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POOP 911

  • 3 min. 3 sec.
  • 3 min. 12 sec.
  • Why Are Dog Owners Happier People?

    4 NOV 2023 · There’s an undeniable bond between humans and dogs, which is why they have long been considered “man’s best friend.” Unsurprisingly, numerous studies have suggested that dog owners tend to be happier and more content than their non-dog-owning counterparts. So, how can adopting a dog lead to increased happiness and overall well-being? Here are a few reasons below. Unconditional Love: One of the best things about being a pet parent is the unconditional love and companionship they provide. Dogs are loyal and affectionate creatures, forming deep bonds with their owners. This unwavering devotion can be a source of comfort and security, helping to alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. The companionship of a dog can be particularly meaningful for individuals who live alone or struggle with forming connections with others, providing a constant presence and a sense of belonging. Physical Health: Dog owners enjoy better physical health due to the exercise and outdoor activities of caring for their Regular walks and play sessions are essential for a dog’s well-being and provide ample opportunities for its owners to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in physical activities with a dog can lead to improved cardiovascular health, increased stamina, and better weight management, all of which enhance overall happiness. Mental Health: Petting a dog has been proven to lower stress levels and induce relaxation. Research has shown that interacting with dogs can decrease cortisol and increase oxytocin, hormones associated with stress and relaxation. Additionally, dogs’ innate ability to sense human emotions provides comfort and support during anxiety or distress. This emotional connection can help dog owners navigate stressful situations with greater ease and resilience, resulting in a happier and more balanced life. Social Connections: Dog owners often experience increased social interactions, as caring for a dog can create numerous opportunities to meet and connect with others. Whether at the dog park, a pet-friendly cafe, or a neighborhood stroll, dog owners are likelier to converse with fellow pet owners and forge new friendships. This sense of community and social connection can improve mental health and overall well-being. Purpose: Caring for a dog gives owners a sense of purpose and responsibility. Their canine companions rely on them for their basic needs, such as food, shelter, exercise, and companionship. This responsibility can positively impact an individual’s mental health and self-esteem, giving them a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Additionally, the routine and structure that come with dog ownership can benefit individuals struggling with depression or anxiety, providing stability and predictability in their daily lives. Enhanced Happiness and Wellbeing: Dog owners tend to be happier for various reasons, including their pets’ unconditional love and companionship, the physical and mental health benefits associated with dog ownership, and the enhanced social connections from being part of a pet-loving community. Moreover, the sense of purpose and responsibility of caring for a canine companion can contribute to an overall sense of fulfillment and contentment. While owning a dog is not a guarantee for happiness, it is clear that the unique bond between humans and dogs can play a significant role in enhancing one’s well-being and overall quality of life.
    4 min. 13 sec.
  • Dog Poop In Fall Leaves

    28 OTT 2023 · Uh oh, you’ve found dog poop in fall leaves! Fall is the best time of year for many, including dogs, who don’t care if they poop on the leaves, hide their presents under the leaves, or if you can find the poop piles or not. If you’re not looking for poop under the leaves, your yard could become a stinky mess. Dog Poop is Dangerous Much to the surprise of many, dog doo is not a fertilizer but a pollutant that can get washed away and enter the surrounding environment, including watercourses such as streams and rivers, and can impact wildlife, plant growth, and human health. While pet owners responsibly scoop the poop they can spot on the lawn, the dog poop in fall leaves is often disguised, not found, and Poop Hide and SeekIn the fall, the maple trees, oaks, crabapples, and other deciduous trees drop their leaves, seemingly plotting to cover the ground with shades of brown. The result: you can easily lose sight of the poop piles so cleverly camouflaged in and under the leaves. It’s not fun to walk through a leaf-covered yard only to step into a pile of mush or have your kids come back indoors after playing in the leaves and finding Fido’s hidden treasures! hide and seek is not a fun game. The best way to alleviate mishaps when the leaves fall is to pick up the poop regularly, rake the leaves often, and keep the yard poop-free!Poop-Free for Everyone If you have a furry friend, you know how quickly your lawn can become littered with dog waste landmines. It’s good practice to clear the yard of poop piles regularly so your outdoor space is pleasant and usable. Your dogs will appreciate the clean and poop-free stomping grounds they love to play fetch, roll around, and lay in the warm autumn sun. Some dogs instinctively hide their poop under the leaves to cover their tracks so other animals won’t know they’ve been there. Sometimes life gets busy and cleaning up after your doggo is easier said than done. If you need assistance keeping up with the poop piles and the leaves in your yard, POOP 911 is the dog poop pollution solution every pet owner can use. Contact your local professionals today for a first free cleanup!
    2 min. 52 sec.
  • How To Train Your Senior Dog

    14 OTT 2023 · Yes, you can teach a senior dog new tricks! You can train your senior dog with patience, consistency, love, and treats. Whether you’ve adopted or rescued an older pup who might not have been taught much as a youngster, or you’ve had your furry friend since puppyhood and want to reinforce some training that got put by the wayside, you can teach any aged dog to respond to your commands.How to train your senior dog depends on a few scenarios. Are there other dogs in the home from which the old girl or boy can pick up clues? Having other pups in the house that already know the basic commands, like sit, stay, down, leave it, etc., greatly assists the new family member in learning what is acceptable. If no other pets are present, there are still ways to train your senior dog. Know Your Senior Dog Dogs are lifelong learners; generally, they love to please their owners and receive attention. Training your senior dog takes time and patience on your part. It helps to know their background and their past living arrangements, too. Focus on learning and understanding your dog’s characteristics, how they respond to you, and how they accept treats, and watch for subtle signs that your senior pup is trying to tell you something or let you know they need something. It’s much the same as getting a new puppy. Everything is new to both of you, and training a senior dog is no different.Benefits of Training a Senior DogFirst, find out what they already know. Training is super important for an adult dog with no training or manners, like jumping, barking excessively, peeing in the house, and chewing on items other than toys. Be consistent, too. The more you work with your new friend, the better for their mental well-being, keeping them stimulated and interested in what you’re doing and expecting from them. You’ll get a great response from a senior dog who is engaged. Stay on a Schedule Whether you are home all day or not, pick a time to spend 30 minutes or longer to train your senior dog.,support%20a%20dog's%20physical%20health. is key to getting results; soon enough, your new adult fur kid will look forward to and expect the interaction. Remember always to have your treats ready to reward good behavior!Keep Things PositiveYou’ll get far when positivity is part of how you train your senior dog. Food is gold to a dog, so grab some treats and start with the basics. If your newly adopted senior dog responds appropriately, good for you and them! Pay attention to your pup’s bathroom habits and for any cues they might use to let you know they need to go outside. Never reprimand your dog for making a mistake, but instead, reward and praise them each time they use the outdoors for their potty business, stay on command, and sit when asked to, even if it’s only once a day in the beginning. Positive equals results in the end. Already Knows Basic Commands Training your senior dog can be even more fun if your newly adopted older dog already knows the basics. Start with reinforcing those basic commands, and then up the ante. It will be fun for your senior dog to learn something new and please you. Find some brain challenge games like hide and seek with toys and treats, or teach them to bring you various items. You can teach an older dog new tricks. Patience, time, and understanding are needed, and your senior dog will live out their last years happy and healthy.
    3 min. 55 sec.
  • How to Introduce Your New Cat To Your Dog

    23 SET 2023 · Knowing how to introduce your new cat to your dog is important. Dogs have gotten a bad rap as being enemies of cats. This doesn’t have to be true if proper preparations, precautions, steps, and dog training are taken before and during the first meet and greet between the cat and your pup. Preparations and Precautions When you first bring your new cat home, ensure the dog is secured in a room where the new cat won’t see them. There will be enough going on with the trip home, new smells, and sounds, so you want the new cat to be as comfortable as possible with its new surroundings from the start. You should have already chosen a room where the cat can remain separated from the new dog for a few days, maybe longer, depending on the receptiveness of both pets. Make sure to spend lots of time with the cat, allowing both pets to explore the new pet scents on you and your clothing.Start with a closed-door room so the pets can still smell each other without being face to face. When you feel it’s the right time, open the door; however, secure a gate in the doorway. This step is important and a great way to introduce your new cat to your dog without possibly being frightened by this new creature in its new home. Supervise the interactions, and when the over-curiosity subsides, and the two pets seem comfortable with each other’s presence, it’s time for a tour of the home for the new cat. Next Steps Being aware of how and when to introduce your new cat to your dog is important. When your dog is outside doing doggie things or being taken for a walk, take your cat into the home’s living area. You can carry them around or let them explore without the dog in the house. They will instinctively locate some good hiding places when they might feel scared about loud noises, the dog barking, etc. Be sure to hold the cat when the dog returns to the house. Keep your dog on a leash for this first face-to-face interaction. Remember that kittens are more receptive to other animals or pets than an older cat or one that’s never shared a home with a dog. Give this introduction a little time, then return the cat to its safe place. Do this a few times every day for a few more days when introducing your new cat to your dog.Once you are certain both pets are used to each other, let the dog off the leash and allow the cat to explore. You must supervise closely, as dogs tend to chase and want to play with cats instinctively, and cats usually become afraid and defensive. If more time is needed for uneventful interactions and sharing space peacefully, continue to put the cat behind the gate and allow face-to-face meetings periodically and daily until you feel they are safe to roam without your presence. Training Your Dog Before Getting a New Cat Another important step to consider is proper puppy training before you introduce your new cat to your dog. Once they have been introduced, your dog must be taught that chasing or being rough with a cat is inappropriate behavior and be guided toward what is appropriate. Reward good behaviors in return for a treat. If your dog is always punished when your cat is around and never has “good things” happen in the cat’s presence, your dog may redirect aggression toward the cat. Most cats and dogs learn to live together, play with each other, share food, and even sleep side by side. Some learn to tolerate each other and keep their distance. However, how your new cat and dog choose to live with each other is up to them. Your job is to know how to introduce your new cat to your dog in a way that fosters a comfortable and harmonious household!
    4 min. 12 sec.
  • How to Train a Stubborn Puppy

    16 SET 2023 · Want to learn how to train a stubborn puppy? Patience, consistency, exercise, and many treats can go a long way in your successful efforts and your puppy’s happiness! Create a Routine Puppies respond to consistency and habit and want to make you happy. Setting your puppy up for success by setting clear expectations includes establishing a daily routine that meets your new fur baby’s needs, including walks and exercise, socializing with other people and pets, playing, training, feeding, sleeping, and fitting it all into your lifestyle. Lack of motivation in a puppy plays a big factor in stubbornness, and when sticking to a routine, your fur baby will look forward to the interaction and fun, even if the pattern is set at their pace. Lots of Positive Reinforcement Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to promote desirable behavior, and it doesn’t always have to be in the form of food. Lots of things count as ‘treats’ to a puppy – a big hurray, lots of smiles, toys, and attention go a long way when your puppy performs according to your wishes. Remember, positive means adding something, and reinforcement means increasing behavior. When your puppy is lying down, give the treat and say the word or phrase you choose for the action. When your puppy is sitting, do the same. Even when you’re puppy isn’t barking or playing with a toy, you can reinforce the positive behavior. Choose a word for each behavior, good and bad, and remember consistency on your part. Over time, your puppy will learn to understand the word or phrase, behave accordingly, and expect whatever positive reinforcement you choose. Distraction Method Sometimes a stubborn puppy can be easily distracted by a different activity. If you see your puppy start chewing on the furniture, get their attention with a toy. When they stop the bad behavior, say “good puppy!” Distraction can work in your favor to teach the stubborn puppy not to engage in unwanted behavior. If your puppy tends to chase squirrels or other backyard critters, you want to teach them to look at you and come to you, whatever the ‘‘ is. The distraction method could save your puppy’s life or from serious injury if they are ever off-leash in public or get out of the yard. With time and patience, your puppy will decide that you and the distraction are much more fun than being stubborn and getting into trouble! Family Matters Everyone in the must be on the same page when training a stubborn puppy. All family members need to be taught the same words and phrases that will be used, your methods for positive reinforcement and distraction, and stick to them! Sometimes being stubborn is a sign of confusion, and if the puppy gets a different direction from other family members, your puppy won’t have a chance for success! Additionally, everything you teach your puppy, the words, phrases, and positive reinforcement methods, should be continued through adulthood. Once you’ve changed the thoughts of a stubborn puppy, try new things to keep your growing puppy interested and ready to behave as you wish!
    3 min. 45 sec.
  • Dogs Love Playing In The Rain

    12 AGO 2023 · Dogs love playing in the rain. But why? What are some other useful tips to know?Rainy days can often dampen our spirits and keep us indoors, but rain can be an opportunity for a wet and wild adventure for our furry friends. Dogs possess an innate curiosity and zest for life that can make them excellent companions during drizzly weather. - Rain as a Sensory Delight: Rain showers provide a symphony of scents, sounds, and sights that can stimulate a dog’s senses. The fresh scent of rain-soaked grass, the rhythmic pitter-patter of droplets on leaves, and the glistening reflection of puddles all contribute to a captivating sensory experience for dogs. By allowing our canine companions to explore and interact with their environment in the rain, we can enhance their mental stimulation and overall well-being. - Splish-Splash: Dogs, known for their love of play, can find endless enjoyment in the rain. The falling raindrops and splashing puddles allow them to engage in playful behaviors like jumping, chasing raindrops, or simply frolicking through the waterlogged terrain. This playful activity provides a great outlet for their energy and strengthens the bond between humans and their canine friends. - A Chance to Refresh and Rejuvenate: Rain showers can offer a much-needed break from the summer heat or simply a change of scenery for dogs accustomed to their usual routines. For long-haired breeds, rainy weather can provide a refreshing reprieve from hot temperatures, allowing them to cool down naturally. - Rainy Day Precautions: While dogs can revel in the rain, it’s crucial to ensure their safety and well-being during wet weather adventures. Here are some essential precautions to consider: a. Protecting Against Cold: If it’s a chilly rain, consider outfitting your dog with a or sweater to keep them warm and prevent them from getting too cold. b. Puddle Awareness: Avoid stagnant or polluted water sources like puddles, which may contain harmful substances or bacteria. Instead, encourage your dog to drink from a clean water source or carry fresh water. c. Drying and Grooming: After your dog’s rainy escapade, dry them thoroughly with a towel to prevent them from getting chilled. Pay attention to their paws, as rainwater can accumulate between their paw pads and lead to discomfort or infection. Grooming, especially for long-haired breeds, helps prevent matting and ensures their coat stays clean and healthy. d. Visibility and Leash Control: Reduced visibility during rainy weather may increase the risk of accidents. Keep your dog on a leash and maintain control to prevent them from running into traffic or getting lost.
    3 min. 9 sec.
  • Keeping Your Furry Friend Cool: Dog Care Tips for August

    8 AGO 2023 · As August brings its scorching temperatures and blistering sun, it’s important to remember that our four-legged companions feel the heat just as much as we do. Dogs are susceptible to heat-related illnesses, so it’s crucial to take steps to keep them cool and comfortable during this sweltering month. Whether you have a playful pup or a relaxed senior dog, here are some essential tips to ensure your furry friend stays safe and cool in August. 1. Hydration is Key Just like humans, dogs need plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially in the heat. Make sure your pup always has access to fresh, clean water. If you’re going on a walk or spending time outdoors, carry a collapsible water bowl and offer water breaks frequently. 2. Time Your Walks Adjust your dog’s exercise routine to avoid the hottest parts of the day. Early mornings and late evenings are the best times for walks and outdoor play. Asphalt and pavement can get extremely hot and burn your dog’s paws, so test the surface with your hand before letting your dog walk on it. 3. Grooming Matters Regular grooming not only helps to maintain your dog’s coat but also aids in keeping them cool. While shaving a dog’s coat during summer might be tempting, consult your vet or a professional groomer first, as some breeds’ coats act as,from%20sunburn%20and%20insect%20bites. Regular brushing, however, can help remove loose fur and prevent matting, allowing better airflow to the skin. 4. Avoid Overexertion Limit strenuous activities like intense fetch sessions or vigorous play during the hottest parts of the day. Dogs can easily overheat and become exhausted, leading to heatstroke or dehydration. Opt for calmer indoor games or mental stimulation exercises instead. 5. Use Cooling Products Various cooling products are designed specifically for dogs. Cooling vests, bandanas, and mats are designed to keep your dog’s body temperature down. These products often work by retaining water and providing evaporative cooling as it evaporates from the material. 6. Know the Signs of Heatstroke Understanding the signs of heatstroke is vital. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, rapid heartbeat, lethargy, vomiting, and coordination problems. If you suspect your dog is suffering from heatstroke, move them to a cooler area, offer water, and contact a veterinarian immediately. Due to the heat, August can be a challenging month for both pup parents and dogs. By following these tips, you can ensure your furry companion stays comfortable and safe during the year’s hottest days. Remember, extra care goes a long way in keeping your dog cool and happy all summer.
    3 min. 19 sec.
  • Can Dogs See Color?

    18 MAR 2023 · Can dogs see color? Dogs are known for their sharp senses, and their sense of sight is one of their strongest attributes. However, there is a common misconception that dogs cannot see colors and that they only see in black and white. In reality, dogs can see colors, but their color perception differs from humans. The human eye has three types of color receptors, called cones, which allow us to see a wide range of colors. These cones are sensitive to different wavelengths of light: short, medium, and long. The combination of signals from these cones allows us to see the full spectrum of colors.Our furry friends, on the other hand, have only two types of cones sensitive to blue and yellow wavelengths of light. This means that dogs are essentially red-green colorblind and cannot distinguish between certain shades of red and green. Instead, they perceive these colors as a range of yellow, gray, and brown tones.Despite this limitation, dogs still have a much wider range of color vision than true black-and-white vision. They are able to see shades of blue and yellow, which can help them distinguish between different objects and terrain. For example, a dog may be able to spot a yellow tennis ball against a green lawn even though they cannot see the ball’s bright color. Interestingly, some studies suggest that dogs may also be able to see some shades of green and red, but not as vividly as humans. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.It’s important to note that while dogs may not see colors in the same way that humans do, their sense of smell and hearing is much more acute and are their primary means of navigating the world. Nevertheless, understanding a dog’s visual capabilities can help us better communicate and interact with our furry companions.While dogs may not in the same way that humans do, they are not colorblind and can still distinguish between different hues. Their visual system is optimized for their specific needs, and their ability to see shades of blue and yellow helps them navigate the world around them. So, the next time you take your dog for a walk, remember that they may not see the world the same way you do, but they still have a remarkable sense of sight that helps them make sense of their surroundings.
    3 min. 3 sec.

Our highly trained and professional staff are able to provide weekly or bi-weekly service. Your service is completely customizable, to fit your family and pet's needs. We only charge after...

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Our highly trained and professional staff are able to provide weekly or bi-weekly service. Your service is completely customizable, to fit your family and pet's needs. We only charge after each service is provided. Call 1-877-POOP-911 (1-877-766-7911) today to enjoy a hassle-free clean yard. Our service is guaranteed. If you are not happy with your service your next cleaning is on us.
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