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Playa Crasher Podcast

    Love music festivals and country music? Calling all future and alumni attendees of Crash My Playa or just country music fans! Each week, the Crash Crew will talk about tips...

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    Love music festivals and country music? Calling all future and alumni attendees of Crash My Playa or just country music fans! Each week, the Crash Crew will talk about tips and tricks of attending this festival or others, interview crash crews and other interesting people, talk about music news and generally keep us together while we wait for the next CMP!

    Swalsh, Tipsy Tinkerbell, and S.O. (Solutions Oriented Melissa), are alumni who love all things music and all things Crash My Playa. With us, you're accessing a collective 23 years of CMP experience! Do the math.... 6 CMP's + 7 CMP's + 6 CMP's = 23 years in 9. Ha! There is space for everyone newbies and alumni both because who could be savage when talking about drinking on the beach, being on vacation, and listening to music? We've got you covered for all the things we love and are officially on the count down to do again.

    With the 10th anniversary approaching, there is a lot to talk about. Want to be featured with your Crash Crew? Have topics to chat about? Email us at to be featured.
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