. The forest itself is great habitat and shelter for many types of livestock. Pigs, goats, sheep, cows, and even chickens can live in the forest.
Your forest systems with silo pasture or agroforestry can deliver additional products. Raise timber, quality hunting land, or wildlife habitat in the same areas livestock periodically visit. When you understand these approaches you get more from every acre.
This really boils down to your connection with land. To steward or curate you need education. That starts with practical experience. To learn more about the essential survival skills program mentioned in this episode, visit https://www.sustainablehomestead.com/
You won’t learn these things with another podcast or YouTube video. Save that for a rainy day. Doing this the right way means everyday enjoying your property. Get outside, get active, and engage the land in a meaningful way.
If you want to start your small farm or homestead, or even improve management to get more enjoyment from your land, you’re in the right place. Join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#LandManagement #HabitatManagement #MendingFences #RegenerativeAgriculture #RotationalGrazing
17 NOV 2023 · Have the balls to design for humans rather than consumer goods. Unless you are a landscaper by trade, you are likely using string trimmers and leaf blowers the wrong way. These devices are sold by challenging your manhood, yet make you look weak.
Do this to never blow another leaf, yet have your yard leafless. Do this to eliminate the need to string trim. You can have a lawn and still be holistic. While I’d rather you have a pasture, you don’t have to make so much noise and cause distraction to have grass.
This approach reduces the time you are working for big box stores. You’ll spend more time with your family enjoying your small farm or homestead. Today’s episode has advice that works for suburban and urban spaces as well. Throw away your string trimmer and leaf blower, you don’t need them.
Want practical tips on managing or starting your homestead? You’re in the right place. Join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#StringTrimmer #LeafBlower #NoisePollution #RakeLeaves #NaturalLandscaping #HomesteadingSkills
31 OTT 2023 · According to a National Health Survey, in 2021, 5.9% of adults aged 18 and over livered in families experience food insecurity.
Such studies are misleading. Yet useful government lies to increase food subsidy programs. I'm sure this episode will be fact check because the media is in on it.
Remember, carrots don't advertise, neither do potatoes. But the food industrial complex does. So do fast food chains and grocery stores.
Using statistics in this way is a form of government control to consolidate power. It also feeds large corporate food manufacturers propaganda to push processed solutions.
Don't take my word for it, John Stossel recently covered big government distractions around food insecurity claims, https://youtu.be/es614SrcbhI
I also cover how we define "Food Security" and why that is important.
REFERENCED: Adults Living in Families Experiencing Food Insecurity in the Past 30 Days: United States, 2021, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db465.pdf
If you want greater quality foods for your own security and health, join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#BigGovernment #FoodInsecurity #FoodSecurity #FoodDeserts #HealthOutcomes
22 OTT 2023 · It’s very easy to get drawn into the homesteading movement. Especially with all the great helping people with new ideas. There is also the food security, sense of community, and opportunities to learn. But now you have land, what’s next.
Before you hire any expert to work with you, there are many low cost solutions to get ideas. From your local college, extension offices, or federal departments, they all have programs. You can have people do studies, or give you ideas.
Yet there is something far more important. This one thing makes all the difference between a homesteading dream and a nightmare. Save the drama for YouTube. For your land you need more enjoyment, value, and meaningful memories.
Today’s episode has a proven approach to get more done with your land. Take notes. Do this to fight the overwhelm of expert opinion and the unlimited supply of ideas. Don’t let someone hijack your homesteading dreams with overwhelm.
If you own land and want ecologically sound advice for getting more from that land, start with our podcast archive and free newsletter. Join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/
#HomesteadDesign #LandOwnership #RegenerativeFarming #ConservationLand #StartHomesteading #BuyingLand #LandManagement
Helping affluent home owners and communities increase property values through ecologically sound solutions. Management best practices for your estate, small farm, or homestead. Learn more at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/
Autore | JCO Media | Justin Hitt |
Organizzazione | Justin Hitt |
Categorie | Istruzione |
Sito | www.prosperityhomestead.org |
justin@jwhco.org |
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