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Product for Product Management

  • EP 109 - Startups ‘24: Lodestone with Dennis Chow

    26 GIU 2024 · This year we are changing a bit how we publish episodes about startups that build innovative products for product people. Instead of creating a series with several episodes in a row like we did in previous years, we are going to release one-of episodes, as we find and get to interview the founders of the startups. The first Startup of 2024 is Lodestone. We have met with Dennis Chow, seasoned Product Executive, with rich experience in product management at major Canadian telecom companies Rogers and Telus, Sears, Pivotal Payments, Intuit, TouchBistro and more. An instructor at Product Faculty and advisor to startups, Dennis always looked for ways to help communicate complex product decisions into simple ways that are easily and transparently shared up and across the organization. This was the first problem he set out to solve as founder and CEO of Lodestone, but his vision is much larger than that! Join Matt and Moshe as we chat with Dennis and learn: - His path to Product Management, working in chunks of 5 years (10K hours) to get great at what he does and move his career forward - The vision of Lodestone, a Product Management toolkit that help PMs move faster and get more things done - The sunburst roadmap, a visual roadmap tool that one one hand, helps connecting epics and stories with the strategy, and on the other hand, helps product managers tell a better story  - Other features such as feature repository, documentation generator with the help of AI - to help PMs start from something rather than a blank page - The difference between roadmaps and release plans - His vision for the next 5 years of Lodestone, including more value to product leaders and early stage startup founders - How does Lodestone works with research and discovery data - And much more! * You can connect with Dennis at: - LinkedIn:  - Twitter: @lodestonepm - Lodestone:  You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin: - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 55 min. 32 sec.
  • EP 108 - Untrapping Product Teams with David Pereira

    12 GIU 2024 · We are happy to have on the podcast a returning guest, a long friend of Product for Product, David Pereira, to celebrate the publication of his first book, Untrapping Product Teams. Following his passion to build the right things, to write, and to share his knowledge with the world, David spent the last year writing and iterating on the book, in order to make it as accessible and as relatable to everyone out there struggling in their trapped product work. We spent a bit of time learning what David was up to since the last time we talked on the show (Episode 27, Writing & Mind Mapping to improve PM skills). Other than being busy writing the book, David became the CEO of omoqo GmbH, where he started first in the CPO position, as well as co-founding the Agile Product Manifesto. Joins us as we learn from David: - Why did he write the book - Who the book is for, primarily product managers but leaders can benefit too. Even Agile coaches see lots of value in the book - they can finally talk better with product manager - What is covered in the book and how the book is structure; first face reality asap, understand the reality, figure out how the company works, mindsets, challenges, what stands in the way. Then, untrapping, what are the ingredients needed for that such as strategy, delivery, results etc. And lastly how to remain untrapped - Telling stories throughout the book from his experience, stories that connect with people, to help simplify the points - Writing and developing the book as a product - starting with an experiment, converting people over, interviewing, etc - Coordinating workflows vs Collaborative workflows - How to earn empowerment - How product managers deliver value via collaboration  - And much more! You can connect with David at: - LinkedIn: - Buy the book: (affiliate link) - Untrapping Product Teams Newsletter: - Website:  - Agile Product Manifesto:  You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:     -  -  - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 45 min. 26 sec.
  • EP 107 - Product Management in IOT with Ricardo Vidal

    29 MAG 2024 · Managing products that have both software and hardware is always more tricky than those with software only. In the past it was limited to servers and communication devices, and to very specialized machinery like medical devices, transportation and such. With the advancements of reduced computing chip sizes and improved speed and powers, along with cloud computing, IoT (Internet of Things) has taken our life to an entirely different level with new smart devices that can help us anywhere we are. From home devices to control things at home and provide reports of power consumption, to smart cars, and whole smart cities.For most product managers that have worked only on software digital products, it is hard to imagine what are the added complexities created with the addition of hardware development to the mix. On this episode we met with Ricardo Vidal, Head of Product at Poppy, a Canadian company building IoT devices that provide instant, accurate HVAC performance monitoring for any indoor space, used by commercial properties and corporations to save energy costs, decarbonize buildings and keep occupants healthy.With a background in bioengineering, and then developing software solutions for the scientific community, moving into IoT was a challenge Ricardo willingly took, and he learned so many lessons building the different generations of Poppy. Join us as we learn from Ricardo some of those lessons, and tools used by IoT product teams: - Understanding the constraints when working in Hardware, such as; the process, time frames and when there is more pressure because of these constraints, access to materials and the supply chain, materials and manufacturing costs,  - Learn the terminology used by mechanical and electrical engineers - Security issues that are amplified with connection from anywhere - Specialized tools for hardware development, to manage Bill of Materials, cost of goods, change management, documentation etc. - Connecting our IoT devices to the cloud via common Cloud APIs  - Firmware considerations for constant needed updates - Using hardware prototypes for experimentation and A/B testing - Grafana - real time data sensor testing to alert clients if there sensors are not working properly - And much more! You can connect with Riocardo at: - LinkedIn:  - X: @rvidal - Poppy:  You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:     -  - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 50 min. 42 sec.
  • EP 106 - Break-Free with Henry Latham

    15 MAG 2024 · Henry Latham is a good friend of the podcast, and we talked with him in the past on a few occasions (episode 25 - Tools for Aspiring Product Managers, episode 47 - No Code Platforms - Softr, and episode 65 New book: Product Strategy is Simple). We are happy to have Henry on the show again, introducing his new venture and program Break Free. In recent year, Henry have identified a trend in the Product Management world, where many product people shows dissatisfaction with their career, moving from one company to the next, trying to find the best culture to work at and create impact in the world, only to be discouraged by organizational culture that didn’t empower them and the rest of the team to build meaningfully.  This is when he decided to pivot his focus into helping the product management community to create their own destiny, by helping aspiring self-employed individuals, who mainly come from the product management world (but not limited to them), to build their own micro-business from 0 to 1st sale in 48 hours. In the episode, we talked with Henry about his pivot, and what the program, Break Free, is all about: - Why did he make the shift/pivot from ProdMBA to build it - The challenges of product managers out there - Reasons, or more like excuses, that product people use to not starting a new business on the side - The MVP that he started Break Free with - Learnings from starting business to Product Management and vice versa - Who is Break Free for?  - The 5 steps of the Break Free Sprint  - The importance of product managers selling their own products - Starting small as a service that is not scalable rather than thinking big right up front and failing - And much more! You can connect with Henry at: - LinkedIn: - Break Free:  You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin: - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 55 min. 15 sec.
  • EP 105 - Product Momentum Gap with Dave Martin

    1 MAG 2024 · Have your worked for a product company where the beginning was amazing - everyone were aligned towards the same goal, the product that the team built was an exact fit for the problems that it’s users had, and everything just came out nicely - but then, as the company grew, things didn’t fit as well, new features were not adopted, and overall, the feeling is that you lost the awesome momentum you had?This is what Dave Martin calls the Product Momentum Gap.  In this episode, Matt and Moshe are hosting Dave, Outcome Leadership Coach at Right to Left, veteran product leader and fractional CPO, who co-authored the book “The Product Momentum Gap: Bringing together product strategy and customer value” with our past guest Andrea Saez (episode 22), to talk about this problem, and a framework he developed to overcome it. There are many reasons why companies fall into the Product Momentum Gap. It can be due to confirmation biases, collective bias (following the loudest person in the room), product strategy that doesn’t commit to a specific solution, amongst other reasons.Identifying the problem is the first step in moving forward to fix it. Then, using the Product VCP (Value Creation Plan) framework, developed by Dave, companies can align their strategy to an actionable plan that will eventually change users’ behavior. Join us on the episode to learn: - How did Dave started his career in product leadership - The product craft vs product leadership  - What is the Product Momentum Gap - More problems that cause companies to fall into the Product Momentum Gap - The Product VCP framework - how to execute the strategy  - How the Product VCP was created over time and with over 50 companies  - How to handle situations where companies don’t want to take the time to stop and go through the process of defining the Product VCP - The importance of discovery throughout the process - And so much more - You can connect with Dave at: - LinkedIn:  - Buy the book: link) - Right to Left:  - Outcome Habits newsletter: - You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:  -  - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 43 min. 9 sec.
  • EP 104 - Forces of Change with Oz Nazilli

    17 APR 2024 · Frameworks are always alluring, and especially in Product Management, where there is so much to do, and we sometimes need directions from those who have done it before us, or just organizing our work a bit better, but which framework should we choose? In this episode, Matt and Moshe met Oz Nazilli, Founder of PMF (Product Market Fit) Studio - a Toronto based studio that specializes in product strategy, discovery, and growth - to share with us his favorite framework - Forces of Change. This is a simple framework, yet very powerful and suitable for different organization sizes, in different stages they are at. The idea behind it is for us to make sure we build something people want, and it was first introduced by Bob Moesta and Chris Spiek, who were heavily involved in the Jobs to be Done movement. The framework can be found also as Forces of Progress, or The Progress Making Forces.Listen to the episode to learn more about: - How Oz got into product management and building his own agency that help organizations of all size find their Product Market Fit - How do we define Product Market Fit? - What Forces of Change framework is all about:  - Where is it best fitted?  - How does it apply to enterprises vs startups? - How it compares to other frameworks, or work with them - What is usually the balance between these forces, if there is any? - Can we prevent new problems or anxiety from happening? How do we reduce that risk? - Any gotchas in the framework? - And so much more! - You can connect with Oz at: - LinkedIn:  - PMF Studio:  - You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:  -  - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 39 min. 20 sec.
  • EP 103 - Growth Metrics with Yelena Liman

    3 APR 2024 · Product Growth is one of the goals for our products once we found a Product Market Fit, but changing our mindset from finding the right solution to a problem that a specific market is facing, to growing the usage of our solution, is not always easy! To help us with this transformation, we can use several product growth frameworks. In this episode, we speak with Yelena Liman, CEO and Founder of EmPro Consulting, who specializes in helping SaaS product executives challenged with underperforming products to identify and address root causes to improve business results. Yelena has a rich product management background, from organizations such as Intel and Amazon, where she contributed to several product growth initiatives.  On the show, Yelena helped us first understand what Product Growth is all about, how we can tell that our organization is already there, and then, which framework to use, picking from AARRR, RICE and HEART.Come and learn with us as we covered the following: - How do businesses navigate the complexities of driving product growth in today's rapidly evolving market landscape - What are the three metrics: AARRR, RICE, and HEART? - Which companies can utilize each of them? - What is each of them used for? - How to solve biases in RICE? - The importance of stakeholders involvement  - What is the context that we should use these models in? - How do we know we are there, working on the right growth metrics and growing? - How to collect data and analyze it to understand our growth and whether what we do is working? - And so much more! - You can connect with Yelena at: - - EmPro Consulting:  - You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:  - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 47 min. 55 sec.
  • EP 102 - Gen AI Product Vision Video with Eva Gao

    20 MAR 2024 · Generative AI is everywhere, and we all see the impact it creates on our life, no matter what we do. Product Management is no exception. In this episode we met with Eva Gao, Senior Product Manager at Quentic AMCS, who caught our attention when she published a post about how she built a Product Vision video using GenAI tools. A Product Vision video is one of the best ways to convey to the entire team why we are embarking on the sometimes challenging endeavor of building new products. Done right, it can rally and inspire everyone in our organization to the same direction and goals. When Eva managed a new product generation at Quintic, helping clients in risk management and mitigation of occupational hazards, she was facing challenges from internal stakeholders, who wanted to migrate their clients from the legacy system, but faced resistance from clients who didn’t want to make the move. This was impacting the organization as a whole, and this drove Eva into trying to effectively explain to all internal stakeholders the importance of upgrading the clients sooner than later, but she didn’t want to make it a memo or a dry presentation! Instead, Eva came up with the idea to create a funny video, using story telling and analogs from cultural references that people at the organization were already familiar with. Without a technical know-how in video production, and a very limited budget, Eva decided to utilize GenAI tools! Join us as Eva chats with Matt and Moshe, describing in detail the steps she took to build the Product Vision video.In the episode you will learn: - What is needed to produce such a video - Some of the tools existing these days to help with the production of the video - Challenges with some of the tools and technology - What level of license do we need to use these tools - Understanding how to “talk” with the GenAI tools - prompt engineering  - How did she communicated the message with her stakeholders - How do we measure the success of the video and it’s message - And so much more! Tools that Eva used to create the Product Vision video: - Playground AI for image generation:  - for presentations:  - Pika Art for generating 3-second videos:  - invideo AI for image based long video generation + quality voice-over:  You can connect with Eva at: - LinkedIn:  - Blog:  You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin: - - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way.  Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 43 min. 7 sec.
  • EP 101 - Transformed with Marty Cagan

    12 MAR 2024 · We are very excited to bring you our latest episode - an interview with Marty Cagan, on the occasion of the release of his new book TRANSFORMED: Moving to the Product Operating Model. Marty wrote the book with his partners at the Silicon Valley Product Group - Lea Hickman, Christian Idiodi, Chris Jones and Jon Moore, and it was highly anticipated by the entire Product community around the world. Following his books INSPIRED (where Marty lays down the foundations on how to build product the right way) and EMPOWERED (which aims to the leaders of product teams, helping them become empowered teams that solve real problems for client, and achieve outcomes to the organization), the new book is about the transformation of the entire organization from Feature Factories to Empowered Team, or, as it coined in the new book, moving to the Product Operating Model.This is the missing piece that many of us in the product world were waiting for! Following Marty’s and SVPG’s work, we have known for years what successful product companies are doing, and why being a feature factory is counter productive to solving real problems. But the world out there is still mostly dominated by organizations doing it all wrong.  We hope that TRANSFORMED will not just be a bestseller, but will make real transformation in the world, to help companies move to the Product Operating Model, and create amazing products that solve real problems, and create value to their organization.Join us as Matt and Moshe discuss this with Marty: - Where did the name “Product Operating Model” come from? - Who is the book for? It is not just for product people! On the contrary, it is extremely important that the CEO and the executives are part of - and leading - the transformation - Addressing the question “Is it possible to change?” The book includes techniques that are not just about product management but transformational techniques - How do individual contributors from the product team can impact and help the transformation  - Misalignments created by the language we are using, starting from defining what we do, and how different people in the organization are using different words, that must be understood and aligned - The importance of empathy to stakeholders, and how product managers should understand deeply what other areas of the business do, to create the internal confidence that we know what we are doing - The role of Product Coaches in helping executives and organization successfully transform  - The relevancy of the Product Operating Model around the world, demonstrated by the examples and case studies in the book - Tips for product people in organizations that don’t yet see the need to change, on how they can control their destiny, what they can learn and do to move forward - And so much more! - You can connect with Marty at: - LinkedIn:  - Silicon Valley Product Group:  - SVPG blog:  - TRANSFORMED: Moving to the Product Operating Model - The books, INSPIRED, EMPOWERED and TRANSFORMED:  - You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin:  -  - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests,  and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 49 min. 4 sec.
  • EP 100 - Live Celebration with Matt, Moshe, and Guest

    4 MAR 2024 · What a ride this has been! With a humble beginning three years ago, we are now celebrating our 100th episode! And we celebrated it big, in a live streamed 2 hours episode, with many of our past guests joining us to share what’s new with them, and what is the state of products for product people. Not surprisingly, we all ended up talking about AI, and how AI can help - or hinder - product management work. Come join us and listen (or watch the recording on YouTube) the recording of the live show with all our guests: Ohad Biron, Gil Broza, Jackie Flake, Kevin Hawkins, Eva Hongyan Gao, Jason Knight, Tracy Laranjo, Tovit Neizer, Dan Olsen, Magali Pelissier, David Pereira, Faith Peterson, Sumeet Rana, Ross Webb, Alex Wilson and Orly Zeewy. You might learn: - Who is hiring and have available jobs - How an open discussion might become a discovery call - Who can help you and give you tips on starting a podcast - What goes into a good product name - Some interesting new tools for wireframing - What's new in the user testing tools’ world - What is the balance between doing our work and using AI tools - And so much more! Also, thank you to Nils Janse, Henry Latham and Paul Orchanian who couldn’t join us live but sent us a short video, also included in the episode, with their words of congratulations and prediction for the future. - You can connect with all our guests on LinkedIn - You can find the podcast’s page, and connect with Matt and Moshe on Linkedin: - - - - - - Note: any views mentioned in the podcast are the sole views of our hosts and guests, and do not represent the products mentioned in any way. Please leave us a review and feedback ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ascoltato 2 h 2 min. 35 sec.

Product for Product is a show hosted by Matt Green and Moshe Mikanovsky aimed at helping listeners navigate the growing depth of product management tools while also providing our insights...

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Product for Product is a show hosted by Matt Green and Moshe Mikanovsky aimed at helping listeners navigate the growing depth of product management tools while also providing our insights into the categories that make up the PM role. We will take listeners with us on a journey of discovery through areas of product analytics, road mapping, productivity and many others. If you want to keep up with the latest in product management come along for the ride!

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